Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      On 13 June 2007 the Development Committee considered and gave approval for the change management process for the Development Department, which included support from Business Improvement for Departmental restructuring activities. This followed the Council’s approval on 1 November 2006 for interim restructuring across the Council ahead of the Review of Public Administration (RPA) and the associated organisational impact of the transfer of functions on the Development Department.  Structural Reviews were approved in areas of particular need, which included Business Support, Policy and Research, Events, the Waterfront Hall/Ulster Hall merger and Community Services.  The aim of restructuring was to rationalise and release further resources into the process. 


      On 7 October 2008 the Development Committee agreed to adopt the recommendations of the structural reviews as the management side position in order to proceed under the Council’s agreed policies and processes to move to implementation.


      The following report is an update following consultation.


Key Issues


      Policy and Research, Culture and Arts and Events Reviews


      Prior to the original Committee these reviews had been agreed in principle with relevant parties and have now been successfully implemented.  The Policy & Research Unit structure was re?designed and streamlined by bringing together what had been two separate Units.


      The City Events Unit was re-positioned within the Waterfront and Ulster Hall structure, with the Manager reporting directly to the Head of City Events and Venues.  Locating the Unit here allows for the utilisation of the expertise of both sets of staff in organising and co-ordinating events forging close links with the Civic, Sports and Entertainments programmes in the City.


      The Culture and Arts Section merged with the Tourism Unit in order to maximise synergies and fully integrate the Tourism, Culture and Arts activities for the City.  To support this ethos the roles and responsibilities of the managerial posts were reconfigured.


      Markets Review


      A trade union and staff representative group had been established to inform and create the proposed working patterns. This group was pivotal in the creation of realistic and effective working patterns. The working patterns are now agreed and signed off.


      Business Support Review


      With effect from 1 May 2009 all consultations with staff and trade unions have been completed and resulted in the adoption of the management side position put forward to Committee in October 2008.  The structure, as adopted at October Committee, was fully agreed with no structural change.  There were no additional financial implications following consultation.  The implementation of the new structure is now underway in terms of operational implementation and staff implementation through categorisation and agreed council procedures.


      Waterfront/Ulster Hall Review


      At their meeting of 13 March 2009, the Waterfront Hall Management/Trade Union Forum adopted the revised management side position. This new position allows for a minor change to the structure presented to Committee in October 2008,


      This refers to a change in the reporting line for the fixed term post of Education Worker.  This post will now report directly to the Arts and Community Co-ordinator rather than the Media, Communications and Customer Relations Manager.


      There is no financial implication for this change.


      Appendix 1 shows the proposed management side revised structure.


      Community Services


      Currently involved in the consultation process and the outcome will be brought back to Committee on completion.


Resource Implications






      Human Resources


      Standard Council procedures will apply in relation to the implementation and categorisation process.


      Asset and Other Implications






      It is recommended that Members:


1.   Note the contents of the report.


2.   Agree the adoption of the revised organisation structure for the Waterfront and Ulster Hall.


Decision Tracking


      On adoption of recommendation 2, implement the revised structure for the Waterfront and Ulster Hall.


            Timeline: October 2009 Reporting Officer: Marie-Thérèse McGivern


Key to Abbreviations


      BIS      Business Improvement Section


Documents Attached


      Appendix 1     Proposed management side revised structure”


            The Committee adopted the foregoing recommendations.


Supporting documents: