Agenda item

To consider further that portion of the minute of the meeting of 12th August under the heading “Planning and Transport Unit – Update” which referred to the Belfast Masterplan Review which, at the request of Councillor Michael Browne, was referred back to the Committee by the Council at its meeting on 1st September.


            The Committee considered further that portion of the minute of 12th August under the heading “Planning and Transport Unit Update” in so far as it related to the Belfast Masterplan Review which had been taken back at the Council meeting on 1st September at the request of Councillor M. Browne.  An extract of the portion of the minute in this regard is set out hereunder:


     The Committee considered the undernoted report:


      ‘Relevant Background Information






      In the period since the formulation of the Masterplan in 2003/04 there has been considerable change to the economic, social and environmental context for the development of Belfast and the wider region. In addition, the proposed Review of Public Administration and the transfer of responsibilities, including local land use planning and regeneration functions, have altered the administrative context. 


      The five years since adoption have also seen the development of a number of new strategies, including the City Centre Masterplans and the Strategic Regeneration Frameworks, which the Department for Social Development commissioned for each of the five Partnership Board areas.  This changing context and the emerging strategies for areas of the City have highlighted the need for the Council to have a coherent and up to date vision for the future development of Belfast.


      The review of the current BelfastMasterplan offers the opportunity to revisit the strategic vision for the City. This review and updated strategic position would facilitate continued Council engagement with strategies such as the proposed Strategic Regeneration Frameworks and assist in influencing regeneration/development initiatives planned for the City.


      The current Departmental budgets include provision for the procurement of the Masterplan review.  To initiate the project it is suggested that the Committee approves an allocation of £70,000 towards the review and associated stakeholder consultation.




Resource Implications




      The review of the BelfastMasterplan will exceed the limit on procurement by quotation and will be subject of a competitive tender process with a budget approval of £70,000 recommended. The current Departmental budgets include provisions for.....the procurement of the Masterplan Review. 




      Members are requested to:




      Approve the proposed review of the BelfastMasterplan and the procurement of specialist support through a competitive tender process at a cost of up to £70,000




Decision Tracking


      Results of the proposed procurement process for the Masterplan review to be reported back to committee.


      Timeline September 2009         

      Reporting Officer: Shirley McCay’


      During discussion in the matter, Members made the undernoted comments regarding the proposed review of the Belfast Masterplan referred to within the report:


(i)      it might not be appropriate to undertake the review given that the boundary changes which would come into effect following the Review of Public Administration had not yet been clarified and the economic downturn was continuing;


(ii)     even if it were considered appropriate for the review to proceed it might not be necessary to employ outside consultants given the internal expertise which existed within the Council; and


(iii)     no mention had been made within the review of cycling, which was a significant mode of transport within the City.


      In reply, the Director indicated that it might be possible for the review to be undertaken at a cost less than the £70,000 set out in the report.  She accepted that there was in-house expertise to undertake such a review but pointed out that it would be necessary to relieve these staff of their current duties in order to permit them to concentrate on such work and, given the existing workload within the Department it was not considered to be a feasible option.  She indicated that the Masterplan, which had been first produced in 2004, had helped to shape the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan and had been due for review in 2007. In addition, the Council’s own Arterial Routes and Renewing the Routes initiatives, which had been a considerable success, owed much to the original Belfast Masterplan.  The Director advised the Committee that the proposed review would allow the Council to put forward its own proposals for the future development of the City and that she would seek to ensure that the review incorporated the cycle routes in the City.


Following further discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Rodgers,

Seconded by Councillor Rodway,


      That, given the uncertainty about changes to the City’s boundary and the continuing economic downturn, no review be undertaken of the Belfast Masterplan at this time.


      On a vote by show of hands seven Members voted for the proposal and four against and it was accordingly declared carried.




            During discussion in the matter, a Member informed the Committee that he had been advised by the Director of Improvement that, as part of the transfer to the new Council in 2011 of Planning powers, the Council would be required to produce a Planning document which would sit one level lower than the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan.  Accordingly, he believed it would be important for the current Belfast Masterplan to be reviewed as it could then be used as the basis for the new Planning document.  He pointed out that the £70,000 cost referred to in the minute was the amount of money which had been set aside in the budget to have the work undertaken.  However, he suggested that, if much of the work was undertaken by Council staff, the cost would be considerably less than £70,000.  It was pointed out also that, if the Department of the Environment were to require the Council to produce such a Planning document as part of the transfer of the Planning function, then the Department should be requested to offer funding towards the costs of its production.


            In response to Members’ questions, the Director indicated that, whilst much of the work which would be involved in reviewing the Masterplan could be undertaken within the Council, a small amount of work would have to be carried out by consultants where the relevant skills were not available within the Council.  She was confident, however. that this work would cost less than the £70,000 sum which was available within the current budget.


            After further discussion, the Committee agreed to rescind its decision of 12th August regarding the review of the Belfast Masterplan.  In addition, the Committee agreed in principle that preparatory work be undertaken in connection with the review of the Belfast Masterplan, subject to a report being submitted to its next monthly meeting setting out details of the associated costs.


Supporting documents: