Agenda item

To consider further that portion of the minute of the meeting of 16th September under the heading “Sister City Nashville” which referred to the outward Civic Visit to Nashville in 2010 which, at the request of Councillor Stalford, was referred back to the Committee by the Council at its meeting on 1st October.


            The Committee considered further that portion of the minute of 16th September under the heading “Sister City Nashville” in so far as it related to the outward Civic Visit to Nashville in 2010, which had been taken back at the Council meeting on 1st October at the request of Councillor Stalford.  An extract of that portion of the minute is set out hereunder:


      “The Committee considered the undernoted report:


‘Relevant Background Information


      Outward Civic Visit To Nashville 2010


      Approval is sought for an inward Civic Visit from Mayor Dean and delegation and an outward Civic Visit by the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee or their nominees, plus 3 officers on 11–14 March 2010

 (no additional financial commitment is required from Committee).  Music tourism events are scheduled for Nashville in March 2010.  Delivered by the BelfastNashville Songwriters’ Festival and supported by Arts Council NI, this will feature Belfast musicians who will perform with high profile singer?songwriters from Nashville.  It is a unique opportunity to launch Belfast’s music tourism initiatives internationally and this will be endorsed by the Nashville Mayor’s Office of Economic Development and Nashville Sister City representatives. 


      The BelfastCity Council delegation would be accompanied by Tourism Ireland, Ulster Historical Foundation, BBC, Songwriters’ Festival and musicians.  On 11 and 12 March, the Members would attend a programme of civic meetings scheduled by the Nashville Sister Cities Committee in relation to the 2010 Action Plan and also the:


-     Media launch of the Belfast Titanic Exhibition

-     Media launch of new Belfast Tourism Products

-     Media launch of Genealogy Tourism Workshops


      The BelfastNashville Songwriters’ Music Industry Showcases will culminate in a high profile public concert with Nashville and Belfast musicians on Saturday 13 March and broadcast on BBC and Nashville Public Television.


Resource Implications


      £51,150 which has been provided within the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit budget for implementation of the action plan.




      It is recommended that Members approve an outward Civic Visit by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Development Committee, or their nominees, plus 3 officers on 11?14 March 2010 (no additional financial commitment is required from Committee)


Decision Tracking


      Further to approval of the outward Civic Visit, an update report in relation to planning and preparation will be brought to Committee.

Timeframe:  December 2009

Reporting Officer:  Shirley McCay


      The Head of Economic Initiatives drew the Committee’s attention to various aspects of the report and indicated that, subsequent to the papers having been issued, it had been considered that it would be beneficial for the Lord Mayor to be included in the visit to Nashville in March, 2010.


      During discussion in the matter, several Members expressed concern at the size of the delegation which it was proposed would visit Nashville next year and suggested that only two officers should attend.  Other Members indicated that, given the importance of the visit to the City and Belfast-based musicians and businesses and due to the level of work which would be required, it would be important that three officers be included in the delegation to Nashville.  The point was made that the inclusion of the Lord Mayor in the party would demonstrate the importance which Belfast gave to its SisterCity relationship with Nashville.


      After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Kirkpatrick,

Seconded by Councillor Rodgers,


      That the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, together with two officers, participate in the visit to Nashville in March, 2010.


      On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared lost.


      Following further discussion, the Committee agreed that two Councillors and three officers be authorised to participate in the visit to Nashville from 11th till 14th March, 2010.”


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to affirm its decision of 16th September.



Supporting documents: