Agenda item


            (Mrs. J. Minne, Head of Human Resources, attended in connection with this item.)


            At this point in the meeting, at the request of the Chairman, all officers present, with the exception of the Head of Human Resources and the Committee Administrator, left the room whilst this item was discussed.


            The Head of Human Resources informed the Committee that, since there was no natural deputy for the Director within the Departmental structure, the undernoted arrangements would be in place until the new Director of Development was in post:


(i)       the Head of City Events and Venues would be responsible for issues relating to the Waterfront and Ulster Halls; Events; Community Services and Business Support;


(ii)      the Head of Economic Initiatives would be responsible for issues relating to Economic Development; The North Foreshore; Planning and Transport; Tourism, Culture and Arts; European matters; Policy and Business Development; Good Relations issues and the Strategic Neighbourhood Action Plan; and


(iii)     the two officers would jointly be responsible for:


·          providing strategic leadership and support to the Chief Executive;


·          developing the agenda for Committee meetings, dealing with issues raised at such meetings and working with the Committee Chairman;


·          setting the agenda for the Development Department Management Team and issues arising therefrom;


·          attending Committee, Council and Chief Officers’ Management Team meetings;


·          working with outside organisations; and


·          any other related issues.


            She reported that, in accordance with the remuneration arrangements agreed for Chief Officers and Heads of Service by the former Personnel Sub-Committee, at its meeting on 23rd February, 2004, each officer would receive a payment of two additional increments until the new Director was in post.  These costs would be met by the savings resulting from the Director of Development post being vacant.


            During discussion in the matter, a Member stated that it was usual for one officer to act-up and asked why more than one officer was doing so on this occasion.  Discussion also took place on the cost of these arrangements and whether they could be met from within the existing budget.


            In reply, the Head of Human Resources indicated that, where there was one deputy to a vacant post, full acting-up arrangements may be applied but where there was more than one officer reporting to a vacant post (in this case two Heads of Service reporting to the Director) the options were either to undertake a selection process to select one officer to act up or to share the responsibilities between the officers reporting to the vacant post.  Since the recruitment exercise for the position of Director of Development was underway, it had not been considered to be appropriate to undertake a selection process to fill the post of Director in a temporary capacity.  Accordingly, the Business Improvement Section had been requested to undertake an assessment on the basis of the duties of the Director of Development post being divided between the two Heads of Service as outlined above, with both members of staff receiving as recompense two additional increments on the pay scale.  She pointed out that the Head of City Events and Venues and the Head of Economic Initiatives were content with these arrangements.  She advised the Committee that these additional payments to the two Heads of Service could be accommodated out of the savings arising from the vacant Director of Development post and therefore could be met from within the Department’s salaries budget.


            Following further discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided regarding the interim cover and remuneration arrangements which would be in place until the new Director of Development was in post.