Agenda item


            (Mrs. J. Thompson, Director of Finance and Resources, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered a report which had been prepared by the Director of Finance and Resources in respect of the estimates of revenue expenditure for the year 2010/2011.  A copy of that section of the report, in so far as it applies specifically to the Development Committee, is set out hereunder:


      “A spending limit of £22,743,507 is recommended for the Development Committee, which represents an increase of £269,576 or 1.20% over last year. The main items of expenditure of the Department are outlined at Appendix 1.


      Community Services continues to work with community groups, organisations and citizens to build community capacity and to offer front line services and advice to the community sector. Continued alignment of budgets to actual costs incurred and in service efficiencies have meant that the budget for 2010/2011 has been held mainly at the 2009/2010 level.


      During the year 2010/11 both the Waterfront and Ulster Halls will continue to provide world-class entertainment and conference facilities that will help to promote the cultural and economic regeneration of Belfast and so contribute to the economic benefit of not only the City but the region as a whole.  Operationally, with the unit now operating under a joint remit, together with the City Events Unit, the section is examining ways to create operating efficiencies during 2010/11 in the areas of marketing, technical support services, provision of security and repairs and maintenance.  With the initiation of an Education and Cultural Heritage Outreach programme the Ulster Hall will seek to maximise the heritage potential of the building, while also contributing to the ‘Sunday in Belfast’ product and helping to deliver the other cultural tourism aspirations of the Council.


      The City Events budget reflects transfers to Tourism, Culture and Arts, reductions in budget regarding Tall Ships (£200k) and Nomadic (£50k) which are not requirements in 2010/2011 and an increase of £155k regarding the European Pipe Band Championships which will be held in July 2010.


      The Tourism, Culture and Arts budget reflects priorities identified through the draft Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework which has been developed in partnership with the NI Tourist Board and through the Integrated Cultural Strategy, which has been developed in partnership with the Arts Council NI. The budgeted increase reflects the transfer of responsibilities from the Events Team to the newly merged Tourism, Culture and Arts Team and includes budgetary provision for the City Carnival and Nomadic.


      In order to ensure that the Council maintains the capacity to engage in local regeneration activity through the Renewing the Routes Programme and completes the implementation of ongoing initiatives, it is proposed to increase the budget for Arterial Routes by £329k. The continuation of the current programme on a temporary basis through 2010 /2011 will enable the Council to continue to deliver a valued and successful programme pending the resolution of the detailed statutory transfer of regeneration functions under RPA in 2011/2012. The inclusion of this budget is, of course, dependent on approval of a separate report which will follow on this Committee agenda.


      The Strategic Neighbourhood Action Programme (SNAP) was created to develop the necessary tools and procedures to adopt an integrated approach to Local Area Working. The alignment of budget to planned activity in 2010/2011 which includes delivery of the My Neighbourhood Engagement Programme, on-going development of the local intelligence system (citystats information portal), development of area-based programmes and the implementation of the Council’s commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal across the City has ensured a reduction of £74k in the prior year budget.


      Although additional costs of £178,760 in respect of increased rates and superannuation will have to be borne by the Department, through the Council’s mini budget review and the corporate efficiency programme, the Department will be able to deliver overall some £143,745 of savings.




      Members are requested to note the contents of the report and agree the cash limit for the Development Committee for 2010/11 of £22,743,507 and the proposed allocation of the resources therein.













Net Expenditure







Community Services




City Events and Venues


Waterfront/Ulster Halls


City Events




Economic Initiatives Section


Tourism, Culture and Arts


Economic Development


Planning and Transport


North Foreshore


Planning and Development






Development Directorate


City Development


Policy & Research




European Unit







            The Director of Finance and Resources outlined the factors which had been taken into consideration in the preparation of the estimates and highlighted the costs which had contributed to a Departmental increase of 1.20% from the previous year.  She informed the Members that on 8th January the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee had agreed that the cash limit for the Development Committee should be £22,743, 507 and then answered questions which were put to her by the Members.


            During discussion, a Member suggested that in future years it would be beneficial for comparative purposes for the Committee to be provided with figures detailing the budgets which had previously been agreed for the current year as well as those proposed for the incoming year.


            Following further discussion, the Committee agreed unanimously that its cash limit for the 2010/2011 financial year be £22,743, 507 and approved the allocation of resources as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


Supporting documents: