Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      On 13th June, 2007 the Development Committee considered and gave approval for the change management process for the Development Department, which included support from Business Improvement (BIS) for departmental restructuring activities.  Structural reviews were approved in areas of particular need which included Community Services.  The main aim of this restructuring process was to recommend a fit for purpose structure for Community Services in order to deliver the Community Support Plan 08-10 and Departmental and Corporate Objectives.


      In addition, the proposed structure needs to be flexible enough to enable the Community Services Unit to respond to the implications of the Review of Public Administration and ensure integration with local area working.


      On 7th October, 2008 the Development Committee agreed to adopt the recommendations of the structural reviews as the management side position in order to proceed under the Council’s agreed policies and processes to move to implementation.


      The following report is an update following consultation for notation and approval by the Committee.


Key Issues


      With effect from the 18 December 2009 all consultations with staff and trade unions have been completed and following these full and frank discussions the revised management side position was agreed.  


      Predominantly this results in management accepting the position that the trade unions and staff side have tabled with regards to retaining generic posts at the levels of Community Services Unit Managers and Community Development Officers.


      Management side feel that they will be able to accommodate this change and meet the needs of the Service going forward while still affording the level of flexibility required operationally to meet the changing needs of the Unit’s business plans.


      This new position allows for a minor change to the structure presented to Committee on 7 October 2008 (Appendix 1), in relation to representing the generic nature of these jobs and their associated reporting lines and responsibilities.  Management have also agreed to the renaming of a number of posts as part of the consultation feedback and are content that these changes reflect the current key duties and responsibilities.  Changes to job descriptions are being currently being carried out following the final consultation session on 18 December 2009.  Please see Appendix 2 for a copy of the updated Community Service structure.


      As can be seen from the attached organisational chart, in addition to the above minor changes, a new post of Children and Young People Manager was created under delegated authority.  This was outside the scope of the original review but reflected the importance placed by the Council on such issues as preparing for RPA in relation to policy, planning and service provision for Children &Young People, reacting to the creation of the Education & Skills Authority and the proposed devolution by OFMDFM of responsibilities in relation to Play.


      With the creation of this post it made business and operational sense to move the play strand in its entirety under the remit of this post.  The move reflects the importance of this professional discipline for the Community Services unit and the council ratification of the Play Review.  A knock-on effect of this change (also requested by the trade unions), is that the Cleaners in the play centres now report to the play team and not the Community Development Officers in facilities, better reflecting their actual day?to-day responsibilities.


      The implementation of the new structure is imminent; both operationally and with regards to staff movement through categorisation and other agreed Council procedures.


      There are no financial implications associated with any of these changes within the scope of the original review.


Resource Implications


      Human Resources


      Standard Council procedures will apply in relation to the implementation and categorisation process.




      It is recommended that Members:


1.   Note the contents of the report.

2.   Agree the adoption of the revised organisation structure for Community Services


Decision Tracking


      Further to ratification of the recommendation the revised organisation structure will be implemented.


      Timeline:  30th June, 2010

      Reporting Officer:  Tim Husbands/Catherine Taggart


Key to Abbreviations


      BIS – Business Improvement Section


Documents Attached


      Appendix 1 - Original management side structure.

      Appendix 2 - Proposed revised structure.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: