Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Key Issues


      1.  Stallage and Hire Fees Increase


      A)  Friday and Saturday Markets:


      The present fee of £12.00 per pitch i.e. one x 8ft x 4ft table plus £3.00 for an electricity supply, was agreed by the Development Committee on 22nd March, 2006 and subsequently ratified by Council. Previously, a fee of £10.00 per pitch had been charged after the refurbishment in 2000.  The Development Committee also approved in March 2001 a Stall Discount Scheme for the hiring of multiple stalls and, in October 2004, a 25% incentive discount for those paying in advance.


      The Markets Development Officer has consulted with representatives of the Belfast Branch of the National Market Traders Federation (NMTF) and Saturday Traders Committee (STC) with regard to a rise in stall prices. The NMTF and STC recognise that no price increase has been applied since April 2006 and acknowledge that a rise in fees is due.


      NMTF representatives have indicated to Council Officers that a rise from £12.00 to £13.00 per pitch (a rise of £1.00) would be acceptable to traders in both the Friday and Saturday Markets.


      Currently electricity is charged at £3.00 per socket regardless of the number of appliances plugged in to the supply.  It is recommended that a fairer system would be to keep the charge at £3.00 but to charge per appliance rather than per power supply. This will also enable the Market staff to better control and monitor electricity usage.


      B)  Multiple Stallage:


      It is also recommended that discount rates for hiring multiple pitches remain as previously approved. Traders hiring 4 or more stalls are to continue to be granted the following discounts:


Stalls:       Discount:       Equivalent to:


4                £6.50               half stall

5                £13.00             one stall

6                £19.50             one and half stalls

7                £26.00             two stalls

8                £32.50             two and half

9+              £39.00             three stalls


      The Friday Market is full and there are over 67 traders on a waiting list for a pitch. The Saturday Market has grown from 55 stalls, when launched in September 2004, to over 150 stalls today, however, incentives to commit to weekly trading are still required.


      It is therefore recommended that the incentive of 25% discount for booking and pre-paying per quarter be continued.


      C)  Specialist Markets:


      The Council currently promotes and operates 3 specialist markets throughout the year at St George’s. These specialist markets, such as the Craft Fairs, incur additional promotion costs to the Council.  This promotion comprises activities that would not normally fall within the remit of the Market, such as customised advertising, live entertainment, extra staffing and children’s entertainment. Based on previous specialist market's  costs, it is estimated that these events cost Belfast City Council approximately £45.00 per stall to operate. The current charge per stall at specialist event markets is £50.00.


      It is recommended that stallage for these specialist markets is revised to £60.00 per pitch per day  and £3.00 for each electrical appliance.


      D)  Event Hire Fees:


      The event hire fees for St George’s Market were last reviewed in April 2006 and it is recommended that they be increased by approximately 10% across the board. 


      Resource Implications


      The proposed rise in stallage and hire costs would give additional imcome to the Council and help cover the Market’s operational costs.




-     Raise the price of a stall from £12.00 to £13.00 per market day and electricity to be charged per appliance


-     Continue with the stall discount rates for hiring multiple pitches as outlined


-     By way of incentive to trade every Saturday and for the next financial year to continue with the 25% incentive discount in return for booking and prepaying for a full quarter’s Markets (13 weeks).


-     To approve the fee of £60.00 per stall for the Craft Fairs and any other specialist niche markets organised in St George’s Market by BelfastCity Council


-     To agree to increase the hire fees for events in St George’s Market by 10%


-     The Committee is further recommended to agree that the revised stall and hire fees apply from 1 April 2010 and to be reviewed again in 2 years time.


      Decision Tracking:


      Following approval Markets Management will introduce new rates from 1st April, 2010.


      Time Frame: February 2010.    Reporting Officer: Shirley McCay”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.