Agenda item


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that, in accordance with its decision of 13th January, a deputation from the Forum for an Alternative Belfast was in attendance regarding plans which the organisation had for Bank Square.  She pointed out that the Forum was a group of architects and surveyors whose stated aim was to make Belfast more attractive and that their proposals were compatible with those of the consultants which had been appointed by the Department for Social Development to prepare an improvement scheme for Bank Square.  She reminded the Members that they had been invited by the Department for Social Development to a presentation on the consultants’ proposals later in the week.  The Committee agreed to receive the deputation.  Accordingly, Messrs. Declan Hill and Mark Hackett were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            With the assistance of visual aids, the deputation explained that the Forum’s ideas for Bank Square involved:


(i)      the reduction in the size of Castlecourt’s service yard, which was located on the southern side of the Square;


(ii)     the provision of small retail units around the wall of the service yard;


(iii)    the Ulster Reform Club building an extension to its property on the western side of the Square;


(iv)    the construction of an arcade from Castle Street to the northern side of the Square which would improve the pedestrian flow; and


(v)     the sale of a small portion of land which was in public ownership thereby generating income for the Department for Social Development.


            Mr. Hill informed the Committee that the two churches on the Square and the businesses which operated within it, together with the Reform Club and Westfield Shoppingtowns Limited, the owners of Castlecourt, were supportive of the Forum’s plans.  He pointed out that the proposed scheme would operate within the boundaries of the current owners’ property which should enable it to be progressed without undue delay.  Mr. Hackett indicated that the Forum was keen that the improvements to Bank Square involved a design-led solution rather than the needs-led solution which was being proposed by the Department for Social Development.  He pointed out that the Forum had had discussions with Westfield regarding reducing the size of its service yard.  He indicated that the Forum’s proposals would result in active buildings on all four sides of Bank Square and would improve pedestrian traffic flow, particularly to and from Castlecourt.  This would increase the number of persons using the Square, thus making it more vibrant, which would in turn help to reduce anti-social behaviour in the area.  The deputation pointed out that the Forum’s scheme required no public sector financial investment but rather its support.


            In answer to Members’ questions, the deputation indicated that the Forum’s ultimate ambition would be the re-opening of Berry Street, which would improve the area even more, although this would be dependent on the service yard being re-located when the extension to Castlecourt was eventually undertaken.  They indicated further that the Department for Social Development was intending to spend £4.5 million resurfacing Bank Square which they believed would not result in any reduction in anti?social behaviour in the area. 


            The deputation thanked the Committee for receiving them and retired from the meeting.


            During discussion in the matter, the Committee indicated that it was supportive of the Forum’s proposals and agreed that a letter be issued to the Department for Social Development in this regard.  In addition, the Committee agreed also that the matter be raised when the deputation from the Committee met with the Minister for Social Development on 24th February.


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