Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Key Issues


      BelfastCity Council is a major funder of Advice & Information Services via a consortia model based on geographical providers.  This approach to funding and advice delivery was established in 2005/06 and involves over 20 organisations and includes both the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and Independent Advice providers. 

Essential criteria for receiving BCC Advice funding are that organisations need to give generalist advice and be associated to Citizens Advice or Advice N.I. Any requests for BCC funding from specialist advice providers are signposted to the relevant Government Department.


      BCC funding is allocated on a pro-rata basis based on a deprivation-weighted population.  While bodies receive funding from other sources, BCC & DSD are the core funders of advice in the City.  An independent review of the Belfast model was completed by Deloitte in 2008.  The review, which was positive, recommended that future provision should build on the significant investment in development of capacity and relationships to date (consortia).


      In light of the DSD preparations to move to a proposed new Model for Advice Services in NI (Opening Doors Strategy 2007), our recent review of the consortia model and to inform advice provision post 2011, the Community Services Business Plan notes the intention to review and refine the BCC Support Strategy for Advice Services post 2011 and a related action plan. This work is pending and will be developed closely with Members and key stakeholders. 


      During a recent round of Party Briefings in relation to the number and location of area advice centres, Members agreed in principle that the 2010/11 period should be considered as an interim year during which :


-     the current funding model would be extended

-     the current 5 consortia would be challenged to address various best practice and possible convergence issues.

-     preparations would be made to agree and implement a new BCC strategy


      The purpose of this report is to outline proposals for the administration of funding support to the Five Area Advice consortia for the interim period 2010/11.  The report  comprises three updates:


1.   BCC Core Advice Grant

2.   DSD Supplementary Advice Grant

3.   DSD proposal that BCC administer BRO advice funding.


      1.  BCC Core Advice Grant for 2010/11


      The current level of BCC Advice funding for 2009/10 is £355,729.00 and is allocated to the consortia as follows:


North Belfast:      27.33%

South Belfast:     13.51%

East Belfast:        16.82%

West Belfast:       32.34%

City centre:          10.00%


      Within each area consortium the allocation of funding per organisation is determined by the number of enquires that each organisation receives.


      DSD intends to implement its new regional advice strategy in partnership with local Councils in 2011/12.  This currently proposes changes to the BCC model: 4 consortia with area advice centres and a network/programme of outreach.


      Given the potential for significant change modelling for the advice sector with the formulation of the BCC Advice Strategy, which in turn will help prepare for the possible introduction of the DSD Opening Doors Strategy in 2011, the Committee is invited to consider a number of options for interim funding arrangements.


            Option 1:


      Funding arrangements to stay the same as previous years, that is, split across the 5 consortia.  Given there would be no substantial reassessment of need, we do not recommend any change in the percentage funding allocation to each consortia. However, each of the consortia should actively seek to include any new advice organisations operating in Belfast and that also meet the current BCC funding criteria.


      This option would enable the retention of current practice, capacity and successful working relationships while also making provision, if required, for any new organisations to be included in relevant consortia.


      Any assessment would be dependent upon the submission of a business plan outlining aims, objectives, associated actions, target beneficiaries, detailed budget information and related performance framework. 


      Bids would be expected to demonstrate improved consortia working, ensuring improved access to advice services in each area and addressing noted monitoring/evaluation issues.


            Option 2:


      Retain the present consortia arrangements but recalculate the allocation within each area dependent upon the most recent advice enquiry figures.


      This option seeks to retain the present area allocation but would facilitate the recalculation of the deprivation weighted allocation across the City.  This has the potential to be a lengthy and possibly divisive process which will again require substantial resource allocation.


      Any assessment would again be dependent upon the submission of a business plan outlining aims, objectives, associated actions, target beneficiaries, detailed budget information and related performance framework.  Bids would be expected to demonstrate improved consortia working, ensuring improved access to advice services in each area and addressing noted monitoring/evaluation issues.


            Option 3:


      Re-open for new area applications with a resultant recalculation of allocation across all 5 consortia.  This option would require a new open call for application which would be time consuming and resource intensive.


      In preparation for Council consideration of Departmental budget estimates, the Committee is invited to agree the most appropriate arrangements for the BCC core advice grant in the 2010/11 interim funding year.




It is recommended that Option 1 be agreed as this allows the general continuity of the consortia arrangements whilst still allowing any other potential Generalist Advice Organisations to be included in the relevant area consortium.




      Option 1 requires no additional resources.  Options 2 and 3 would require substantial officer time and or the use of a consultant.


      Decision Tracking


      Further to agreement, the options have varied decision tracking:


Option 1      to initiate grant payments in April  pending submission of all the required information

Option 2      recalculate the area allocation in April and initiate grant payments in May and June

Option 3     -   Open for application in April, assessment and allocation in May/June and initiate grant payments in July and August.


      Time line:  April 2010      Reporting Officer:  Catherine Taggart


      2.  DSD Supplementary Advice Grant


      In addition to the BCC Advice Grant, DSD and BCC have for the last 4 years also provided funding to enable the consortia to provide outreach advice services in areas of little or no provision.


      The historical level of funding provided has been:


                          2005/2006     2006/2007     2007/2008       2008/09

DSD match       £152,725       £152,725       £309,725         £309,725

BCC match      £0                  £152,725       £152,725         £152,725

Total                 £152,725       £305,450       £462,450         £462,450


      However, the level of DSD grant in 2009/10 is £469,902.00 with this linked to the BCC Advice budget.  This reflects an additional commitment of funds due to the increased pressure on advice services resulting from the economic downturn.  These DSD funds are conditional on a set level of advice support from BCC of £355,729.00 in 2009/10.


      This DSD/BCC funding has historically been allocated to the consortia against the same deprivation-weighted population index as the BCC grant: this translates to the same geographical percentages as the core BCC grant.






      It is anticipated that the DSD/BCC advice arrangement and current level of funding will be maintained in the future although this will not be confirmed until DSD issues a letter of offer early in the new financial year 2010/11.


      Upon receipt of the letter of offer, a report will be prepared outlining the DSD funding offer and any related conditions including the level of BCC leverage required.




      It is recommended that, upon confirmation of the available DSD supplementary funding for Advice Services, this is allocated across the consortia on the same basis as that agreed for the BCC core funding for the year.


      Decision tracking


      DSD will issue the letter to Council in April/May 2010 and grant payments will be initiated in June, pending submission of all required information.


      3.  DSD proposal that BCC Administers BRO Advice Funding


      At the April 2009 Development Committee it was agreed that BCC would take over the funding of 5 to 7 advice worker posts which had previously been funded by the Belfast Regeneration Office as a result of applications from advice delivery organisations.  The Committee report included information received from DSD on the breakdown of funds to recipient groups and the nature of related expenditure.  This was restricted to salary costs with a total value of £113,434.57.


      We have now received revised information from DSD which significantly differs from the April 2009 proposal. 


      The number of posts has now been increased to 11, 8 starting in April 2010 with the possibility of a further 3 at a later date. In addition, the Council is being asked to provide and administer revenue funding costs associated with 5 of the projects, 4 to start in April with the final one associated with one of the possible future posts.  The total value of the programme for the 8 posts and 4 revenue costs in 2010/11 has risen to £165,140.00 and if all 11 posts and 5 revenue costs are put in place, it will rise to £245,000.00


      Advice services are under pressure given the increase in demand for their services; to loose these posts would severely impact upon the level and quality of advice services provided.




      Funding for the advice posts and associated revenue costs would be received from VCU and ring-fenced within the BCC Community Support Plan.


      The posts would only be funded for as long as funding (for these posts and costs) was received from DSD.  At present this is for the period April 2010 to March 2011 but it is anticipated that this may be extended.  Should DSD funding however not continue post 2011, recipient groups may look to BCC to ensure service sustainability.


      There are no direct financial implications for BCC, however, substantial officer time will be required to manage, administer and monitor these posts.  Business Support (finance) has raised concerns over the management, processes involved and the associate time/costs.  




      Advice services are experiencing an increased demand for services therefore it is recommended that Members agree to the proposals from the DSD Voluntary and Community Unit but that further funds be sought from DSD to cover the BCC administration costs.


      Decision Tracking


      The Community Services Manager will inform DSD of the Committee's decision and BCC will begin administration of these posts in April.


      Time line:  April 2010      Reporting Officer:  Catherine Taggart


Key to Abbreviations


NI       Northern Ireland

BCC   Belfast City Council

BRO   Belfast Regeneration Office

VCU   Voluntary Community Unit

CSP   Community Support Plan

DSD   Department of Social Development”


            Several Members expressed concern at the considerable differences in the amounts of Core Advice Grant provided to the five areas within the City and, in particular, the amounts paid to organisations in south and east Belfast compared to those in north and west and asked if an Equality Impact Assessment had been undertaken when the funding model had been established in 2005/2006.


            In response, the Community Development Manager informed the Members that the figures were based on research which had been undertaken four years previously which had ascertained the quantity of work which was being undertaken by advice giving organisations in the five areas across the City.  She indicated that so far as she was aware, an Equality Impact Assessment had not been undertaken at that time.  She assured the Committee that the review which would be undertaken in connection with the allocation of advice grants in the 2011/12 financial year would re-examine the amounts which were paid to the five areas and would be subjected to an Equality Impact Assessment.


            Following discussion in the matter, the Head of City Events and Venues informed the Committee that he would, prior to the Council meeting on 1st March, obtain advice from the Director of Legal Services regarding the awarding of the Core Advice Grant to ensure that the Council was acting in a proper manner.


            Following further discussion, the Committee agreed:


(i)     that the funding arrangements for the advice consortia remain the same as in previous years;


(ii)    that, following confirmation of the amount of supplementary funding which would be provided by the Department for Social Development for advice services, this would be allocated across the corsortia on the same basis as that agreed for the Council’s core funding for the year; and


(iii)    to the proposals from the Department of Social Development’s Voluntary and Community Unit but that further funding be sought from the Department to cover the Council’s costs of administering the scheme. 


            Arising from discussion in this matter, the Chairman pointed out that the EPIC Programme which was listed in the appendix to the report as being located in West Belfast was, in fact, located in North Belfast and he requested that the information contained within the appendix be amended to reflect this.


Supporting documents: