Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Annual Funding for Culture and the Arts was established by Council to assist arts and heritage organisations by providing financial support on an annual basis.  Multi-Annual Funding was established by Council to introduce longer-term sustainability to some of the City’s flagship arts organisations.


      This report provides the Development Committee with recommendations on applications made to Annual Funding for Culture and the Arts 2010-11.  The closing date for applications under both schemes was Friday 11 December 2009.  Assessments of the applications can be found on


      Multi-Annual Funding for Culture and Arts


      At the Development Committee meeting of 14 November 2007, Members agreed the selection of 14 Multi-Annual Funding clients.  These clients entered in to a three-year funding agreement at a minimum annual level of £30,000.  On 11 February 2009, the Development Committee agreed the selection of two additional Multi-Annual Funding clients.  These clients entered in to a two-year funding agreement.


      Annual Funding for Culture and Arts


      The deadline for applications to the 2010-11 Annual Funding was 12 noon on 11 December 2009.  A total of sixty applications were received, compared to fifty-three in 2009-10.


      Scores and recommendations for Annual Funding can be found in Appendix 2.


      Criteria for Annual Funding for Culture and Arts 2010-11


      The Culture and Arts Eligibility Criteria, approved by the former Development (Arts) Sub-Committee on 20th September, 2004, were devised in order to assist the Council to work in partnership with arts and heritage organisations in achieving its objectives.  They reflect the themes of the Development Department and the Integrated Cultural Strategy.


      Level of Applications


      The applications for Annual Funding requested a total of £833,675.  In 2009–10 the total requested by organisations (excluding those organisations who are now multi-annually funded) was £733,489.


      Requests for grants this year far outstripped available resources.  The total request is equivalent to 276.2% of the total projected budget of £301,835.


      With a few exceptions, the level of applications has been strong and Annual Funding applicants have put considerable effort into demonstrating how they meet the criteria.


      Members are requested to note that income and expenditure is presented in this report as a summary of the information submitted.  As agreed previously by the former Development (Arts) Sub?Committee, officers have not returned to applicants to request any additional details in relation to their applications.  This includes clarification of budgets and in some cases the budgets submitted contain minor discrepancies.


      Principles of the Reporting Process


      Organisations submit an application including supporting documentation, such as business plans, annual reports, financial statements and policy documents.  Officers undertake a lengthy assessment of all applications, scoring them against each of the criteria identified for the scheme.


      A summary of this information has been compiled by officers in order to:


-     highlight the main strengths and weaknesses in the application;

-     ensure optimum transparency as to how decisions on applications have been reached; and

-     familiarise Members with the nature and variety of arts and heritage programmes in which the Council invests.


      The comments in the summary of assessments aim to outline for Members areas where applicants performed particularly well against specific criteria or where there were weaknesses in the application.  The comments relate to both the strengths of the proposed programme and the evidence supplied within the application.  It should be noted that where there is limited information supplied to address a specific criterion, this is highlighted as a weakness.


      Members are requested to use these assessments in tandem with the scores provided in Appendix 2.


      Grant Histories


      For ease of reference full grant histories for Culture and Arts funding programmes for the last 3 years is available on


      Minimum Grant


      The minimum Annual Funding grant offered is £3,000.


      Rationale for Funding Decisions


      The following rationale for awarding funding is based on the following factors, previously agreed by the former Development (Arts) Sub-Committee:


-     previous levels of funding

-     strength of the proposed programme as assessed against agreed funding criteria


-     impact of the project including anticipated audiences and participants; impact in the Belfast area; range and scope of the proposed programme

-     level of Council funding when compared to the overall costs of the programme

-     viability of the proposed programme within the funding offered


Key Issues


      Multi-Annual Funding


      The total level of funding recommended for sixteen Multi-Annual Funding clients is £697,264.  Details of individual awards are provided in Appendix 1.


      BelfastCity Council funding represents 5.8% of the collective turnover for Multi-Annual Funding clients.  This equates to a direct return for investment of 1:17.  It is felt that this underlines the value for money that these flagship organisations represent and supports the impact of increased investment in these organisations.


      Whilst MAF clients have received a 3% annual increase previously, due to current budget constraints only a 1% increase has been included in the budget estimates for both MAF and AF programmes.


      Annual Funding


      The total level of funding recommended for Annual Funding is £301,835.  Details of individual awards are provided in Appendix 2.


Resource Implications




      Funding for MAF and AF is included in the draft budget estimates for 2010-2011 of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit.


      Human Resources


      This will be covered within the work programme of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit.




      It is recommended that Members agree the recommendations in:


Appendix 1:     Recommendations for Multi-Annual Funding

Appendix 2:     Scores and Recommendations for Annual Funding


Decision Tracking


      Further to agreement and ratification, organisations will be informed by letter whether or not they have been recommended for, and awarded funding.


      Timeframe:  March 2010        Reporting Officer:  Kerrie Sweeney


Documents Attached


      Appendix 1: Recommendations for Multi-Annual Funding

      Appendix 2: Scores and Recommendations for Annual Funding.”


            A Member drew the Committee’s attention to the size of the award which was being recommended for the Ulster Orchestra, compared to other events and organisations.  He suggested that the number of people who attended Ulster Orchestra events, as opposed to those organised by the other organisations, might not warrant the amount of funding which the Orchestra received from the Council and requested that he receive information regarding this matter.  He suggested also that the Council might not be in a position to award this level of funding to the Orchestra in future years. 


            In reply, the Head of Economic Initiatives undertook to provide the information requested to the Member.  She informed the Committee that the Ulster Orchestra was in the process of undertaking an internal review of its costs and that, if required, she could submit a report on the benefits which the Ulster Orchestra provided to Belfast’s ratepayers.  She pointed out that this was the final year of the multi-annual funding agreement with the Orchestra and that the Members would be able to comment on the Integrated Arts and Cultural Strategy which was being reviewed currently.


            The Chairman reminded the Committee that the Council was represented on the Board of the Ulster Orchestra and that the Member should forward his views to the Council’s representative so that he could convey them to a future meeting of the Board.


            During discussion, a Member suggested that, in future years, it would be beneficial for the report to number sequentially those organisations being recommended for Annual Funding in order to make it easier for Members to follow the flow of information throughout the report.


            Following further discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations to award the funding set out below:


Appendix 1


Recommendations for Multi-Annual Funding




2009–10 Award




Beat Initiative



Belfast Community Circus



Belfast Exposed



Belfast Festival at Queen’s



Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival






Crescent Arts Centre



Féile an Phobail



Grand Opera House



Linen Hall Library



Lyric Theatre



New Belfast Community Arts Initiative



Northern Visions



Old Museum Arts Centre



Ulster Orchestra



Young at Art




Appendix 2


Scores and Recommendations for Annual Funding





Amount Requested for 2010/11

Total Score






Aisling Ghéar Theatre






Andersonstown Traditional and Contemporary Music School





Arts and Disability Forum




Arts Care Ltd








Belfast Film Festival




Belfast Philharmonic Society




Belfast Platform for the Arts








Amount Requested for 2010/11

Total Score






Belfast Pride




Belfast Print Workshop




Beyond Skin




Blackstaff Community Development Association





Bruiser Theatre Company




Cahoots NI




Catalyst Arts Ltd




Community Arts Forum




Craft and Design Collective




Creative Exchange




Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich




Dance Resource Base




Dance United NI




Digital Arts Studios




East Belfast Arts Collective




Festival of Fools




Flax Art Studios




Golden Thread Gallery




Greater Shankill Partnership




Greenshoot Productions




Headliners (UK)




Irish Pages




Kabosh Productions




Kids in Control




Literary Miscellany Ltd




Live Music Now Ireland




Maiden Voyage (NI) Ltd




Moving on Music




Music Theatre 4 Youth




Naughton Gallery at Queen's




New Lodge Arts




Oh Yeah Music Centre




Open Arts




Open House Traditional Arts Festival Ltd




Ormeau Baths Gallery Ltd




Place Architecture and Built Environment Centre









Amount Requested for 2010/11

Total Score






Play Resource Warehouse




Prime Cut Productions




Queen Street Studios




Queen's Film Theatre




Ransom Productions




Reconstructing the Future Ltd




Red Barn Gallery




Replay Productions




Smashing Times Theatre Company




Source Magazine/Photo Works North




Streetwise Community Circus Workshops




Tinderbox Theatre Company




Ulster Architectural Heritage Society




War Years Remembered








YouthAction Northern Ireland's Rainbow





Supporting documents: