Agenda item


            (Mr. G. Copeland, City Events Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Over the last decade and half Belfast City Council has developed an Annual Programme of Events.  The Programme spans the calendar year from the annual St Patrick’s Day Concert and Parade in the spring, to the Christmas Lights concert in winter, and includes major sporting events.  The events in 2009 attracted nearly over 1 million people (1,346,227) generating just under £18million additional economic activity for Belfast. 


      The annual budget to provide for and deliver these events is just below £1.5 million for the 2010/11 year (in 2009/10 this figure was £2.6 million). In 2009/10 the return on the Council’s investment was just under £6.90 of every £1 of the City’s finances.  The events have also attracted on average 7% of out-of-state visitors to the City, adding to the economic benefit of the vibrancy and cultural activity of Belfast.  The programme also operates as an attraction to local citizens and ratepayers, providing large-scale free public events to the Province's capital, with extensive positive media coverage, while receiving a public approval rating of nearly 90% for the entire year’s programme of activities.


Key Issues


      Breakdown of Events


      Details of the Events Programme, which is primarily based around key public and celebratory holidays and incorporates major sporting events, including the Belfast Marathon, is indicated in the table below.  This table shows a breakdown of all Council expenditure related to each event and its associated funding streams, including provision for the Support for Sport programme and a level of contingency. 


      Members are asked to note that the Events budget, as part of the Development Department revenue estimates, was approved by both the Strategic Policy and Resources and Development Committees and the Council.


Event & Date(s)

Additional Details


Titanic Made in Belfast

12 March - 11 April

This event involves a four week exhibition in W5 as well as exhibitions in the City Hall, with free entry to talks and tours.  Approval for this event was given by the Committee in December 2009




Deep River RockBelfast City Marathon

3 May

This would be the 29th year of Ireland's biggest mass participation event, which attracts over 17,000 competitors.  At the time of writing this report some 1,100 marathon entries have been received, an increase year on year on the same peiod.



Belfast Titanic Maritime Festival, 4,5 & 6 June

Over the last four years BCC has developed a free to access maritime event that celebrates Belfast’s historical connections to the sea.  The three day event brings together the modern and historical aspects of sailing – from high tech vessels to heritage class sailing vessels of the 19th century.  Up to 20 vessels including Galway Hookers, modern tall ships and operational naval craft will be moored on the quayside close to Belfast City centre.  Land based activities will include continental markets, live music, a family fun zone and a range of maritime exhibits and stalls.  Approval for this event was given by the Committee in December 2009.



UK and Ireland Cycling Tour Series, 16 June

In October 2009, Committee agreed to stage this event subject to additional funders being brought on board.  BCC officers have now obtained, subject to contracts, an additional £20,000 to help stage this event from DRD Travelwise NI as part of National Cycling Week.  The planned event will also include a series of school based cycling events in parks across the City culminating with a family cycling day in Ormeau Park, with input to Cycle to Work Day and Cycle to School Day.

£85,000 inclusive of DRD £20,000 input


Event & Date(s)

Additional Details


Lord Mayor’s BelfastCity Carnival

19 June

This event introduces the new Lord Mayor to the citizens of Belfast and is operated in conjunction with the Belfast Carnival Forum and the Beat Initiative.



European Scottish Pipe Band Championship, 31 July

Committee approved the bidding for this event in 2009 and Belfast was successful in securing this prestigious event for a three year period (2010?2012). This one day event is anticipated to attract in the region of 25,000 spectators, however, the Championships will also be complemented with a new three to four day music festival under the title of ‘Pipe Up’, financial provision for which is included in the above costs and run in conjunction with the Royal Pipe Band Association.  These associated events would significantly boost the attendance figures further.



Major Large- Scale Live music event, Date TBC

Currently the Council’s City Events Unit is in negotiation with both domestic and European broadcast organisations with regard to potentially promoting a large?scale music event in the City. The Council's maximum commitment would be limited to the available a budget of £83,778.00, previously used for the Opera in the Park event.  Further reports will be brought to Committee in relation to this opportunity but Members agreement in principle is requested.



Garden Gourmet,  18 & 19 Sept

This event is run in cooperation with BCC Parks & Leisure incorporating the Autumn Flower Show which will be in its 8th year in 2010.  The event normally attracts an audience of 12,000 people. BCC Officers have been able to obtain provisional approval from a major retailer to support this event, further details of which will be provided at Committee.



Event & Date(s)

Additional Details


Hallowe’en Metro Monster Mash,  Sunday 31 October


This annual event attracts an audience in excess of 25,000 and would be staged in Belfast Harbour.  The Hallowe’en Metro Monster Mash is the single biggest one night event in Belfast.



NI Horse Show, Date Oct TBC

This is the final year of BCC’s pre?agreed commitment to this three year event, staged at the Odyssey which was ratified in November 2008.



Christmas Switch-on and Programme, from 23 November

Acknowledged as the official start of the City's festive season this programme will be launched with the annual switch?on concert, which, in 2009, was successfully orientated towards the family audience. 


This programme includes costs for a schools carol service at the Belfast Waterfront (organised with the Belfast School of Music), live music in Belfast City centre and festive lighting at City Hall.



St Patrick’s Day, 17 March 2011

This planned event encompasses a carnival parade and live concert to mark St Patrick’s Day.  Parade participants come from across the city with the event attracting out-of-city & out?of?state visitors.



Support for Sport funding

This is an annual programme of funding that sports clubs and sports event organisers can access.  The programme is issued in a minimum of two tranches via public notices and is accessible via the Council’s webpage.



Event & Date(s)

Additional Details


Sail Training Funding

As in previous years it is proposed that this funding will be used in connection with Ocean Youth Trust to continue the work of enhancing young people’s personal skills base via sailing activities.  This process also allows BCC to start the bidding process for bringing the Tall Ships back to Belfast (possible return date for this event would 2015).



Event Economic Impact Surveys & Contingency arrangements

This proposed finance comprises the economic surveys undertaken for each event and additionally provides for an additional level contingency for the Annual Events Programme




£1, 500, 000


      Committee Approval Process


      Members are requested to note that historically Council approval process for the Programme of Events is obtained in the Autumn.  However, due to a delay in the Council confirming Departmental budgetary levels, this report has been held until this month's Committee meeting.


Resource Implications




      The table above indicates the Annual Civic and Sports Events Programme with each individual associated events budget.  The total overall budget for this programme is £1.5 million.  This is the annual budget for events run by the Council and part of the overall Departmental revenue estimates, which were agreed by the Council on 1 February 2010. 


      Members are asked to note that the 2009/10 return on this investment was just under £18 million, which represents a £6.90 for every £1 of Council monies.  


      Human Resources


      There are currently no additional staff requirements.


      Asset and Other Implications






-     Members are requested to approve the Annual Civic and Sports Events Programme as outlined in the report and its associated funding, with the exception of the Titanic Made in Belfast Event and the Belfast Titanic Maritime Festival which were approved by the Committee at its meeting in December, 2009.


Decision Tracking


      Further to approval, officers will monitor funding and evaluate the outcomes of all events and provide post-project details as part of the Department’s annual review.  These outcomes will be presented to Members as part of the City Events Unit key performance indicators. 


      Timeline:  March 2011            Reporting Officer:  Gerry Copeland”


            During discussion in the matter, a Member expressed concern that by holding the Lord Mayor’s Belfast City Carnival only two weeks after the election of the new Lord Mayor he or she was unable to have any significant input into the event and its theme.  He suggested therefore that the Carnival might better be held in May which would be at the end of the Lord Mayor’s term of office.


            The City Events Manager pointed out that this would be the third year in which the Council had worked with the Carnival Forum and the Beat Initiative on this event, which had resulted from the merging of two former events, the Lord Mayor’s Show and the City Carnival, and had produced considerable savings to the Council. 


            Following further discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation contained within the report.


Supporting documents: