Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 14th April, it had considered a report in relation to consultation which was being undertaken by the Department for Regional Development on the potential for the provision of new or extended taxi ranks in the City.  The ranks would be for the use of Belfast Public Hire Taxis only and the proposed changes to taxi legislation did not indicate any extension to taxi ranks for use by standard Private Taxi Hire.  The Committee had agreed that an appropriate draft response be formulated for its consideration, a copy of which is set out hereunder:


-     The Council welcomes the proposed extension and additional provision of ranks for public taxi hire in new locations which could enhance provision for customers in Belfast. This support recognises the important role that taxi operators perform in supporting access and contributing to the successful management of the night time economy in Belfast.


-     In relation to the geographic distribution of the proposed provision the Council would highlight that there are no proposals for provision outside of the centre or the South of the city.  The Council would therefore request clarification of the criteria for provision and the process for ongoing review of provision to ensure future equity and access to services for customers across the city.


-     As part of the assessment for the final locations and the extent of provision consideration should be given to limiting the extension of taxi ranks which are in close proximity to residential areas such as the Chelsea Bar on the Lisburn Road. The potential for adverse impacts arising from noise and potential disruption in theses more sensitive locations should be carefully assessed and future operation monitored.


-     The internal Council consultation confirmed that the proposals are unlikely to adversely impact on council operations such as licensed street trading and cleansing. However, the Council would like to highlight that the current concentration of public hire taxis on Donegall Square North causes traffic disruption and should be monitored and enforced as an important element of this review of operational provision. 


-     This review and increase in provision should form part of a clear process to enact the provisions of the 2008 Taxi Act to address all aspects of the service operation. The Council would request that the consultation and enactment of the Taxi Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 is progressed expeditiously to ensure effective regulation and enforcement of taxi services across both the public and private hire sectors.


            The Committee approved the draft response, subject to the inclusion of the following comments:


·         further consideration needed to be given to the location of the taxi rank in Smithfield Square North, since the proposed location was on the site of the disabled parking spaces;


·         the proposed taxi rank in Berry Street was not a suitable location since it was a one-way street and therefore could cause traffic congestion; and


·         consultation was required to be undertaken with the current users of the taxi rank in Berry Street to ascertain whether or not it was suitable.


Supporting documents: