Agenda item


            The Head of City Events and Venues submitted for the Committee’s approval the Development Departmental Plan for 2010/11.  He explained that the Plan identified the actions, initiatives and events planned for the Department during that period and its main purpose was to gain Committee approval for key projects, initiatives and resources required for the year.  It would be supplemented by a series of more detailed service plans and separate Unit level plans.  In addition, an update report regarding the Plan would be submitted to the Committee on a quarterly basis and, since many involved key issues, specific reports concerning those matters would be submitted to the Committee for approval.


            The Committee approved the Departmental Plan for the Development Department.  A copy of the key achievements for 2009/2010 and the key actions and performance indicators for 2010/2011 as detailed in the plan, together with the Departmental Action Plan is set out hereunder:


“6.         Key Achievements 2009-2010


            The last year has seen progress in a number of areas. Some of the most important achievements are considered in the following sections.


6.1.      City Leadership


·         Profiled Belfast at the OpenCities Global City Conference.

·         Secured over £10 million of European and UK funding across multiple projects supporting environmental work, community benefits and sporting activity.

·         Led the six Council greater Belfast Comet partnership delivering city regional projects and promoting the region throughout Belfast. This also enabled us to engage in cross-border Interreg funded activity for the first time.

·         The department continued to be an active member of British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA) and the Core Cities Group.


·         Further implemented a Belfast Brand strategy and marketing process.


6.2.      Better care for Belfast’s environment


·         Completed the Transport Policy review to inform the Council’s position in respect of transport policy development for the city and wider region.

·         Engaged with the review of the Regional Transport Policy and physical infrastructure projects including the proposals for transport system changes such as the Rapid Transit initiative.

·         Worked in partnership with the Department for Regional Development (DRD) on the implementation of the Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan & other transport initiatives. Participated in the City Centre Change Working Group & other transport groups.

·         Delivered a range of programmes to support environmental work, many in partnership with European partners. These included support for the environmental industries sector, the Interreg Carbon Footprint project, the Irish Sea Carbon Card project, the BRAVO – Eco Regions and showcasing the North Foreshore environmental regeneration initiative as best practice.

·         Continued to implement the Environmental Management System in the Department with various initiatives ongoing throughout the year.

·         Supported local environmental projects including neighbourhood clean ups, recycling, and waste week activities, at all 22 community centres.

·         Developed Place, Position and Ownership project with the University of Ulster.

·         Delivered heritage community programmes including training in Heritage as a Social and Cultural Developmental Tool, providing access to heritage resources such as the Ulster Hall, and creating awareness with young people to engage with heritage.


6.3.      Better opportunities for success across the city


·         Developed and delivered membership services and events programmes for the World Trade Centre Belfast.

·         Delivered programmes of support for the creative industries sector, the advanced manufacturing sector, the independent retail sector and the franchising sector.

·         Continued delivery of the only UK led Urbact funded project OPENCities to better integrate economic migrants and address barriers to employment and entrepreneurship.

·         Supported, lead on and delivered a number of European conferences for entrepreneurship, business, recession and economic migration.

·         Hosted a European small business event in line with the inaugural EU Small Business Week launched by the EU Commissioner.

·         Developed and delivered the HARTE (Hospitality and Retail Training for Employment) project.

·         Engaged approximately 550 businesses on development programmes.

·         Supported development and delivery of an enterprise plan focusing on pre-start, start-up and new business support (including social economy), in conjunction with partner organisations.

·         Commissioned and produced quarterly research updates on economic conditions and forecasts.

·         Undertook a survey of 500 businesses to improve our services.

·         Carried out feasibility work on key business locations (Giant’s Park; Paint Hall; World Trade Centre) and business incubation support.

·         Completed the ‘capital flows’ research to show the key role Belfast has as a regional economic driver.

·         Completed research and consultation and produced the first drafts of a Tourism and Culture Strategy and a City Events Strategy.

·         The department won several awards including, the Northern Ireland Travel and Tourism Awards for ‘NI Event/Marketing Initiative’ for the Tall Ships Event, Ulster University ‘Placement Employer of the Year’, Northern Ireland Tourism Awards for ‘New Tourism Projects’, highly commended in the Local Government Chronicle’s (LGC) ‘Council of the Year’ ‘Sustainable Environment’ Award and ‘Regeneration’ Award categories, a European ‘Access’ award and Arts & Business awards for the Waterfront and Ulster Hall.

·         Finalised the Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework for Belfast including an innovative range of special interest and niche tourism products; conference subvention; monitoring and evaluating the economic impact of tourism; provision of a comprehensive visitor management scheme and community tourism initiatives.


·         Continued to develop and support the cultural tourism offer and worked in partnership with the Northern Irish Tourist Board (NITB) and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI). Achievements include the Belfast Music Tour, literary tourism and the Cathedral Quarter cultural tourism product development and promotion.

·         Delivered eight major City events together with 16 events assisted by the Support for Sport Scheme.  These events attracted over 1¼ million people generating approximately £18 million additional economic activity for Belfast.

·         Hosted the highly successful Tall Ships event attracting an estimated 800,000 visitors to the city and generating some £15 million for the local economy. We also completed a sailing training programme that was crucial in bringing the Tall Ships to Belfast. Successful liaison with the Parks Department helped to deliver a number of other large outdoor events providing an average return on the Council’s investment of just under £6.80 for every £1.00 of the city’s finances.

·         As part of the Tall Ships event, £1m of new marine infrastructure was developed. This is now available as a legacy that can be utilised for future maritime based events.

·         Delivered a range of successful cultural events including the summer Urban Arts Academy/Trans event programme, the Waterfront Comedy Club, and (in partnership) the Belfast Festival at Queens.

·         Refurbished and reopened the Ulster Hall. The Ulster Orchestra is now established as ‘resident’ in the Ulster Hall and offers open rehearsals to the public.

·         Secured DSD grant support from the Integrated Development Fund to successfully deliver our ‘Renewing the Routes’ programme. The programme won several awards including, the British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA) award for ‘Best Practice in Regeneration’, ‘highly commended’ at the UK Local Government Awards, the ‘Building Bridges’ award at our own Making a Difference (MAD) Awards, the ‘Gaelgradam Loch Lao’ award from Forbairt Feirste, and the West Belfast Partnership Board’s ‘Environmental Award’.

·         Completed a range of integrated regeneration work including commercial property improvements, public realm enhancements, environmental improvements, heritage property and tourism developments.


This includes implementation of the Integrated Development Fund local regeneration project’s £4.1m funding, which included the ‘renewing the routes’ scheme.

·         Continued the development of the Belfast European Brownfield Initiative by securing additional INTERREG IVC resources (€2m) towards the development of the BTeam network project proposal.

·         Secured European Peace III funding and began work to build Belfast’s first urban sports park.

·         Launched the North Foreshore Master Plan and regeneration initiative and completed Phase 1 of the plan (access and infrastructure projects).

·         Completed the Gasworks northern fringe master plan.


6.4.      Better support for people and communities


·         Implemented the Integrated Cultural Strategy and created a Public Arts Strategy and programme.

·         Provided training in new skills for the culture and arts sectors.

·         Provided funding for 5 culture and arts schemes: Multi-Annual Funding; Annual Funding; Development and Outreach; Rolling Programme and the Community Festivals Fund.

·         Established partnerships with a number of arts and educational organisations aimed at increasing and improving programming for children and young people e.g. Belfast Children’s Festival, UrbanArts Academy and Trans programme, Musicworks NI and Youth Theatre.

·         Delivered various events across the city including festivals, the Party in the Park, Christmas Lights, the City Carnival, and the Tall Ships.

·         Increased the use of our Community Centres by 19% to a total usage count of 559,092.

·         Attracted over 75,000 hours of volunteers time to support the work of the department, a 14% increase.

·         Distributed over £2.3 million through our grant aid programme to 339 community projects.

·         Developed an extended Community Support Plan to align with the timeframes of other NI support plans and secure funding from the Department for Social Development Community Support Programme.

·         Developed relationships with each of the 12 Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships.

·         Facilitated a large number of neighbourhood outreach initiatives including: Support for the Safety of Seniors, Community Safety Week, Waste Week,


Digital Communities, English classes for people from ethnic minority groups, the Adult Traveller Education programme, after school clubs and youth projects. Usage of our 22 community centres remains at approximately 61%.

·         Developed the Council’s approach to traveller awareness and anti-racism training, which is now widely recognised as innovative good practice and was well received by the Eurocities network. The ‘Think Traveller’ DVD training pack has been widely distributed and the feedback has been excellent.

·         Was involved in all twelve Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships in the Belfast City Council area. The representatives have co-ordinated the delivery of the agreed Council actions identified in each area.

·         Worked in conjunction with the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) officer to contribute to the work of Belfast’s four ASB Forums.

·         Completed extensive research and created options for the development of an Anti-Poverty Strategy for the Council.

·         Supported the delivery of Neighbourhood Economic Development projects.

·         Completed extensive research and built a baseline for the development of a children and young people’s strategy for the Council.

·         Reviewed the Council’s Child Protection Policy and Procedure and made corporate recommendations to ensure Council best practice in statutory compliance and customer focus.

·         The Council’s Youth Forum completed several projects including: partnering with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to produce information booklets for people who experience either illiteracy or second language challenges, obtaining OCN Level 1 in Outdoor Play allowing them to support community projects, performing a play to raise awareness around the issues of suicide and its affect on families, hosting an interactive Q&A session for students, the 6 political party youth champions and the Lord Mayor, and designing and delivering hate crime awareness sessions.

·         Delivered the sixth annual OpportunityEurope event attracting over 5,000 post-primary school students from across Northern Ireland.


·         Our Youth Forum DVD won the BT national Seen & Heard award. We built on this success with activities during the ‘Party in the Park’, bringing together 12 – 17 year olds from all parts of the City.

·         Delivered programmes of activities at 28 Council sites including the successful summer scheme programme that included over 120 weeks of activities for children and young people. We also provided £163,000 in funding to support a further 81 summer schemes independently managed by the community sector.


6.5.      Better Services


·         Established a departmental Customer Focus Group to take forward raised customer service standards.

·         Increased public access and use of the Ulster Hall by introducing an Education Community and Heritage Access policy which includes community ticketing, venue tours and community usage. The Café Grand Dame has also been relocated to increase visitor numbers.

·         Developed a rich data source detailing local needs and assets, which will allow easier access to key statistics about local areas.


6.6.      Better Value for Money


·         Introduced new organisational structures in several areas including Tourism, Culture and Arts; City Events and the Waterfront & Ulster Hall; and Community Services. These have helped to make better use of existing resources and to align these resources with our priorities.

·         Prepared the Department for the new Investors In People standards.

·         Secured seven Leonardo student placements for Belfast City Council.

·         Implemented various improvements in internal processes following reviews. These include, the Business Improvement Services (BIS) structural review, procurement systems (Systems Applications and Products SAP), and the new attendance policy in the department.

·         Introduced a new planned and preventative maintenance programme for the Waterfront & Ulster Hall.

·         Completed and started to implement the recommendations from a strategic departmental grant review including establishing a Central Grants Team.


·         Completed research into appropriate key performance indicators (KPI) and aligned the Department’s planning and performance management systems to the Council’s corporate strategic planning approach.


7.         Key Actions for 2010-2011


            The Department’s key actions have been defined against the background of the value creation map. Each key task has a relationship with one or more of the themes described in the departmental Value Creation Map.


7.1.      City Leadership


·         Prepare for the transfer of RPA powers in local economic development, tourism, culture and arts, urban regeneration and planning (Service Project).

·         Lead private sector contribution to Community Planning.

·         Develop and deliver, in partnership with communities and key stakeholders, a community planning framework and shared vision for the city and its neighbourhoods (Corporate Project).

·         Influence the public conversation on the city’s future.

·         Effectively communicate to influence stakeholder behaviour.

·         Exchange Best Practice with European partners.

·         Influence, interpret & disseminate EU policy.

·         Maximise investment/funding streams for Belfast (Corporate Project).

·         Secure DSD grant leverage for the Community Support Plan in 2010/11.

·         Lead on BCC engagement for development of the Titanic quarter (Service Project).

·         Develop and deliver a city Masterplan, to inform and influence other regeneration activities (Corporate Project).

·         Engage in European projects and networks (Service Project).

·         Ensure representation on key internal and external partnerships to inform key policy decisions with a community development perspective

·         Ensure Community Services expertise and resources are leveraged into internal and external partnership projects.

·         Continue to expand structured engagement with private developers.

·         Promote Belfast in Europe.


·         Enhance BW/UH position as premier conferencing venues in local and national marketplace.


7.2.      Better care for Belfast’s environment


·         Influence development of relevant government [transport and infrastructure] policies.

·         Implement the Council’s transport policy (Service Project).

·         Engage in [environmental] European projects and networks.

·         Use opportunities to use public transport to better support events and programmes.

·         All units to identify and act on opportunities for environmental improvement.

·         Adhere to the Dept environmental management system.

·         Promote the city’s heritage through city events.

·         Increase public access to the heritage of the Ulster Hall.


7.3.      Better opportunities for success across the city


·         Promote the Waterfront and Ulster Hall position as a premier conference, exhibition and meetings venues.

·         Maximise business and entertainment hire income achievement.

·         Develop the venues’ digital and web marketing strategy.

·         Ensure positive media coverage for Waterfront & Ulster Hall.

·         Develop retail and merchandising activities at Waterfront & Ulster Hall.

·         Design and implement new Local Economic Development Plan for the city (Corporate Project).

·         Review and grow city’s markets.

·         Implement the Employability and Skills plan (Corporate Project).

·         Implement wide range of structured business interventions programmes (Corporate Project).

·         Develop and implement the integrated Tourism Strategy (Corporate Project).

·         Coordinate production of Belfast Tourism Monitor.

·         Review the integrated culture and arts strategy (Corporate Strategy).

·         Distribute £1.3 million of grant aid for culture and arts organisations.


·         Support the development of the Titanic signature project. (Service Project)

·         Implement a City Events Strategy (Corporate Project).

·         Deliver major events and programmes that showcase Belfast.

·         Deliver a vibrant programme of entertainment, arts and community events at BW and UH to support income achievement and audience development.

·         Introduce audience development initiatives for Waterfront & Ulster Hall.

·         Ensure community and arts policies and programming delivers on CSR and RBG strategic objectives.

·         Maximise the relationship with the Ulster Orchestra as a tenant of the Ulster Hall.

·         Work with key public bodies with regard to managing large scale events.

·         Increase overall external funding/ sponsorship income.

·         Co-ordinate and implement the Council’s Economic Recession Plan and support action to deal with the recession (Corporate Project).

·         Continue implementation of the Renewing the Routes Programme (Corporate Project).

·         Coordinate development of the LaganCanal.

·         Coordinate development of the Northern Fringe at Gasworks (Service Project).

·         Lead the BTeam regeneration of derelict urban sites project.

·         Coordinate development of the public arts Rise sculpture.


7.4.      Better support for people and communities


·         Develop and implement a Community Development Strategy for Belfast that allows the council to contribute more effectively to shared community development goals across Belfast (Corporate Project).

·         Agree and implement the Community Support Plan to determine the objectives of the work of our Community Services section over the next three years and ensure our continued participation in DSD’s Community Support programme (Corporate Project).

·         In partnership with LGP / NILGA and other key stakeholders seek to influence best practice and equality issues on Traveller related matters.

·         Review the structure of the Inter-departmental Traveller Liaison Group and make recommendations.


·         Explore options for the Council to facilitate the formation of an Inter-agency Traveller Liaison Group.

·         Provide an in-house and external advice service on matters related to the Traveller community.

·         Provide and develop a Traveller outreach office to assist both the Traveller community and relevant stakeholders.

·         Deliver a Traveller Awareness /Anti Racism training programme and promote the ‘Think Traveller’ DVD training resource.

·         Review the legislative ‘Caravan sites’ licence requirements and work with other departments to ensure the Council’s compliance.

·         Develop and deliver the OPENCities project (Corporate Project).

·         Provide Council representation on all Belfast Neighbourhood Renewal partnerships.

·         Represent the Council on the city’s key geographical and thematic networks.

·         Contribute to robust citizen engagement.

·         Support environmental projects at neighbourhood level (such as recycling, community clean ups, art and waste week).

·         Support the delivery of local community safety programmes.

·         Deliver a series of cross community programmes linked to the Council’s Good Relations and cultural diversity strategies.

·         Support the delivery of local Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Action Plans.

·         Support delivery of Health & Well Being Action Plan.

·         Continue to implement the current framework for community centre management plans.

·         Deliver grant programmes to community organisations.

·         Provide 22 high quality and accessible venues and to develop and deliver city wide programmes and services.

·         Deliver grant programme and support to community?managed centres.

·         Continue implementation of a volunteer policy and related support programme.

·         Support citywide and area volunteer celebration events.

·         Implementation of the My Neighbourhood Engagement programme across the city.

·         Development of area based engagement matrix

·         Analysis of key neighbourhood issues.


·         Coordinate the Council’s contribution to the 12 Neighbourhood Renewal Action Plans (Corporate Plans).

·         Develop and implement a corporate Anti-Poverty Strategy. (Corporate Project)

·         Deliver capacity building programmes to the community sector.

·         Evaluate capacity building programmes and recommend future activity.

·         Develop and deliver a full Equality Impact Assessment for the Council-approved Children & Young People strategy process.

·         Deliver a full external consultation programme on the Children & Young People strategy.

·         Implement a strategy for Children and Young People (Corporate Project).

·         Lead the Council’s Children & Young People thematic priority.

·         Lead the implementation recommendations across the Council regarding the Child Protection Policy and Procedure to ensure best practice in statutory compliance and customer focus.

·         Develop and coordinate an inter-agency group for provision of services to children and young people.

·         Continue to improve consultation and engagement with youth (including supporting the work of the Youth Forum and coordination of the Youth Champions Group).

·         Develop and deliver a branded Council citywide children and young people’s summer programme.

·         Provide high quality and inclusive children & young people programmes in directly managed facilities.

·         Deliver and support high quality summer scheme programmes across the city.

·         Support the Children & Young People Action Plans in local Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships.

·         Deliver a programme of events and related activities aimed at children and young people in conjunction with partners and sponsors.


7.5.      Better Services


·         Develop and implement a customer service framework (Service Project).

·         Ensure BW/UH specification meets customer expectations and market demand.

·         Improve customer care and enhance service delivery.

·         Ensure customers influence future event planning.


·         Research, recommend and adopt facilities service quality standards. (Service Project).

·         Exceed internal and external client expectations in relation to operational service delivery of Waterfront and Ulster Hall.

·         Monitor the physical environment and the services at both the Waterfront & Ulster Hall to ensure they are fully accessible.

·         Agree an approach to Neighbourhood and Local Working (Corporate Project).

·         Deliver a local information management system which informs our Neighbourhood and Local Working model (Corporate Plan).


7.6.      Human Resource Management


·         Adhere to absence management procedures.

·         Ensure all staff have a programme of continuous PDP in line with Council standards.

·         Continue to encourage greater integration across the Department following the re-organisations.

·         Present community centre think piece to Chief Officers and Councillors for consideration.

·         Review the roles and responsibilities of community centre committees.

·         Finalise the new Community Services structures.

·         Implement the proposed Community Services re?structuring programme (Service Project).

·         Deliver an associated internal and external communications plan.

·         Implement Phase II of the Business Support Restructuring.

·         Implement the corporate approach to IIP (Service Project).

·         Comply with corporate policies and processes for managing overtime and agency staff.


7.7.      Financial Planning


·         Implement the findings of the departmental grant review (Service Project).

·         Review income streams and agree plan on how to maximise revenue and EU funds.

·         Comply with the timeframes for completing budgets, quarterly outturns, variance analysis, etc.

·         Comply with corporate policies and processes on financial matters. 

·         Complete a review of the renewing the routes activity.


·         Ensure effective maintenance systems for the mechanical & electrical systems and fabric of the Waterfront and Ulster Hall.

·         Implement the approved pricing policy for BW and UH.


7.8.      Information Management


·         ERP/SAP Implementation.

·         Ensure information systems meet work requirements - Monitor and review Maximiser capability Participate in Artifax working group.


7.9.      Planning & Performance


·         Ensure effective decision making based on quality research, best practice & stakeholder needs.

·         Ensure strategic alignment of the department, to support improvement of its performance.

·         Provide PI data as and when requested.


7.10.    Assets


·         Work collaboratively on Council asset maximisation programme.

·         Develop an asset management plan for all Community Services buildings (Service Projects).


Supporting documents: