Committee attendance

City Growth and Regeneration Committee, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Donal Lyons 4
Councillor Séanna Walsh 6
Councillor Matt Garrett 2
Councillor Claire Canavan 2
Councillor Christina Black 2
Councillor Sarah Bunting 2
Councillor Ronan McLaughlin 3
Councillor Séamas de Faoite 2
Councillor Eric Hanvey 1
Councillor Brian Smyth 3
Councillor Tracy Kelly 3
Councillor Anthony Flynn 2
Councillor Ross McMullan 1
Councillor Conor Maskey 5
Councillor Áine McCabe 6
Councillor Joe Duffy 5
Councillor Sammy Douglas 1
Councillor Sam Nelson 3
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Councillor Micky Murray 3
Councillor Emmet McDonough-Brown 0
Councillor Clíodhna Nic Bhranair 4
Councillor Ron McDowell 6
Councillor Ian McLaughlin 4
Councillor Davy Douglas 2
Alderman James Lawlor 5
The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew McCormick 5
The High Sheriff, Councillor Fiona McAteer 7
Councillor Conor McKay 7
Councillor Hedley Abernethy 1
Council, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Geraldine McAteer 6
Councillor Ciaran Beattie 5
Councillor Donal Lyons 5
Councillor Séanna Walsh 6
Councillor Arder Carson 7
Alderman Sonia Copeland 4
Councillor Paul McCusker 1
Councillor Matt Garrett 7
Councillor Ryan Murphy 5
Councillor Claire Canavan 4
Councillor Christina Black 6
Councillor Sarah Bunting 7
Councillor Micheal Donnelly 5
Councillor Ronan McLaughlin 6
Councillor Fred Cobain 6
Councillor Carl Whyte 3
Councillor Nicola Verner 7
Councillor Séamas de Faoite 6
Councillor Eric Hanvey 4
Councillor Brian Smyth 6
Councillor Áine Groogan 6
Councillor Tracy Kelly 6
Councillor Gary McKeown 5
Councillor Michael Collins 6
Councillor Anthony Flynn 6
Councillor Ross McMullan 1
Councillor Conor Maskey 7
Alderman Dean A. McCullough 7
Councillor Nichola Bradley 5
Councillor Áine McCabe 5
Councillor Michael Long 5
Councillor JJ Magee 5
Councillor Caoimhín McCann 6
Councillor Joe Duffy 5
Councillor Sammy Douglas 7
Councillor Sam Nelson 5
Councillor Christine Bower 5
Councillor Jenna Maghie 6
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Councillor Micky Murray 4
Councillor Róis-Máire Donnelly 6
Councillor Jordan Doran 7
Alderman Frank McCoubrey 5
Councillor Emmet McDonough-Brown 4
Councillor Brónach Anglin 6
Councillor Tara Brooks 4
Councillor Clíodhna Nic Bhranair 5
Councillor Paul Doherty 6
Councillor Ron McDowell 7
Councillor Ian McLaughlin 7
Councillor Davy Douglas 5
Councillor Bradley Ferguson 7
Councillor Tomás Ó Néill 6
Alderman James Lawlor 7
The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew McCormick 5
Councillor David Bell 5
Councillor Ruth Brooks 6
The High Sheriff, Councillor Fiona McAteer 5
Councillor Pádraig Donnelly 5
Councillor Conor McKay 4
Councillor Hedley Abernethy 4
Councillor Natasha Brennan 1
Alderman Jim Rodgers 7
Licensing Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Donal Lyons 2
Councillor Paul McCusker 1
Councillor Brian Smyth 4
Councillor Tracy Kelly 2
Councillor Gary McKeown 4
Councillor Michael Collins 0
Councillor Ross McMullan 1
Alderman Dean A. McCullough 4
Councillor Nichola Bradley 3
Councillor Áine McCabe 4
Councillor Caoimhín McCann 4
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Councillor Micky Murray 2
Councillor Jordan Doran 4
Alderman Frank McCoubrey 1
Councillor Brónach Anglin 4
Councillor Tara Brooks 2
Councillor Ron McDowell 2
Councillor Davy Douglas 4
Councillor Tomás Ó Néill 4
The High Sheriff, Councillor Fiona McAteer 4
Councillor Pádraig Donnelly 4
Councillor Conor McKay 4
Councillor Hedley Abernethy 2
Alderman Jim Rodgers 4
Standards and Business Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Geraldine McAteer 2
Councillor Donal Lyons 2
Councillor Micheal Donnelly 3
Councillor Ronan McLaughlin 3
Councillor Áine Groogan 2
Councillor Tracy Kelly 3
Councillor Ross McMullan 2
Alderman Dean A. McCullough 2
Councillor Nichola Bradley 3
Councillor JJ Magee 3
Councillor Joe Duffy 3
Councillor Jenna Maghie 3
Councillor Emmet McDonough-Brown 3
Councillor Ron McDowell 3
Councillor Davy Douglas 3
Alderman James Lawlor 2
The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew McCormick 2
The High Sheriff, Councillor Fiona McAteer 3
Councillor Pádraig Donnelly 3
Alderman Jim Rodgers 2