Agenda and minutes

Venue: Great Hall

Contact: Mr Henry Downey, Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0550

No. Item





            An apology for inability to attend was reported on behalf of the High Sheriff (Councillor Long).



Declarations of Interest


          No declarations of interest were reported.



Restricted Items


            The Committee was advised that, in accordance with Standing Order 37a - Duties of Committees: Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, it had full delegated authority to take decisions in relation to bonfire-related issues.


            The Committee agreed, given the sensitive nature of the business to be discussed, that the Press and the public be excluded from the meeting.



Bonfire-Related Issues

(Report to follow/to be tabled)


            The Committee was informed that Chief Superintendent Freeburn and Superintendent Pollock, representing the Police Service of Northern Ireland, and Ms J. Hawthorne and Mr. P. McCombe, representing the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, were in attendance in order to address any issues which might be raised and they were welcomed by the Chairperson.


            The Committee was provided with an update on the current status of a number of bonfire sites across the City, following which it was presented with a report setting out a number of issues for consideration.


Bonfires on Non-Council Land


            Hope Street


            The Director of Neighbourhood Services informed the Committee that this site was under the ownership of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and that a bonfire had been placed on it for a number of years.


            Ms. Hawthorne explained that the regeneration of the site had been included in the Housing Executive’s proposals for the redevelopment of the area in the longer-term. She pointed out that the bonfire was being built on a different part of the site from last year and that it appeared that it would now be seventy-eight metres from the Victoria Place apartments. She stressed that the Housing Executive was fully aware of its responsibilities in terms of protecting life/property and that mitigation measures would be implemented, if required. 


            Mr. McCombe stated that the Housing Executive had commenced a process of engagement as soon as bonfire material had appeared on the site. He reiterated the point that the re-location of the bonfire to a point which was further away from the Victoria Place apartments than previously and stressed that that was an improvement in terms of protecting property.  He added that the site was now being monitored on a daily basis and that the engagement process would continue.


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor McAllister,

Seconded by Councillor McReynolds,


      That the Committee agrees to grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive full approval to use the Council contractor to support the removal of bonfire material from this site, if required. 


            On a vote by show of hands, twelve Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was declared carried.


            Adam Street


            The Director of Neighbourhood Services informed the Committee that the Department for Communities and the Department for Infrastructure had each requested the Committee to grant approval, in principle, for the Council’s contractor to support the removal of materials from this site, if required.


            Communication from the Department for Communities had indicated that the Minister for Communities would then make a decision on whether a removal intervention would be necessary, based on the outcome of an ongoing community engagement process.



            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor Beattie,

            Seconded by Councillor Murphy,


      That the Committee grants full approval for the Department for Communities/Department for Infrastructure to use the Council contractor to support the removal of bonfire material, if required.


            On a vote by show of hands, twelve Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was declared  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Crematorium Recovery Plan


            The Director of City Services reminded the Committee that the Crematorium had been closed to the public since 2nd April, 2020 and that families had only been permitted to hold a short committal service outside the building.


            She reported that a recent risk assessment had recommended that, with an extended time between cremations to allow for detailed cleaning and with some modifications to seating and flooring, a maximum of twenty-eight mourners be accommodated within the Crematorium at any one time. She pointed out that the Council, as the owner of the Crematorium, had a responsibility to manage the risk of Covid-19 transmission and to ensure that the number of mourners did not exceed twenty-eight.  Funeral directors had a duty to ensure that family representatives were fully aware of the requirement and officers had been working with them to agree new operating procedures.


            Accordingly, she recommended that the Committee:


                             iagree to re-open the Crematorium Chapel on 9th July, 2021 for short committal services, with up to a maximum of twenty-eight mourners being permitted; and


                            iiconsider whether to retain the screen and speakers outside the crematorium building to facilitate additional mourners over and above the twenty-eight who would have access to the building and to note that this arrangement would be kept under review in terms of managing the impacts on numbers and the smooth transition between services.


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Alderman Sandford,

Seconded by Councillor Pankhurst,


      That the Committee agrees to re-open the Crematorium Chapel on 9th July, 2021 for short committal services, with up to a maximum of twenty-eight mourners being permitted but to dispense with the screen and speakers outside the building. 




Moved by Councillor McAllister,

Seconded by Councillor McReynolds,


      That the Committee agrees to re-open the Crematorium Chapel on 9th July, 2021 for short committal services, with up to a maximum of twenty-eight mourners being permitted and to retain the screen and speakers whilst examining other measures which could be put in place to accommodate mourners outside the building.


            Upon being carried, the amendment was put to the meeting as the substantive motion and was again carried. 




            The Committee agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 48 (a) (2) (c), that the aforementioned decisions would not be subject to call-in, on the basis that an unreasonable delay could be prejudicial to the Council’s or the public’s interest.



Non-Delegated Matter


Summer Community Diversionary Festival Programme


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 18th June, it had, in considering a report on the year-end financial position for 2020/21, agreed to retain £500k  which had been set aside for the Summer Community Diversionary Festival Programme, with a view to delivering the Programme later in the year. That decision had been taken on the basis of the uncertainty which existed around the Covid-19 restrictions and the fact that an open call had not been advertised for this year.


Alderman Kingston, who had sought and been granted authority to raise the issue at this meeting, requested, given the exceptional circumstances which existed this year, that the Committee reconsider its decision and agree that a Letter of Offer be forwarded to those groups which had been awarded funding through an open call process in 2019,  subject to all due diligence checks being undertaken. He stated that he had been made aware during consultation that some groups were planning to provide activities in July/August and stressed that his request related to this year only and that there would be a return to the open call process next year.


The Director of Finance and Resources outlined the implications of the request, from a governance and financial regulation perspective, and pointed out that details would be required on the extent of the funding being requested.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services highlighted the challenges which would be faced in meeting the timeframe, given that applications for the Summer Community Diversionary Festival Programme usually took between three and four months to process and staff were currently processing applications relating to other funding streams.


            In the absence of a valid proposal, the Members of the Committee agreed to recommend that, in accordance with the Council decision of 4th May, the Chief Executive exercise her delegated authority to defer consideration of the request until the monthly meeting of the Council on 1st July.