Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Campbell, Convery, Ekin, McCausland and O’Reilly.



Councillor Convery


            Having been advised that Councillor Convery was recuperating in hospital following an operation, the Committee agreed that its best wishes for a speedy recovery be conveyed to him.





            The minutes of the meeting of 14th October were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 2nd November.



Interim Cover Arrangements for the Director of Development Post


            (Mrs. J. Minne, Head of Human Resources, attended in connection with this item.)


            At this point in the meeting, at the request of the Chairman, all officers present, with the exception of the Head of Human Resources and the Committee Administrator, left the room whilst this item was discussed.


            The Head of Human Resources informed the Committee that, since there was no natural deputy for the Director within the Departmental structure, the undernoted arrangements would be in place until the new Director of Development was in post:


(i)       the Head of City Events and Venues would be responsible for issues relating to the Waterfront and Ulster Halls; Events; Community Services and Business Support;


(ii)      the Head of Economic Initiatives would be responsible for issues relating to Economic Development; The North Foreshore; Planning and Transport; Tourism, Culture and Arts; European matters; Policy and Business Development; Good Relations issues and the Strategic Neighbourhood Action Plan; and


(iii)     the two officers would jointly be responsible for:


·          providing strategic leadership and support to the Chief Executive;


·          developing the agenda for Committee meetings, dealing with issues raised at such meetings and working with the Committee Chairman;


·          setting the agenda for the Development Department Management Team and issues arising therefrom;


·          attending Committee, Council and Chief Officers’ Management Team meetings;


·          working with outside organisations; and


·          any other related issues.


            She reported that, in accordance with the remuneration arrangements agreed for Chief Officers and Heads of Service by the former Personnel Sub-Committee, at its meeting on 23rd February, 2004, each officer would receive a payment of two additional increments until the new Director was in post.  These costs would be met by the savings resulting from the Director of Development post being vacant.


            During discussion in the matter, a Member stated that it was usual for one officer to act-up and asked why more than one officer was doing so on this occasion.  Discussion also took place on the cost of these arrangements and whether they could be met from within the existing budget.


            In reply, the Head of Human Resources indicated that, where there was one deputy to a vacant post, full acting-up arrangements may be applied but where there was more than one officer reporting to a vacant post (in this case two Heads of Service reporting to the Director) the options were either to undertake a selection process to select one officer to act up or to share the responsibilities between the officers reporting to the vacant post.  Since the recruitment exercise for the position of Director of Development was underway, it had not been considered to be appropriate to undertake a selection process to fill the post of Director in a temporary capacity.  Accordingly, the Business Improvement Section had been requested to undertake an assessment on the basis of the duties of the Director of Development post being divided between the two Heads of Service as outlined above, with both members of staff receiving as recompense two additional increments on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Tall Ships Event


            The Chairman informed the Committee that the Council had received recently awards in connection with the Tall Ships event and congratulated the members of staff who had been involved in that very successful event.


            Arising from discussion in the matter, several Members raised questions concerning the timing of the issuing of invitations to Councillors to attend the awards ceremony.


            In response, the Principal Committee Administrator undertook to investigate the issue and respond directly to the Members who had raised the matter.





Gasworks Northern Fringe Presentation pdf icon PDF 119 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      An integrated design team led by Consarc Design Group has been working since May 2008 on the preparation of an outline planning application for the Northern Fringe site which covers 6.7 acres of gross developable land, the last phase of the Gasworks Estate.  Members agreed at the meeting on 16 September 2009 to receive a presentation from Consarc Design Group on the development proposals for this significant regeneration site.


Key Issues


      Land Uses


      Through discussions between the design team, the Council, the statutory consultees, and the neighbouring community, a Masterplan has evolved developed in cognisance of planning, transport, environment and contextual considerations. Five development sub-plot parcels have emerged to be identified in the presentation as sites A, B, C, D and E.  A key objective of the plan is to ensure each parcel made a significant and individual contribution to the overall Gasworks complex.


      Sites A and B bounded by Cromac Street and Raphael Street are designated as Gateway Sites in the draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan, occupying a pivotal landmark site and focal point on an arterial route into the City centre. Urban design guidance and discussions at the Dbmap (draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan) Inquiry indicated acceptable height ranges of between six and nine storeys. The buildings on site will accommodate offices and a carefully designed setback along Raphael Street addresses the relationship with the three existing dwellings.


      Site C is at the rear of the existing hotel and will accommodate an extension to the Radisson Hotel.  Members agreed at Committee on 16 January 2008 to officers entering into negotiations with Inislyn, the developers of the Radisson SAS Hotel, in a one to one deal in order to maximise the potential of sites C and D. It is envisaged that this development block will evolve in a similar design to the existing hotel. It will accommodate bedrooms, meeting/function rooms and conference facilities.  Site D accommodates an office development and multi-storey car-park for 300 plus relocated spaces.


      The Estates Management Unit in the Core Improvement Team are leading negotiations with Inislyn.  Land and Property Services (LP&S) have confirmed that Inislyn are best placed to realise the fullest potential of sites C and D through greater density of development by building adjacent to the existing hotel. Heads of terms are under negotiation between BCC and Inislyn and LP&S are instructed to confirm that any agreement between the parties brought before Members provides best value to Council.


      Site E is located adjacent to the River Lagan and the Halifax building and has a distinct context. The development opportunity inspired the creation of an iconic river-front building with office use in two distinct structures interlinked into a high quality design. This layout and siting has been carefully designed to respect the existing residential properties on McAuley Street.


      The Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) site adjoining the Northern Fringe lands remains on the market. However, in the current economic  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Independent Review of Economic Policy pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The purpose of this report is to bring to the attention of the Development Committee details of a consultation on the Independent Review of Economic Policy (Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment and Invest NI).


      Members will be aware the Review was commissioned by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Arlene Foster MLA, in December 2008 and was undertaken by an independent panel, chaired by Professor Richard Barnett, Vice Chancellor of the University of Ulster. Other members of the panel included Professor Brian Ashcroft, University of Strathclyde and Board member of the Economic Research Institute of NI; Dr Graham Gudgin, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, and Oxford Economics; Professor Michael Moore, Queen’s University and Harvard University; Mr John Wright, former international banking director and current Chairman and non-executive director of a number of companies in the UK and overseas.


      The Review Panel was asked to determine whether existing DETI and Invest NI policies, programmes and resources will sufficiently contribute to the economic goals of the Programnme for Government and to make recommendations designed to strengthen the NI economy.


      Key recommendations put forward by the report include:


-    Core economic functions (covering DETI and Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) areas of responsibility) should be brought under a single ‘Department of the Economy’

-    The Executive should establish a permanent sub-committee, chaired by the ETI Minister, to prioritise action on the economy. The sub-committee should oversee the development and implementation of an economic strategy, building on the findings of the Independent Review of Economic Policy, as a matter of urgency

-    More emphasis needs to be placed on developing a portfolio of policies to promote Innovation and Research and Development (R&D), and there are a number of specific recommendations in this regard

-    Invest NI should have a more focused, dedicated and professional approach to strengthening export performance in both manufacturing and tradable services

-    Invest NI should be allowed more freedom to operate, enabling the organisation to be more responsive to business needs

-    A small business unit to be created within Invest NI and the approach of working only with ‘clients’ should cease

      The closing date for responses is 16 November, 2009.


Key Issues


      The Council welcomes the opportunity to respond to the recent IREP as this seminal report and its recommendations will make an effective contribution to the future of the Northern Ireland economy and the future of economic development activity. 


      The Council supports many of the recommendations set out within the review however there are a number of specific comments and issues that have been outlined within our response document which it would like to see reflected in the final document. 


      Key issues include:


-    The Council is deeply dissatisfied at the lack of recognition of the role of local authorities as bodies that are capable of making a unique and complementary contribution to the social and economic prosperity  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Economic Development Unit Update pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Belfast City Centre Management - Presentation


            In response to a request, the Committee agreed to receive at its next monthly meeting a presentation from Belfast City Centre Management on its outline business plan for 2010/11.



Festive Lighting - Arterial Routes


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Members will be aware at Development Committee meeting of 15 October 2008 discussion took place in connection with festive lighting during the Christmas period.  At this meeting Members expressed the view that in 2009 they would like to see emphasis being placed on the provision of festive lighting on those streets which acted as gateways to the City centre rather than those streets within the centre of Belfast alone. Committee subsequently agreed that further discussions be held with the Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce to examine methods of ensuring that the arterial routes within the City are made more festive during the 2009 Christmas period.  This issue has since been explored and ‘A Guide to Christmas Lighting in Belfast’ has been produced and distributed to areas outside the City centre.


Key Issues


      Festive lighting is a key element in providing a vibrant atmosphere during the Christmas period.  It is at the core of creating an area’s identity and can actively contribute towards attracting shoppers and therefore bolstering trade during the Christmas period. 


      The Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce and Belfast City Centre Management (BCCM) have recently prepared and distributed a Christmas lighting leaflet to trader groups across the City providing details of the various lighting options available (e.g. tree lighting, lampposts, cross-street and wall mounted lights) and the associated average costs per unit, including installation and connection fees. 


      BCCM is eager to project manage additional lighting schemes outside of the City centre and has informed these groups that they are willing to manage the health and safety issues and implementation of lighting on their behalf, free of charge. 


      Trader groups are however required to purchase their own lights either through the existing City centre contract or through their own networks.


Resource Implications


      No specific resource implications associated with this activity.




      It is recommended that Members note the content of this report.


Decision Tracking


      No decision tracking required.


            During discussion in the matter, the Head of Economic Initiatives undertook to investigate whether or not the Festive Lighting Guide referred to in the report had been provided to businesses in the York Road area of the City.





East Belfast Mission - Request for Funding


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      At the April 2009 Development Committee, Members agreed to provide match funding to four organisations which had been successful in securing financial assistance through the European Social Fund (ESF).  These organisations were East BelfastMission, North Belfast Partnership, Women into Business and Training for Women Network.  The approval granted was to provide funding for the 2009/10 financial year only and, as a condition of the funding, the four groups were not to request any further money from the Council in connection with the 2010/2011 aspect of their ESF projects. 


      Recently, East BelfastMission has written to the Council seeking match funding of £52,509 to further support the Work 4 U project in the 2010/2011 financial year.


Key Issues


      East Belfast Mission, through the Stepping Stone Project, currently delivers the Work 4 U project, funded by ESF and match-funded by the Council.   The aim of this programme is to work with unemployed individuals in East Belfast, including those deemed economically inactive, and assist them to find employment. 


      When Members agreed in April 2009 to co-finance support for all four projects, it was agreed that as a condition of the year two funding, all groups in receipt of match funding must not request further money from the Council in connection with the 2010/2011 aspect of their ESF projects.  This condition was written into all four separate Funding Agreements - all of which were signed by the individual parties and returned for the Council’s official seal of approval.   


      Whilst the Work 4 U project is worthy, it is for the reason noted above, that the Development Department has not made provision in its revenue estimates for 2010/11 for groups participating in European Social Fund Projects. 


      The Council believes it is imperative there is a more strategic, co-ordinated approach to tackling the skills and employability needs of its residents and is currently taking steps to address this issue. In response to this, Members agreed in December 2008 to a proposal to open discussions with Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) and other key skills and employability partners in order to develop an agreed strategy for our City. 


      Members are advised that the Council convened a Belfast Employability and Skills Board in May 2009, including representatives from Central and Local Government, Universities, Colleges, sector skills councils, trade bodies and the local community.  Since this group first formed, regular meetings have taken place and a ‘Belfast Employability & Skills Action Plan’ is currently in development which will help address current and future needs facing our City.  This document is expected to be finalised in January 2010 and is intended to help shape the Council’s future role in employability and skills related activity – in particular advancing joint activity with key partners and stakeholders in responding to the economic downturn. 


      Members are asked to note that if financial assistance is offered to the Work 4 U project it is likely we will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7c


Retail Therapy - Tender


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 13th May, it had agreed that a second series of the Retail Therapy Programme, a bespoke business development programme for independent retailers which aimed to improve their competitiveness, be undertaken.  The Head of Economic Initiatives pointed out that a sum of £50,000 had been included within the Departmental budget to enable this scheme to be undertaken.


            0The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that a tender to deliver this initiative would be issued towards the end of the year and recommended that authority be delegated to the Interim Co-Directors of Development, in conjunction with the Chairman, to accept the most economically advantageous tender received.  She indicated that the evaluation criteria would be based on both cost and quality.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Committee Site Visits


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that, recently, both Members and external organisations had expressed an interest in the Committee undertaking a number of site visits to various companies operating within Belfast, as part of an ongoing process of relationship-building between Councillors and the local business community.  She reported that, to date, interest had been expressed by the Port of Belfast, Stena Line, George Best Belfast City Airport, Belfast International Airport and the Northern Ireland Science Park.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to undertake a series of site visits as outlined above.



Customer/Stakeholder Engagement


            The Committee agreed to host during December, at a cost not to exceed £3,000, an information networking session for its customers and stakeholders.



Markets Unit Update pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


Oxford Exchange Restaurant


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that the Oxford Exchange Restaurant at St. George’s had been closed since July to enable it to be refurbished.  The owners, who intended to re-open the facility in mid?November under the name “St. George’s Market Bar and Grill”, had been working closely with staff from the Markets Unit and with the Market traders with a view to increasing the amount of produce which the restaurant purchased from the Market.


            She pointed out that discussions were ongoing between Council officers and staff from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency’s Historical Buildings Unit regarding a request from the owners of the restaurant to erect additional signage both inside and outside the building.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives recommended that the Committee approve the new signage for the “St. George’s Market Bar and Grill”, subject to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency’s Historical Buildings Unit granting permission for it to be erected.


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation.



Two Replacement Markets in St. George's Market


            The Head of Economic Initiatives pointed out that, since St. George’s weekly markets were held on Fridays and Saturdays, the markets which were due to be held on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day would not be taking place.  This would result in the loss of approximately £5,000 in stall rental to the Council and would impact on the income of the traders.  Accordingly, she recommended that additional markets be held on 22nd and 23rd December and that the regular Friday and Saturday stallage rents be charged.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Tourism Unit Update pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Key Issues


1.     Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau – Presentation to Development Committee


2.     Cathedral Quarter Steering Group – Presentation to Development Committee


3.     Arts Council of Northern Ireland – Special Development Committee Meeting


1.     Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau – Presentation to Development Committee


        Members will be aware that the Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau (BVCB) was established in 1999 to promote Belfast as a major leisure and business tourism destination.  Their Mission Statement is:


      ‘to establish Belfast as a world class visitor destination by increasing the contribution that tourism makes to the economy in a way that is customer-focused, delivers a quality solution in a cost-effective way, respects the environment, is acceptable to the local community and offers sustainable growth.’


        BVCB is currently delivering its business plan for the 2009/2010 financial year and is working on an outline business plan for 2010/2011. BVCB has requested an opportunity to present at a meeting of the Development Committee details of current activities, achievements and draft proposals for the year ahead.


        Resource Implications:


        There are no resource implications.




        It is recommended that Committee receive a presentation from the BVCB at a future meeting.


        Decision Tracker


        Following approval that the BCVB be invited to make a presentation to Committee


        Timeline:  January 2010

        Reporting Officer:  Kerrie Sweeney


2.     Cathedral Quarter Steering Group – Presentation to Development Committee


        Members will be aware that Laganside Corporation was dissolved in July 2007.  In 2008 the Department for Social Development (DSD), working closely with Belfast City Council, Belfast City Centre Management (BCCM) and key stakeholders, set up a Steering Group to develop and implement a 5 year Strategic Vision and Development Plan for the area.  DSD committed funding to enable the Steering Group to produce the strategy and promote the area including the employment of a Cathedral Quarter Development Manager.  The Cathedral Quarter Steering Group (CQSG) includes broad representation of arts, business, leisure, public sector and other stakeholders.


        Members will be aware that the Cultural Tourism Strategy, ‘Developing Belfast’s Opportunity’, details the aim of developing cultural tourism activity in the Cathedral Quarter.  Belfast City Council has been actively involved in the development and promotion of the Cathedral Quarter as a cultural tourism destination through;


-    infrastructure development in its support of venues such as the MAC, Black Box, Galleries and the Oh Yeah Music Centre


-    improving visitor servicing between the hospitality and cultural sectors through skills development workshops and familiarisation tours


-    working collaboratively to enhance the quality of the visitor experience in the Quarter and development of branding


-    promotion in partnership with BVCB and improving communication through initiatives such as


-    the development of new cultural products such as Late Night Art, Music Tourism, Summer Sundays, Support Culture Night and the development of future Cathedral Quarter Street Trading.


        The Chair of the CQSG, Paul McErlane, and the Cathedral Quarter Manager, Patricia Freedman, have requested an opportunity to present, at a meeting of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Tourism Monitor and Research Services pdf icon PDF 101 KB


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that the current contract for the provision of an extensive marketing research campaign to monitor the tourism performance in Belfast was due to end in December.  Accordingly, she recommended that tenders be invited for the provision of tourism and research services for the period from January, 2010 till December, 2013 and that authority be delegated to the Interim Co-Directors of Development, in conjunction with the Chairman, to accept the most economically advantageous tender received.  She indicated that the evaluation criteria would be based on both cost and quality.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that tenders be invited for the provision of tourism monitoring at a cost not to exceed £80,000 per annum during the three-year duration of the tender and to delegate authority to the Interim Co-Directors of Development, in conjunction with the Chairman, to accept the most economically advantageous tender received.



Broadway Junction Public Art pdf icon PDF 104 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 14th October, it had been advised that an additional £66,000 was required to enable the Broadway Junction Public Art project to be completed.  The sum was to enable technical approval/certification work associated with the scheme to be completed to the satisfaction of the Roads Service.  The Department for Social Development had indicated that it would contribute £30,000 towards these additional costs and the Council had been asked to provide the remaining £36,000.  Having been concerned at the amount of money the Council was being asked to contribute, the Committee had requested Council officers to endeavour to obtain from other public agencies the shortfall of £36,000 and, failing this, to examine the Department’s existing budgets to ascertain if that amount could be found and report back to a future meeting.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that the responses from the various organisations which had been contacted following the meeting on 14th October were as follows:


(i)     the Department for Regional Development had indicated that the Roads Service was not in a position to provide any capital funding for the project;


(ii)    a submission to the Arts Council for Northern Ireland’s Public Art Funding Programme had been unsuccessful; and


(iii)   the Department for Social Development had confirmed that it was not in a position to provide any further funding above and beyond the contribution of £30,000 which it had already committed.


She pointed out that, having been unable to obtain further funding from any organisation, a re-profiling of the Development Department’s expenditure had resulted in the £36,000 being available within the existing budget.  Accordingly, she recommended that the Committee agree to provide the sum of £36,000 to enable the Broadway Junction Public Art project to be completed.


            Arising out of discussion, the Head of Economic Initiatives agreed to provide information to Members regarding the maintenance costs of the artwork and whether or not it would be covered under the Council’s insurance policies should it be vandalised.


            After further discussion, the Committee noted that the Head of Economic Initiatives would provide further information to Members and agreed, in order for the project to be completed, that the shortfall of £36,000 be met from the existing Departmental Budget.



Department for Social Development's Area Advice Centre Locations Consultation pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      In September 2007 the Opening Doors Strategy for the Delivery of Voluntary Advice Services was published by the Department for Social Development.  This set out a plan for the future of modern advice services in Northern Ireland based on a model of local commissioning arrangements led by councils, supported by DSD and operating within an agreed framework of quality standards. The original strategy has been supplemented by two further phases of research.  In 2008 Phase 1 considered and mapped existing provision.  This paper proposes a BCC response to the second phase of research which proposes the optimum number and location of Area Advice Centres. 


      Following this consultation process, DSD has advised that Minister Ritchie intends to publish further guidance ‘in consultation with councils’’ before piloting the new advice framework in partnership.  DSD has indicated its intention to invite expressions of interest from councils to permit a pilot phase in 2010.  Furthermore, implementation of the new framework should take account of and fit the new council areas post RPA.  DSD indicated that adoption of the agreed model will coincide with RPA implementation time scales currently expected to occur in 2011.


      The consultation document includes questions directed to advice providers and funders of advice provision. The draft response from BCC only addresses funder specific questions.


Key Issues


      The consultation document, which is available on, indicates that the Area Advice Centre model will provide:


-    Accessible generalist advice, advocacy and support on a range of basic and complex advice issues;

-    Offer first line support to those who have specific needs;

-    Act as a referral point to specialist agencies where dedicated specialist advice is required;

-    Outreach and the use of telephone and online access will be used to ensure adequate advice coverage of an area, this would be agreed and implemented by the council. In Belfast it is envisaged that existing Advice providers/consortia would undertake this function.


      After classification of settlements based on population and the level of service provision, 2 further tests were applied to propose locations for the Area Advice Centres.


1.   Population

      What percentage of the population lives within 5 miles of the proposed Area Advice Centres.


      This test found that:

      75% of population of N.I. live within the 5 mile radius of the proposed centres.


2.   Deprivation

      What proportion of the top 10% and top 20% of deprived Census Output Areas are within 5 miles of the proposed  Area Advice Centres.


      This test found that:

      96% of top 10% deprived SOAs are within a 5 mile radius

      90% of top 20% deprived SOAs are within a 5 mile radius


      DSD further analysed whether or not Neighbourhood Renewal Areas could be readily linked to an Area Advice Centre.  Information detailed  in the DSD document indicates all the Belfast NRPs are aligned.


      BCC has been aware of and has been working towards being part of the pilot phase of this strategy for several years. Unfortunately the proposed pilot  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Support for Sport - Event Funding pdf icon PDF 126 KB


            The Committee considered the following requests for assistance which had been received under the Support for Sport Scheme in relation to events and promotions:



Summary of Event and Amount Requested



PeacePlayers International – Northern Ireland

Funding in the sum of £1,000 in relation to the holding on 12th December of a cross?community basketball competition for children aged between 10 and 14 at The Ozone



Ulster Karate Council

No specific amount of funding requested in relation to the holding on 13th March, 2010 of the Titanic International Open Karate Cup involving approximately 200 participants at Queen’s University’s Physical Education Centre



Athletics Northern Ireland

Funding in the sum of £10,000 in relation to the holding on 6th and 7th February, 2010 of the sixth Irish Indoor Athletics Championships at The Odyssey



            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Cycling Tour Series pdf icon PDF 118 KB


            (Mr. G. Copeland, City Events Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      In October Members requested that details of the UK Cycling ‘Tour Series’ budget be presented in order for the Committee to assess whether the event should receive funding from BCC.  Therefore the purpose of this report is to present Members with details of the event budget and to seek approval for Belfast to become one of sixteen UK and Irish cities to host this international city centre cycling event, which will be organised in conjunction with British Cycling and Cycling Ireland.


      Members are reminded that the event, known as the ‘Tour Series’, is organised by Sweetspot, a UK based sports events company with experience in the management and delivery of events such as the Tour of Britain cycling event and the Tour de France ‘Grand Depart’ in London 2007.  Sweetspot approached BCC’s officers in September 2009 in order to ascertain whether Belfast could become a host city in May 2010.   The format for the event, which is normally supported by the host city, is free to attend and based normally in the main city centre area – the proposed six lap circuit would be around Donegall Square, City Hall and the main shopping areas of the City centre.  The organisers design the course to create a carnival atmosphere, with the event being televised on the ITV network.  The races are sixty minutes in duration, with the option to run amateur, youth and fun-based cycling ‘races’ during the evening.


      The proposed 2010 programme would start in Dublin, followed by Belfast, after which the event would move to Scotland – heading to Dundee and Perth.  These races would then be followed by a series of events running through England and Wales.  All the races would be covered by the ITV network and broadcast to an average television audience of 150,000 for the main event, with a re-run programme generating up to 78,000 viewers.  It is estimated that the value of the television broadcast would be in the region of £250,000 to £350,000.


Key Issues


      Budgetary Breakdown


      Members may recall that the total cost to stage the event would be £85,000.  As Members requested, the breakdown of these costs is indicated below and is inclusive of the following:


      Item                                               Cost


      Event Infrastructure                  £15,600

      Signage Branding                        £1,100

      Vehicles                                         £1,150

      Teams and Fees                           £9,500

      Hotels and Travel                         £4,300

      TV Infrastructure                                    £11,000

      Publicity and Marketing             £13,200

      Administration                               £2,800

      Event Mgt Fee                            £10,670

      Stewarding Costs                         £7,000

      Health and Safety                         £4,880

      Cleansing/Waste                              £800

      Insurance                                       £3,000

      TOTAL                                          £85,000


‘Tour Series’


      The rationale for staging the ‘Tour Series’ is to present Belfast as a City capable of hosting major sports events and as a key tourism destination.  If successful, the event will indicate that Belfast has the capacity to host an international class event.  Key benefits to Belfast would include:


-    UK & Irish television exposure via ITV (Sweetspot do not pay or get  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Departmental Plan Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


            During consideration of a quarterly update report providing information on the current status of projects and initiatives which had been carried out by the Department during the period from 1st July till 30th September, the Head of Economic Initiatives answered various questions which were put to her by the Members and apologised for the omission of information concerning the work of the European Unit.


            The Committee noted the contents of the report.



Proposed Council Strategy to Tackle Poverty and Inequalities pdf icon PDF 117 KB


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reminded the Committee that in 2008 the Development Department had commissioned Dr. Mike Morrissey to undertake a study to assess the level of poverty in Belfast and to recommend anti-poverty initiatives which the Council could undertake in the short and medium term.  Subsequently, a number of workshops had been held with Members and officers to consider Dr. Morrissey’s findings, which had concluded that the Council should develop a Strategy to tackle poverty and inequalities.


            She pointed out that such a Strategy would contribute significantly to both Corporate and Departmental goals and that there were three methods by which the Council could implement it:


(i)   improve access to, and delivery of, Council services;


(ii)  better targeting of the Council’s existing budgets; and


(iii)using the Council’s statistical and performance management systems to monitor the levels of poverty at a neighbourhood level and the Council’s achievements following the implementation of the Strategy.


            The process to develop the Strategy would involve working closely with Members, consulting key stakeholders and public consultation.  It was intended that the draft plan would be prepared by March, 2010 and, following consultation, the Strategy would be launched in October.


            She informed the Members that it was anticipated that the work involved in preparing the plan in the current financial year would cost £12,000, which could be met from within existing budgets, and that the work in the 2010/2011 year would cost £20,000.


            During discussion in the matter, a Member pointed out that, since many organisations had undertaken work into poverty in Belfast, there was considerable information available on the subject.  He suggested that the Council should ensure that it did not duplicate the work which other organisations had undertaken.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that the process as outlined by the Head of Economic Initiatives would be used to develop the Strategy to tackle poverty and inequalities in Belfast.



Forthcoming Work Plans


            The Chairman reminded the Members that, at the meeting on 12th August, there had been a discussion regarding the possibility of the Committee meeting with senior officers to discuss the Department’s work plans for the coming months.  He informed the Members that this meeting would be delayed until the new Director of Development had been appointed.

