Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item


Routine Matters




An apology for inability to attend was reported from Councillor M. Campbell.




            The minutes of the meetings of 4th, 5th, 10th and 24th November were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st December, subject to:


(i)      the amendment of the minute of 5th November under the heading “Belfast and Northern Ireland 2012 Business Case” to provide that the Working Group to be established consider also the issue of the decade of centenaries and agree on a core set of principles to be applied to those events; and


(ii)     the omission of the minute of the meeting of 10th November under the heading “Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre: Review of Management Arrangements” which, at the request of Councillor Kyle, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration.



New Members


            The Chairman welcomed Councillors Groves, Hargey and P. Robinson to their first meeting of the Committee.



Presentation - Belfast Civic Trust

To receive a presentation from representatives of Belfast Civic Trust in relation to proposals for a Belfast History Centre


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 10th November, it had agreed to receive a presentation from representatives of the Belfast Civic Trust in relation to proposals for a Belfast History Centre.  The Committee was advised that the representatives would be unable to attend the meeting, but had requested that they be received at a future meeting of the Committee.


            The Committee agreed that the presentation from the representatives of the Belfast Civic Trust be deferred until its monthly meeting scheduled to be held on 9th February, 2011.



Departmental Plan - Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided a quarterly update on the Development Departmental Plan 2010/2011.


            Arising out of discussion, the Committee agreed that in future a report on Travellers’ Issues be submitted on a quarterly basis and that the Director write to the Minister for the Environment to ascertain the current position in relation to the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan.



Financial Reporting - Quarter 2 2010-11 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed at on 18 June 2010 that:


-     the Council would produce financial reporting packs for the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee and each Standing Committee on a quarterly basis


-     the Budget and Transformation Panel would also receive monthly financial updates if there were any significant issues to report.


            The reporting pack contains a summary dashboard of the financial indicators and an executive summary explaining the financial performance of the Development Committee in the context of the financial performance of the overall council.  It also provides a more detailed explanation of each of the relevant indicators covering the year to date and forecast financial position.


            As we previously advised the committee, we will continue to develop the style and contents of the reports in liaison with members. In particular, the members’ financial training at the end of September 2010 provided a good opportunity for discussion and feedback on the reports. It is therefore intended to make some amendments to style and layout for the quarter 3 financial reports.


            Central finance and our departmental management team have worked together to develop the information within this financial reporting pack.  


2          Key Issues


2.1      Current and forecast financial position 2010/11


            Net expenditure for the Development Department was £0.2m (quarter 1: £0.3m) below budget for the quarter representing 2% of estimated net expenditure. The forecast year end position for the department is estimated to be £0.5m (quarter 1: £0.5m) which is 2% below budget.


            The 3 key reasons for the current under spend within the department are in line with quarter 1 and relate to vacant posts, delays or non activation in projects and work programmes caused by delays in structural reviews and other external factors and additional In year efficiencies.


            The department will continue to monitor the variance between actual and budgeted expenditure during quarter 3, especially those areas highlighted during the quarter 2 budget review process.


            In line with quarter 1, we recommend that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee continues to consider how best to use this forecast under-spend along with those arising from other departments, as was discussed at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 22 October 2010.


            The financial reporting pack, a copy of which has been circulated, contains more detail on both the overall council position and the financial performance in each of the Services within the Department.


            We would like to emphasise that the end of the financial year is still several months away and that there are significant uncertainties which could impact on the forecast.  Nevertheless, a half-year forecast is helpful to members in making financial decisions for the remainder of 2010/11 and to inform the 2011/12 rates setting exercise.


3          Resource Implications


3.1      There is a year to date under spend of £0.2m and a forecast under spend of some £0.5m.


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1There are no equality or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Neighbourhood Renewal Update pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


            The Director submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


1          Relevant Background Information


1.1      Members will be aware that, there are 12 Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships within the BCC area.  Each Partnership was tasked with producing a Vision Framework (7-10 years) and Action Plan (3 years) for the Neighbourhood Renewal area. The 12 Partnerships are:


       - Inner East  Belfast           - Inner South Belfast

       - South West Belfast          - Greater Shankill

       - Greater Falls                    - Lenadoon

       - Upper Springfield            - Crumlin/Ardoyne

       - Inner North Belfast          - Andersonstown

       - Ligoniel                             - Upper Ardoyne/Ballysillan


            The actions plans were completed for each area and submitted to DSD for consideration and funding support.  These Plans proposed thousands of actions that would need to be delivered by a range of organisations in key areas such as housing, health, education, community safety, good relations, employability, community development, culture, tourism, leisure, children and young people, older people and environmental and physical improvement.


2          Key Issues


2.1      The Council has become a key participant in the neighbourhood renewal process and to date a wide range of support has been provided including:-


-     Overall coordination of council’s response to neighbourhood renewal facilitated through SNAP.

-     Officer participation and representation provided on all 12 Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships through Community Services.

-     Action Plan responses prepared for each of the 12 Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships Action Plans.

-     Implementation of a number of key actions pertaining to the Neighbourhood Renewal Plans.

-     Provision of area-based intelligence to support the neighbourhood renewal process.

-     Neighbourhood renewal resource directories prepared for the Partnerships detailing Council services and key staff working in the local area.

-     Implementation of the Lenadoon Neighbourhood Renewal Pilot in partnership with BRO. See below for further details.

-     On-going work with BRO regarding the development of partnership approaches to the implementation of the Neighbourhood Renewal Action Plans including the Service Delivery Model.


2.2      Lenadoon Neighbourhood Renewal Pilot


            At the Development Committee meeting of 10th December 2008, council agreed to work with BRO in an exploratory neighbourhood renewal partnership project. Piloted in the Lenadoon Neighbourhood Renewal area, the project would enable both organisations to deliver on their commitment to the NR action plan in a more integrated manner and then apply any lessons learned to other neighbourhood action plans.


            A two phase pilot programme has been designed for the Lenadoon area. Phase 1 was completed between January and March 2010. Phase 2 projects have been developed and an application for funding to implement these projects has been submitted to BRO.


            An overview of the Lenadoon pilot and its associated projects and activities has been circulated. Given the success of this partnership approach to delivery, it is recommend that further discussions should now take place with BRO regarding the potential to develop additional projects and activities in other Neighbourhood Renewal areas. Updates on such discussions or proposals will be brought to Committee in due course.


2.3      Next steps


            Whilst work  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


European Unit - Update pdf icon PDF 105 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1      Members will be aware that they receive regular EU unit updates with respect to the work of the EU unit.  The following report outlines progress to date during the first eight months of the current financial year.

2          Key Issues


2.1      Members will recall that the objectives of the European unit are as follows;


1.      Maximise EU funding

2.      Interpret, influence and disseminate EU policy

3.      Promote best practice in Europe

4.      Maximise participation in EU networks

5.      Raise awareness of EU affairs in the region


      The following areas of activity have been delivered with respect to each of the above objectives.


2.2      Maximise European Funding


            Since the 1 April 2010, the EU unit has pursued the following EU funds;


            Interreg IVA


            Developed and submitted a second budget for the unit costs including staff and promotion of the Comet partnership and board costs.


            Amount:  Total £303,805.59

            Status:  Awaiting decision by SEUPB


2.3      Supporting the development of five bids for Interreg IVA funding under the enterprise call which closes 21 January 2011


            Amount:  TBC

            Status:  Submissions due January 2011


2.3      Continued work with the Comet Interreg projects submitted in December 2007


            Status:  Bio-recorders conservation project received letter of offer but project promoter has rejected this as the organisation cannot absorb overhead costs.

            Status:  Executive Leadership project led by UUJ rejected by SEUPB Steering Committee.

            Status:  Carbon Footprint led by BCC rejected and rejected at appeal by SEUPB Steering Committee.

            Status: Three centre Incubation led by Belfast, North Down and Sligo Councils.  Rejected by SEUPB Steering Committee.


            Status: QUB NI Technology Centre Project still within SEUPB system.

            Status:  Cultural Tourism led by An Droichead being redirected to Interreg collaboration call April 2011.

            Status:  Chamber capacity building led by NI Chamber of Commerce rejected and will be redeveloped for the April 2011 call.

            Status:  Biodiversity bid submitted, led by all NI and border council biodiversity officers.  Await SEUPB decision.

            Status:  A business clustering project has been submitted and awaits SEUPB decision.


2.4      Grundtvig


            £60,000 secured to undertake a two way exchange between twelve retired seniors in the cities of Madrid and Belfast to engage in a six week volunteering programme.




            BelfastCity Council’s contribution of £15000, levered a further £50,000 from the EU Commission for a sixth annual opportunity Europe two day programme on St Georges Market 19-20 October which drew in 5000 post primary students and general public. Note: A detailed report will be made on the impact and value of this following an external evaluation which will be presented in the next Member’s brief.


2.5      ESF


            Produced a council led ESF bid with the Economic Development unit to deliver a second Harte employment programme this time involving two of the other five Comet councils, Lisburn and Castlereagh.  Funding decision by DELawaited.


            Supported the implementation of the DEL led ESF ‘European Learning Network on Empowerment and Inclusion’.  This is 3 a year 495,000  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Cathedral Quarter Development Plan pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Laganside Corporation had been dissolved in July, 2007.  In 2008, the Department for Social Development, working in conjunction with the Council, Belfast City Centre Management and other key stakeholders, had set up a Steering Group to develop and implement a five-year Strategic Vision and Development Plan for the area.  The Department for Social Development had committed funding to enable the Steering Group to produce a Strategy and promote the area, including the employment of a Cathedral Quarter Development Manager.  The Cathedral Quarter Development Plan had now been drafted and circulated for consultation and a draft Council response to the document is set out hereunder:


“1.                   Background & Discussion


      The draft Cathedral Quarter (CQ) Strategy 2010-2015 proposes to establish a Management Trust which will:


·         Provide a forum for all stakeholders to work together

·         Work with disparate government agencies and departments to focus on the unique needs of the area

·         Leverage funding, including external resources not available to government

·         Manage the Cathedral Quarter’s managed workspaces and event funding with appropriate government oversight

·         Facilitate the effective and efficient delivery of services

·         Implement the Cathedral Quarter Development Strategy


      Whilst the Management Trust would provide a focus for the CQ, BelfastCity Council would have concerns that other areas across the city would want to adopt a similar approach and Council would need to consider this carefully within a city wide context, before any precedent is set.  It is difficult to determine the power of a Trust within the current constraints of government departments. 


      Private/public sector financial models to support the development of Cathedral Quarter must be fully explored.


2.   The CQ Development Plan


      In guiding the future development of the Cathedral Quarter the four key priorities of the Management Trust will be:


·         To support the Cathedral Quarter as a centre for the arts and creative industries

·         To support the growth of the mixed-use economy in Cathedral Quarter

·         To generate high levels of public participation

·         To build and maintain a supportive Infrastructure


      BelfastCity Council (BCC) broadly supports the 4 Priorities identified in the strategy


      BCC notes that the draft strategy contains highly ambitious aspirations for the area in a relatively short period of time.  These aspirations are commendable however need to be strengthened by a short, medium and long term implementation plan where the Key Targets should be SMART - specific, measurable, achievable and timebound. 




      BCC recommends that the Development Plan is open to consultation with a wider stakeholder network and not only those with direct interest in the Cathedral Quarter.




      BCC would recommend that marketing and communication plans are strengthened in the implementation plan and that the proposed management trust works closely in partnership with the Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau (BVCB). 


      It is also noted that the key target under Objective 3.3. to include ‘Visitor information point(s) in the Cathedral Quarter’ must be done in partnership with the Belfast Welcome  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Development and Outreach Initiative pdf icon PDF 59 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Council distributed a range of funding to culture and arts organisations.  Due to the need for those organisations to plan their programmes, the Council endeavoured to award funding as early in the financial year as possible.  Therefore, a call for funding under the Development and Outreach Programme would be opened in early January and close in February.  The initiative aimed to build capacity and boost cultural activity in communities with weak cultural infrastructure.  Applications must be made on behalf of a consortia of arts, heritage and community organisations and beneficiaries must be from the top 50% of the most deprived areas in Belfast, according to the Multiple Deprivation ranks for Northern Ireland, or have a disability.  It was anticipated that approximately thirteen Partnerships would receive support and the maximum level of funding available per project would be £20,000.  A total amount of £165,000 had been included in the budget for the Initiative. 


            The Committee agreed to the opening of the Development and Outreach Initiative in January, 2011.



Consultation - Belfast on the Move Response and Strategic Planning Policy Consultations pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


Consultations – Belfast on the Move and Strategic Planning Policy


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1‘     Belfast on the Move’ was launched by the Minister for Regional Development in City Hall on the 30th September 2010 and a public consultation process was initiated, requesting for comments to be submitted by the 30th November 2010. Representatives from the Department attended a Special Committee on the 24th November 2010 and outlined the proposed changes to the traffic management in the city centre.


1.2      Proposals for Strategic Planning Policy Guidance in the form of the draft review of the Regional Development Strategy (RDS) and guidance in respect of the weight of economic issues in the consideration of planning applications were recently announced.


1.3      This report provides an update of the draft response to ‘Belfast on the Move’ taking account of the consideration and comments from the Special Development Committee and seeks approval for the appointment of technical support to develop responses to forthcoming strategic planning policy consultations.


2          Key Issues


2.1     Belfast on the Move’ During the Special Development Committee on the 24th November 2010, Members had the opportunity to explore the detail of the proposals with the Department for Regional Development staff.


2.2      The Draft Response attached in Appendix 1 takes account of the issues and comments raised during the consideration by Committee along with responses from internal consultation with Council departments.


·         In response to the queries and comments from the Committee, the members of the DRD deputation provided clarification in relation to an number of elements including:


·         The proportion of through traffic using the city centre;


·         enforcement in relation to the use of junctions and moving traffic offences;


·         the strategic approach to traffic management in the city;


·         the use of bus lanes by cleansing vehicles;


·         improving access to Donegall Square East and West and the relocation of bus stops from Donegall Square West to Queen Street;


·         funding bids for these proposals and the Rapid Transport project;


·         car parking for persons with disabilities;


·         the relationship between Rapid Transit Lanes and public taxi hire ranks;


·         potential transport proposals for the north of the city centre;


·         parking of tour buses and coach parking bays; and


·         the objective of reducing longer-stay car parking.


            The draft response to the consultation has been updated to reflect the comments made by the Members. The final draft response is appended to this report for consideration by the Committee.


2.3      The Potential for new Strategic Planning Policy Guidance was highlighted in the Departmental Plan approved by Committee in 2010. The development of corporate responses on strategic planning policies, including Planning Policy Statements, and the Regional Development Strategy with external specialist support were highlighted as specific actions within the Departmental Plan.


2.4      The draft review of the Regional Development Strategy is being considered by the Regional Development Committee and is likely to be issued for formal consultation in December 2010.


2.5      The RDS should play a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Community Development Project Grants pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Community Development Project Grants were awarded to organisations which initiated small-scale community projects that contributed to the overarching aim of building the capacity of local people.  The maximum amount which could be awarded to any one group under the scheme was £500.


            It was reported that a total of 60 applications had been received in the second open call for funding by the closing date of 1st October, of which 21 were from organisations who had received funding when the first grant had opened in March, 2010.  As the potential grant allocation would exceed the budget, only recommendations for those 39 applications received from organisations which had not yet received a Community Development Project Grant were being submitted to the Committee for consideration at this time.  An end of year review of all grant budgets would be undertaken which would indicate if funding might be available for the remaining 21 applications.  If funds permitted, further recommendations in relation to those would be submitted to the Committee in February.


            The Committee considered the applications which had been received and which had not received funding during the first tranche and agreed to adopt the recommendations as set out below:


APPENDIX 1: Recommendations for Grant Approval



















Asbestos Support N.I. (ASNI)





Basement Youth Club





Belfast Beginning Experience




Carrickhill Residents Association




Ligoniel Improvement Association




Wishing Well Family Centre








Sub Total


























Ellis Court Residents Ass.




Greater Village Regeneration Trust




Lower Ormeau & Botanic Environmental Association




Men Utd.




St. John Vianne Senior Citizens Club








Sub Total













Avoniel Over 50’s Club




Belfast East Seniors Forum




Bellwood Seniors




Medway Court Residents Assoc.




Romanians in N.I.




Sydenham Cross Community Support








Sub Total













Caird Cheathru na Gaeltachta




Centre For Health and Wellbeing




Divis Tower Gardening Assoc.




Divis Youth Project




Falls Residents Association




Glór Na Móna




Greater Shankill Senior Citizens




Highfield Mother & Toddlers




Lenadoon Community Forum




Lenadoon Women’s Group




Roden Street CDA




West Belfast Senior Citizen Forum




Women In Safe Hands (WISH)








Sub Total














APPENDIX 2:  Recommendations for Grant Refusal








Clonard Association


Not a Community Development Organisation

Conservation Volunteers


Application Incomplete:

No Annual Accounts

No evidence of AGM

No list of Committee Members

Polish Saturday School


Not  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Community Services Grant - Advice and Information Services pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:



            The Committee was reminded that the Council was a major funder of Advice and Information Services through a consortium model which was based on geographical providers.  That approach to funding and advice delivery had been established in 2005/06 and involved over 20 organisations, which included both the Citizens’ Advice Bureau and Independent Advice providers.  Following considerable lobbying from both the Advice providers and Local Government, the Department for Social Development had agreed to provide an additional £500,000 in the current financial year for local advice services across Northern Ireland, of which £157,000 had been taken up by Belfast providers.  The total financial support for advice services in Belfast which had been administered by the Council during the previous year had been £997,836.  That had allowed the sector to process 112,693 enquiries of which over 18,000 were debt related.  Monitoring returns had demonstrated that the funds levered an additional £12,175,133 in claimed benefits.  Officers had requested a Council budget of £369,610 in support of advice services in the 2011/12 revenue estimates.  If that were to be approved, it might lever a further £469,902 from the Department for Social Development, which was an indicative figure based on the previous year’s grant.


            It was reported that correspondence had been received from Ards Borough Council indicating its intent to write to the Minister for Social Development requesting him to review and increase his Department’s contribution to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau in light of the present socio-economic climate and the Bureau’s continued increased workload and requesting all other Councils in Northern Ireland to write to the Minister in support.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to write to the Minister in this regard and agreed also to include the Independent Advice sector in the response.



Creative Industries - South by Southwest 2011 pdf icon PDF 73 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 12th May, 2010, it had agreed to support the Council’s participation at the South by Southwest Media Conference and Festival 2011.  The conference, which was the premier global event focusing on the creative side of the music and entertainment business, would take place in Austin, Texas from 14th till 19th March, 2011.  The aim of attending the event was to further the Council’s support for the Creative Industries by promoting Belfast musicians and music-related businesses to an international audience and showcasing the investment and purchasing opportunities offered by Belfast’s music industry.


            Accordingly, it was recommended that the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman (or their nominees), together with one officer, be authorised to participate in the event.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Arts and Business Northern Ireland Awards pdf icon PDF 62 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Arts and Business Northern Ireland Awards ceremony was an annual celebration of the partnerships between Northern Ireland’s arts organisations and private businesses.  In the previous year, the Waterfront Hall had been presented with the overall Arts Award for its innovative approach to corporate partnerships and sponsorships.  This year, the Waterfront and Ulster Halls had been nominated in a number of categories and the awards would be taking place in the BBC Blackstaff Studios on 20th January, 2011.  Accordingly, a number of invitations had been extended to Members of the Committee and Council officers to attend the event.


            The Committee approved the attendance at the 2011 Arts and Business Awards event of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman (or their nominees), together with the appropriate officers.



European Social Fund - Match Funding Requests pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee deferred consideration of a report in relation to the European Social Fund Match Funding requests until the Department of Employment and Learning had decided on which projects it was likely to support and to enable all applications submitted to be considered together.



Consultation Ulster-Scots Agency - Funding for Music and Dance Tuition Services to Communities pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that the Ulster-Scots Agency was undertaking a review of grant programmes operated under its Financial Assistance Scheme.  The aim of the review was to refine processes to reduce the complexity of its current system and to improve transparency in decision making, while minimising the administrative burden on organisations in receipt of grant.  Accordingly, it was proposed that the undernoted comments be submitted as the Council’s response:


 “General Comment

The general aim and ethos of the revisions appear to be sound, especially in relation to openness and transparency. However, it is not always clear how the programme links with the overall strategic aims of the Agency itself. Section 6.1 also refers to the need to reflect diversity, which does not appear to be accounted for within the main body of the consultation paper.


Within any new framework, we suggest that the application process should be proportional to the level of grant and the capacity of the communities, while endeavouring to further develop their capacity.


More interaction with other funding bodies, as well as between community groups, is encouraged to ensure synergies. 


The Council is currently undergoing a review of its community and arts funding approach with a view to developing a new culture and arts strategy. Some of the findings from the Council’s review may be of interest to the Ulster-Scots Agency and we would be happy to discuss these.


Specific Questions


Question 1: What sort of help should we offer new groups?

In addition to financial assistance, in-kind advice is invaluable to new organisations. This should include signposting to other relevant funding schemes through Council, Arts Council and other bodies. However, it may be more effective to concentrate on developing existing groups and strengthening ties with other cultural providers working in this area e.g. Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Northern Ireland and the Highland Dance Association.


Question 2: What steps should we take to help established groups?

Sustainable viability is very difficult for arts and community groups to achieve and is likely to become more difficult in the current financial climate and so it is to be hoped that existing groups will respond to this consultation request and so answer the question directly. Additionally there may be some benefit in facilitating increased dialogue and cooperation between groups. This might help identifying opportunities to share resources, transport, venues, equipment etc.  This dialogue might also help to avoid timetable clashes for events and training, potentially increasing the availability of volunteers and teachers.


Question 3: How do you think the programme should be split?

We have no specific preference. However, unless there are other agencies that could help with one activity more than another and thus release the pressure on the USA, it would seem sensible to split the programme based on demand for funding actually received.


Question 4: Is tuition needed in other musical or dance disciplines or in other areas of Ulster-Scots cultural activity?

Yes and some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Consultation - NI Commissioner for Children and Young People's Draft Corporate Strategy 2001-14 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Consultation: Northern Ireland Commissioner for

Children and Young People’s Draft Corporate Strategy for 2011-14


            The Committee was advised that the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People had produced a draft Corporate Strategy for 2011-14 and was seeking the Council’s comments thereon.  Accordingly, the Director submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted proposed response:


“General Comments


Thank you for asking us to comment on this strategy. One of the Council’s priorities is to create opportunities to improve the well-being of Children and Young People and we provide significant support for children particularly through our Parks & Leisure department and our Community Services function including the Children and Young People unit and 18 staff in the Play Team. Our support includes play schemes, the CYP Forum, summer schemes; swimming tuition; multiple sports development programmes; parks events; educational visits; Zoo schools and toddler programmes; to name but a few. Most of these events are hosted in our own facilities including parks; leisure facilities, which include outdoor pitches, open spaces and playgrounds; and Community Centres, which are often located in areas of highest need. As such we welcome further discussion on ways in which our activities may complement each others efforts.


Of course, we appreciate that members of our CYP Unit have already been in discussion with you about this strategy and more generally about the work you do. As such you will already be aware that we think the strategy is sound and that there are areas where we may be able to work together.


Specific Questions


Q1. Do you broadly agree with our vision, mission and values? Yes


Q2.      Do you broadly agree with our analysis of the external factors affecting our Corporate Planning 2011-14?  Yes


Q3.      Do you broadly agree with our key assumptions?           Yes


What other assumptions could be made in developing this Corporate Plan?


The second assumption that NICCY will receive adequate financial support through the difficult economic situation may be optimistic. It might be worth considering contingencies or clarifying priorities in the event that there is not sufficient funding to achieve all of the objectives within the strategy.


Q4.      Do you broadly agree with the approach that NICCY has taken, in aligning our Corporate Objectives with our statutory duties?            Yes


Q5.      Do you consider the general activities listed after each objective to be appropriate ways for NICCY to deliver on its objectives? Yes/No


What other things could NICCY do to deliver on these objectives?


We have suggested some minor changes (in italics) to the activities, which we feel may better reflect the full scope of NICCY’s work.


Objective 1: Promote a better understanding of children’s rights

We will do this through:

Promoting an understanding of children’s rights and responsibilities to children and young people, parents, carers and our stakeholders.

Objective 2: Review the adequacy and effectiveness of law, practice and services relating to children and young people


We will do this through:

Conducting or commissioning research, consultations and/or investigations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


St. George's Market Update pdf icon PDF 58 KB


            The Committee was advised that a representative of the St. George’s Market traders had submitted a request to address the Committee in relation to the Sunday Market before the extended trial period ended on 31st January, 2011.


            The Committee agreed to accede to the request and that the representatives be received at the meeting scheduled to be held on 12th January, 2011.



Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre: Review of Management Arrangements pdf icon PDF 122 KB

(To consider further the minute of the meeting of 10th November which, at the request of Councillor Kyle, was taken back to the Committee for further consideration by the Council at its meeting on 1st December.)


            The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 10th November, a copy of which is set out hereunder:


      “The Committee considered the undernoted report:


‘Relevant Background Information


      In April 2009, the Committee considered a request from Connswater Community and Leisure Services to extend their lease on the Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre.  Committee agreed to a time limited extension during which officers would review the centre’s performance and management capacity.  If the review was successful, a further lease extension might be offered.


      The purpose of this report is to present to committee the outcome of the review and to present recommendations for the future management arrangements of the centre and the related grant aid support.


      Pending the outcome of the review, and in light of the group’s failure to meet the monitoring requirements in relation to their previous grant aid, Members are asked to note that no grant has been released for the 2010/11 year to date. 




      Council is committed to the provision of venues for people to gather, meet, participate, share information and celebrate in recognition that Community Centres promote social inclusion, participation and engagement and as such they are often the first point of contact between the individual and wider community involvement.   The Council currently support this commitment via 3 delivery models:


-     Council owned and managed facilities

-     Community owed and managed facilities.

-     Council owned and community managed facilities


      The latter is a less cohesive category but is generally where council continues to own a building or site but has entered into lease arrangements with local community organisations for the management of the facility.  These agreements have evolved over a period of time and appear to have been reactive and usually either as a Council initiative to address under usage of centres via working in partnership with the local geographical community or have developed in direct response to community requests. 


      While the traditional focus of these centres is on sports and recreation activities, input from Community Services staff has supported the development of broader programmes to address community needs.  The range of broad based community programmes varies across each of the independently managed centres.  Council currently support 6 such centres through a range of interventions including grants and waiver of rental income, capital charges and maintenance costs. 


      In March 2004 a report was submitted to a special meeting of the Community and Leisure Services Sub?Committee: the Strategic Review of Council Owned Indoor Leisure Facilities.  This report provided the committee with information to facilitate strategic decisions regarding Council-owned indoor leisure facilities.  One of the recommendations in the report was that the Ballymacarrett Recreational Centre be transferred to the community sector subject to satisfying management arrangements and agreement on the detailed terms.


      In January 2005, the committee agreed to handover management of this facility to Connswater Community and Leisure Services Ltd (CCLL).  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


European Local Economic Development Funding Engagement Event


            The Committee was advised that the Northern Ireland Local Government Association was holding in the Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown on 13th December a European Local Economic Development Funding Engagement event and had invited two Members and two Council officers to attend.


            The Committee authorised the attendance of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman (or their nominees), together with two Council officers, at the aforementioned event.