Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from the Chairman (Alderman Stalford) and Councillors Kelly, Kyle and Robinson.



Declarations of Interest


            In respect of item 4c viz., “Lagan Canal Restoration Trust”, Councillor Webb indicated that he was a shareholder in Ulster Garden Villages Limited which had provided funding towards the re-development of the Lagan Canal.



Requests for Deputations


            It was reported that no requests had been received.



Routine Correspondence - Minister for Social Development pdf icon PDF 241 KB


The Democratic Services Officer reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 2nd February, it had agreed that a letter be forwarded to the Minister for Social Development, Mr. Nelson McCausland, M.L.A, requesting that he consider including Belfast within any pilot project formulated by his department arising from the publication of the Portas Review of High Streets in United Kingdom.  He reported that a response had since been received from the Minister which indicated that he would indeed consider including the city centre within any pilot initiative formulated and that his officials would be willing to attend a future meeting of the Committee to discuss issues in this regard.


            A Member pointed out that the terms of any pilot initiative formulated by the Department for Social Development should not be limited solely to city or town centres. He indicated that the principles embedded within the Portas review could be applied equally to the range of commercial thoroughfares across the City which had suffered due to the economic recession.


            He suggested that the Council should seek to formulate its own report which would consider how the findings of the Portas review could be implemented through various initiatives, together with identifying a range of options on how the Council could work with the Department for Social Development to deliver meaningful regeneration across the City.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to note the receipt of the Minister’s letter and agreed that report be submitted to a future meeting which would address the issues outlined above. In addition, it was agreed that an invitation to attend a future meeting be extended to representatives from the Department for Social Development to discuss matters related to the Portas Review of High Streets in the United Kingdom. 



Northern Ireland Tourist Board Conference: 'Our Time to Shine'


            The Democratic Services Officer reported that correspondence had been received in respect of the above-mentioned conference which would be hosted by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board in the Stormont Hotel on 22nd March.  He outlined the main themes of the conference which, he explained, would examine the range of local visitor attractions and consider the challenges which existed in attracting additional visitors to Northern Ireland. He pointed out that the cost, per delegate, in attending the event would be £60.00, and he recommended that the Committee authorise the attendance at the conference, together with associated travelling costs, of any Member who so wished.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Belfast Welcome Centre Relocation


(Mr. G. Millar, Director of Property and Projects, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report, together with an associated business plan in respect of the proposed relocation of the Belfast Welcome Centre:


“1   Relevant Background Information


1.1  Committee Decisions


      Members have previously been briefed on the possibility of relocating Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau/Belfast Welcome Centre. Tourism and Travel Consult International and Allan Balnaves produced an initial report (Rationale for relocating Belfast Welcome Centre) demonstrating the potential of the BWC relocation to ground floor premises which was presented to Development Committee on 13 January 2010.



1.2  ASM Howarth was appointed in October 2010 to undertake an economic appraisal and presented initial recommendations to the Development Committee on 10 November 2010.


Following a special meeting of the Development Committee on 22 February 2011 the Committee agreed to note the information provided within the report and agreed further to allocate £15,000 towards the development of a full business case for each of the options, subject to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreeing that the project be included within the Capital Programme.


1.3  This minute was subsequently amended at Council on 2 March 2011 for further sites within the city to be included as options for the relocation of BVCB/BWC.


1.4  The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 18 March 2011 approved the development of a full business case for the relocation of BVCB/BWC for a generic city centre location with the outcome of the full business case to be presented to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee when available to permit the committee to consider the proposal further. The selection of a site would follow from available options at the appropriate time following further decisions on availability of grant and capital funding.


1.5  The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at their meeting on 23 September 2011 and the Development Committee, at their meeting of 27th September 2011, agreed to support a funding application to NITB Tourism Development Scheme (TDS) for capital funding associated with the Belfast Welcome Centre.


1.6  BCVB presented their business plan for 2012/13 to Development Committee on 24 January 2012.


2    Key Issues


2.1  Council Draft Investment Programme 2012-2015


      The relocation of the BWC is included as an emerging Council-led investment project in the draft Investment Programme 2012-2015. The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee is currently considering the governance arrangements to support the Investment Programme. However, due to the timing issues around the TDS funding, the end date of the lease for the current premises and the desire by BVCB to relocate in time to maximise on the World Police and Fire Games, the Development Committee are being requested to make a recommendation to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in advance of the governance arrangements being agreed.


      The need for ground floor premises for the BWC has been again evidenced in the recent work of Dr John Heeley who prepared the visioning paper for BVCB. It reiterates that to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a


MTV Europe Music Awards and Belfast Music Week


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1   Relevant Background Information


1.1  Members will be aware that approval was given in August 2010 to bid for the MTV Europe Music Awards (EMAs).  The proposed staging of this major event was in-line with the Council’s Integrated Strategic Framework for Belfast Tourism (2010-2015) as the document identifies high profile events as a development opportunity that will allow the city to continue to build a strong reputation as a vibrant location with unique and exciting experiences that encourage new and repeat tourism visits.  The strategy’s new product development highlights that music tourism should be developed, packaged and promoted as an authentic experience to ensure that Belfast has a competitive edge.


1.2  In addition at the Development Committee in December 2008, Members noted that Visit Britain’s research showed that 21% of potential visitors were inspired to choose a destination because of the music or bands of that country, and approved a Music Tourism Action Plan in order to celebrate Belfast’s rich musical heritage.  Due to the work of the Council and partners over the last number of years Belfast’s music has received international praise and the latest generation of Belfast musicians are playing a crucial role in revitalising the city.


1.3  At a Committee Meeting held on 13 April 2011, approval was given to run Belfast Music Week in order to achieve a legacy from the EMA Awards, give a concentrated focus on the promotion of indigenous musicians to show Belfast’s rich musical heritage, thriving contemporary musical scene and promote and highlight the city’s distinctiveness.


1.4  The Committee was also reminded that Council’s current Local Economic Development Plan includes the following key themes: Business Competitiveness, Talent and Community Economic Regeneration. The new local economic development plan states that in order for Belfast to stay competitive it must nurture those sectors which can create high value-added products and bring new wealth to the city.  The Music sector in Belfast has grown significantly over the past three years and now plays a key role in the overall economic development of the city.  With a rise in musicians and bands making headlines in the international marketplace and new and innovative music businesses based in Belfast, BCC is playing a significant role for this industry.


1.5  The event offered the opportunity to leverage an internationally recognized brand through MTV and meant that Belfast local scene could target demographics both internationally and locally that we have not had the opportunity to reach before. This was key to developing the youth market, especially in terms of Europe and easily reaching an international market with an event of international stand out appeal.


2    Key Issues


2.1  Belfast played host to the 18th annual MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA) on 6 November 2011 alongside its indigenous Belfast Music Week.  Disney Princess Selena Gomez hosted the EMA event, which saw international acts including Coldplay, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and Justin Bieber take to the stage at the city’s Odyssey Arena.  Meanwhile, local heroes Snow  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


Belfast on the Move - Update pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 24th January, it had agreed to receive an update from representatives from the Department for Regional Development’s Roads Service in respect of the ‘Belfast on the Move Programme’ which had commenced in October, 2011. Accordingly, the Deputy Chairman welcomed Mr. C. de Burca and Mr. R. Pollock and they provided an overview of the work carried out thus far within the city centre to address the issue of traffic management, together with an outline of the schemes which would be implemented through to the end of March, 2013.  Mr. de Burca and Mr. Pollock then answered a number of questions which were put to them by the Members and retired from the meeting.


            The Committee noted the information provided and agreed that a further update in respect of the Programme would be considered in due course.



Lagan Canal Restoration Trust pdf icon PDF 152 KB


            (Councillor Webb left the meeting whilst this item was under consideration.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.  Relevant Background Information


1.1  Lagan Canal Restoration Trust


      In November 2006 Members approved the establishment of the Lagan Canal Restoration Trust and in 2008 the core funding bodies appointed a manager whose remit was to set up the Trust. The Trust is a not for profit company limited by guarantee with charitable status.


1.2  The Trust currently represents core funding bodies and key interest groups including; Belfast City Council, Lisburn City Council, Castlereagh Borough Council, Craigavon Borough Council, Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL). Other Trust stakeholders include; Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA),  Department of Social Development (DSD), Inland Waterways Association of Ireland (IWAI), Countryside Access and Activities Network (CAAN), Ulster Waterways Group (UWG) , Lagan Valley Regional Park and a number of public stakeholders.


1.3  In August 2009 Development Committee funded the Trust until March 2011 and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Development Committee were appointed as Belfast City Council representatives on the Trust Board.


1.4  For the three year period 2009-2011 all of the key partners contributed funding to the Trust, and for the three year period from April 2011 until March 2014, the following key partners further committed funding. This included; Lisburn City Council £112,200, DCAL £56,100, Craigavon Borough Council £22,500, and Castlereagh £11,200.


1.5  In April 2011 Members agree one year funding of £16,800 for the Lagan Canal Restoration Trust until March 2012 with a review of future funding. The Trust is now seeking funding from Council for the next two year period.


1.6  For the period 2012-2013 the Council’s financial commitment would be £16,827 and in period 2013-2014 it would be £17,341. A total funding contribution of £34,178.


1.7  A number of key impact reports are currently being undertaken by the Trust, namely; a Business Case and Funding Strategy, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and a Technical Assessment of the canal and locks of the Lagan Corridor from Belfast to Lough Neagh. These reports are considered fundamental to the possible future capital development of the project and will be completed in summer 2012.


1.8  Belfast City Council in conjunction with Castlereagh Borough Council and Lisburn City Council has submitted an Expression of Interest for funding to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) AXIS 3, Rural Development Programme, for the Lagan Strategic Rural Project. This submission is based on partnership support and includes the Stranmillis Gateway project as a key element of the project.


1.9  Following a meeting on the future of the Lagan Gateway with DCAL Minister Ni Chuilin in November 2011, a business breakfast will be planned for key stakeholders during April in the City Hall. With the city’s draft Investment Programme 2012-2015 recently launched, the business breakfast is being used as an opportunity to feed into the consultation process.


2.   Key Issues


2.1  The Lagan Canal Restoration Trust


      Members will be aware that in 2006 an offer of £1million funding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5d


Eurocities Update pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Additional documents:



            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.  Key Issues


1.1  Each year Belfast City Council experiences very positive gains from participation in the Eurocities network and importantly the council contributes to policy influencing at the EU Commission and Parliament and is currently engaging actively to ensure maximum EU funding for cities and an enhanced delivery role with respect to structural fund spend post 2013.


      The Council engages in European projects within the network and sources best practice that can be transferable to the city of Belfast. 


      Critically the Council works with other cities to track EU legislation and lobby heavily to influence this and ultimately create savings for the city eg EU Services Directive.


      Appendix 1 outlines the key work areas and outputs achieved through Belfast City Council’s engagement in the network in 2011. It also outlines the intended work plans specifically for Belfast City Council in 2012.  Each area has been discussed and deemed appropriate at relevant directorate levels within council departments.


      Highlights of the 2012 work plan may be summarised as follows:



1.2  Economic Development Forum


      In 2012 Belfast City Council will continue the high level lobby with Eurocities regarding EU funding post 2013. This work will be critical to influence and guide intensive work planned for 2012 to lobby Whitehall, the Northern Ireland Assembly and government departments to maximise the role of local government post 2013 and to secure a strong urban European plan for Belfast. BCC will engage in the Integrated Urban Development, Cohesion Policy and Metropolitan Areas Working Groups.


1.3  Social Affairs Forum


      Belfast City Council will continue to contribute to the EU policy process in the following ways by strengthening the relationships with DG Employment through maximising the links between member cities and key officials in DG Employment and responding to the encouragement of DG Employment to show how cities can bring together researchers and practitioners to pilot new initiatives and test methods of evaluation.


      BCC will develop closer links with EU institutions and stakeholders on the European Year for Active Ageing.


      Continue to work on influencing the final shape of the future ESF regulations. Identify early, and take advantage of funding calls which could facilitate joint city working on projects which support the aims and objectives of SAF e.g. calls under the PROGRESS and FP7 Social Science and Humanities Programmes.


1.4  Environment Forum


      Belfast City Council will continue to engage in the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities. The launch of the full framework will be in Aalborg in May.


      BCC will engage in the S Cube project, 100% funding project designing city energy plans. We hope to hear if it is successful in March 2012.


      BCC will continue to work to address the challenges associated with global climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and anticipating the potential consequences and developing effective adaptation measures.


      We will provide input to the review of EU air quality policy, in particular with regards to the specific needs of cities.


      BCC is a selected city in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5e


Revised Management Structure for EU Funds 2014/2020 pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1   Relevant Background Information


1.1  In the current (2007-2013) funding round, Northern Ireland will receive approximately €1.1billion of support through the EU Structural Funds under EU Cohesion Policy. Northern Ireland is currently benefiting from five EU Programmes:


-  European Sustainable Competitiveness Programme

-  European Social Fund Programme

-  Peace III Programme

-  Rural Development Programme

-  Cross Border Territorial Co-operation Programme (Interreg IVA)


1.2  The current round of programmes was designed in 2004 at a time when regional and community economic needs were very different and the implementation of these programmes has been problematic with justifiable criticism from Local Government (and others) regarding the role in and management of the Structural Funds by intermediate funding bodies.


1.3  Whilst increased administrative and management can be partly attributed to increased involvement from the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors as the programmes progress, regional and local interpretation of EU regulations plays a large role in contributing to the administrative burden often to the detriment of efficiency and targeted results.


1.4  The EU has started its preparations for the next funding period 2014-2020 and stakeholders across Europe are seeking to influence the shape of funding in the new Programming round.


1.5  NILGA, in conjunction with relevant stakeholder bodies, are proposing the development of revised management and governance structures for the new round of EU Structural Funds for the period 2014 - 2020 with an enhanced role for Local Authorities in identifying needs and setting priorities and utilising the funds to respond to local needs.


1.6  In order to start this process, NILGA convened a workshop involving elected members, Officers and Officials from DFP to identify problems with the current programmes and to propose alternative arrangements for the new programming round.


1.7  At the workshop DFP Officials provided a useful overview of the new EU legislative package and regulations which provide greater scope for involvement at the local level in the design and delivery of EU funding. DFP welcomed experiences and input of the Local Government representatives and encouraged NILGA to put forward a position paper on the experiences of Local Government under the current programming round as well as recommendations for improvements to the administrative and management arrangements for the 2014 - 2020 programming period.


1.8  NILGA has subsequently issued a questionnaire to capture the range of Local Government experiences under the current programme to enable the preparation of a comprehensive position paper for submission to DFP and other relevant departments and stakeholder bodies. Officers will develop a response to this questionnaire and provide an update to Committee in due course.


2    Key Issues


2.1  With the adoption of the draft legislative package which will frame the new Programmes over the period 2014 - 2020, the European Commission have proposed a number of important changes to the way Cohesion Policy is designed and implemented, namely:


-    Concentrating on Europe 2020 Strategy’s priorities of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;

-    Supporting integrated programming;

-    Focusing on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5f


Active Travel Proposals pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Committee was reminded that the Department for Regional Development had invited applications from Councils to bid for funding in order to formulate active travel projects within their areas. It was reported that the Department had allocated a budget of £3 million for this purpose and it would be made available over a three-year period to support between three and six projects. To be eligible, the proposed projects should demonstrate innovation in sustainable travel through the implementation of a viable programme. Accordingly, it was reported that two proposals, as set out hereunder, had been formulated by officers on behalf of the Council:


Community Active Travel Green Routes


This project would seek to develop further the cycle and walking infrastructure in North and West Belfast utilising the Council’s parks, existing cycle infrastructure and residential streets.  The aim of the project would be to focus on the areas of the City where cycling provision was considered to be poor and to develop new and continuous routes linking such areas with the city centre.


The first route which would be developed would link the Falls Park to the Bog Meadows, then utilise the existing cycle path along the Westlink to the city centre using the proposed dedicated cycleway on the Grosvenor Road.  The second route proposed would be in North Belfast and would link the Waterworks Park to Alexandra Park and then onwards through inner north Belfast to the National Cycle Network at Clarendon Dock through the city centre to the Lagan Towpath.


It was reported that officers had undertaken site visits with representatives from 'Sustrans' to assess the potential of the proposed routes and initial feedback had been positive.


Belfast Public Bike Hire Scheme


The second proposed project would seek to establish a bike hire scheme within the City. The Committee was reminded that, the Council, at its meeting on 1st October, 2009, had passed a Notice of Motion in support of the introduction of a bike hire scheme and that Council officers had explored with the Department for Regional Development the feasibility of establishing such a scheme in the City. An outline business case, which had established the infrastructure arrangements and running costs for the scheme, had been completed and it had indicated that such a project would present a viable proposition. It was reported that the Council would be seeking funding to establish the scheme and the option existed to appoint a private company to oversee its operation.


            The Committee agreed that the two proposals as outlined would be forwarded to the Department for Regional Development for consideration.



Proposed Local Area Regeneration Projects pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:



            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1As part of the budgetary process at the beginning of the financial year, the SNAP Unit was allocated a sum of £60k to match-fund up to six pilot projects which were anticipated to come forward from the Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships via the Department for Social Development’s Belfast Regional Office.


1.1  Due to the fact that the Neighbourhood Renewal plans have been subject to review, the projects have not materialised.

However as a result of the work which the SNAP team and others in the department have been undertaking, a number of projects have been put forward by community organisations which could be funded from this budget.


1.3In addition to the projects identified above, DSD has written to the Council regarding a proposal from Walkway Community Association in Finvoy Street, Upper Newtownards Road.


1.4DSD currently provides the group with Neighbourhood Renewal revenue funding to deliver a range of projects in the Inner East Neighbourhood Renewal Area.


1.5The Association currently occupies three sites, all of which have issues relating to the lease arrangements. The Association recently requested funding from Neighbourhood Renewal to refurbish its community centre given its poor state of repair. Due to the land issues and the fact that the building is a prefabricated portacabin, this is unlikely to represent value for money.


1.6The Department for Regional Development have indicated that they no longer require the lands in question and may be prepared to transfer should a sustainable long term proposal be developed.


1.7BRO have indicated that they would be keen to work with the Council in assisting the group develop such a project and be prepared to part-fund an appraisal should the Council be willing to do likewise. It is anticipated that the cost to the Council of such an appraisal would not exceed £7,500.


 2   Key Issues


2.1The majority of the projects identified are local, small scale projects which will have an immediate impact at a community level.


2.2Three of the projects i.e. the Ardoyne Créche Facility Study, the Ligoniel Outdoor Hall Plan and the Walkway Community Centre proposal are initiatives to support future development.


2.3Members of the Committee will be aware that the Budget & Transformation Panel have been considering how the £5m Local Investment Fund will be allocated and how projects across the city can be prioritised.


2.4A report on the governance arrangements for the delivery of the Belfast Investment Programme will be considered by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 25 March 2012. It is envisaged that decisions on the further allocation of resources for these three projects would be considered within any framework agreed through the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee.


4    Recommendations


4.1It is recommended that the Committee approves the proposals below along with the proposal for funding an Economic Appraisal for Walkway Community Centre.


 Proposed Project




Healthy Choices Project



Healthy Choices is a health education programme  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Pride of Place Cities Awards - Update


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 6th March, it had been agreed that a request be forwarded to the organisers of the annual Pride of Place Cities Awards to seek approval for the Council to nominate both the Greater Village Regeneration Trust and the Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group in the special category for previous winners which had been included to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the awards scheme. The Community Development Manager reported that the organisers had acceded to the Committee’s request and she reminded the Members that it had, on 6th March, granted authority for a deputation from each group to attend the ceremony and authorised also the payment of the competition entrance fees, travelling and accommodation costs

