Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            The minutes of the meetings of 26th January, 6th, 7th and 8th of February were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st March, subject to the omission of the minute of the meeting of 7th February under the heading  ‘Consultation – Taxi Fare and Meter Regulations’ which, at the request of Councillor Keenan, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration. 



Declarations of Interest


            Regarding agenda item 5b, viz., ‘Pride of Place Awards’, Alderman Stoker indicated that he was a member of the board of the Greater Village Regeneration Trust, but pointed out that there existed no associated pecuniary or material conflict within the report. He suggested that further clarification be sought from the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor in respect of the requirement for Members to withdraw from a meeting whilst items in which they had declared an interest were being considered. 


            The Committee agreed that a request be forwarded to the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor to provide further clarification to the Committee in this regard.



Road to Economic Recovery - The Public Sector Role in Northern Ireland




            The Democratic Services Officer reported that information had been received from the Royal Town Planning Institute in respect of the above-mentioned conference which would take place in the City Hall on 27th March.  He pointed out that the theme of the programme would be relevant to the work of the Committee since it would address issues pertinent to the decision-making process in so far as it related to economic development issues within the planning system. He stated that the Institute had provided the Council with five free delegate packages and, accordingly, he recommended that the Committee authorise the attendance at the event of any Member who so wished.


            The Committee agreed to authorise the attendance at the conference of any Member who so wished and, in the event of more than five Members wishing to attend the conference, authorised also the payment of the appropriate conference fee of £100.




Reconsidered Item - Consultation of Taxi Fares and Meter Regulations pdf icon PDF 97 KB



            Councillor Keenan, at whose request the matter had been taken back, tabled a number of proposed amendments to the Council’s response and requested that the Committee defer the item until its meeting on 20th March to enable the Members to consider his proposals. 


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the item as requested.



Correspondence re: Review of Community Development and Infrastructure Services pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 13th December, it had considered a report in respect of a proposed Review of Community Development Infrastructure and Support Services in Belfast. This review would consider the changes which might be implemented as a result of the Review of Public Administration and would be overseen by the Department for Social Development. For this purpose, a Steering Group, consisting of Council officers and representatives of the Belfast Regeneration Office and Voluntary Services Unit, had been established to oversee the Review.


            At the meeting on 13th December, Members had expressed concern that no political representatives had been invited to sit on the Steering Group and, accordingly, it was agreed that the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, or their nominees, be nominated to serve as the Council’s representatives thereon. Subsequently, correspondence had been received from the Deputy Secretary to the Department for Social Development which indicated that, having briefed the Minister, Mr. Nelson McCausland M.L.A., in respect of the Committee’s decision, the Minister had requested that the decision be reviewed with a view that the Council consider establishing a Members’ reference group to consider any proposals arising from the Review. It was pointed out that this group would be independent of the Steering Group already established to consider the Review.


            A Member pointed out that a meeting to discuss the development of the Lagan Canal had been arranged between the Minister and a cross-party deputation from the Council. He suggested that it might be appropriate to request that the Minister agree to place on the agenda also the matter of the Council’s political representation on the Review of Community Development Infrastructure and Support Services in Belfast.


            After discussion, during which the Committee affirmed its view that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, or their nominees, should be nominated to represent the Council on the Steering Group, it was agreed that a request be forwarded to the Minister seeking his approval to discuss the foregoing matter at the forthcoming meeting. 



Land of the Giants - Presentation


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 10th January, it had agreed to receive a presentation from the Land of Giants organisation in respect of its plans for a major event to celebrate the Cultural Olympiad, which would be staged on the Titanic slipways on 30th June. Accordingly, the Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, welcomed Ms. Kathy Hayes, Associate Producer with Land of Giants, and she proceeded to make a presentation.

Ms. Hayes explained that Land of Giants project would be the largest outdoor arts event to be staged in Northern Ireland and would combine acrobatics, aerial dance, circus acts and a carnival which would be seen by an audience of more than 20,000 people. She explained that the project had taken its inspiration from ancient and modern ‘giants’ which had contributed to the rich cultural history of Northern Ireland.  In particular, special focus would be given to Finn McCool, Gulliver, the Harland and Wolff cranes viz., Samson and Goliath, and the Titanic, together with her sister ship, the Olympic. She provided an overview of the range of agencies, including the Council, which had provided support for the event and indicated that approximately 500 cast and crew would be employed throughout the project. She concluded by pointing out that the event would showcase Northern Ireland to millions of people across the world and would inspire and encourage people throughout Northern Ireland to get involved and create a lasting legacy for the region.

After discussion, during which Ms. Hayes addressed Members’ questions in respect of educational outreach initiatives and cultural diversity matters associated with the project, the Committee noted the information which had been provided. 



Belfast City Masterplan pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1   Relevant Background Information


1.1  Purpose


      The purpose of this report is to update Members on the current position with regard to the Draft Masterplan and process following the Committee request for the opportunity to have individual Party briefings and additional time to respond to the circulated documents.


1.2  A verbal update in respect of the ongoing Party briefings was provided at the 22 February 2012 meeting.  This report seeks to summarise the comments received to date and outline the next steps in the proposed process for continued engagement and work to progress the development of the Masterplan.


2    Key Issues


2.1  The process of individual Party briefings has now been completed, although some parties have requested the opportunity to submit further detailed specific comments. As previously reported to the February Committee there were some common issues raised through the consultations with the individual parties which are summarised below:


-        The need for further and sustained political engagement in the consultation and development of the Masterplan


-        The adoption of a phased approach to the process for the proposed consultation ensuring engagement with the Executive (Departments) prior to public consultation


-        Clear alignment between the Masterplan and the Investment Programme. This should be then be enhanced through subsequent alignment with Government priorities following consultation


-        The Masterplan should have a greater emphasis on the need for direct intervention in the more deprived areas or neighbourhoods to address unemployment and disadvantage


-        The connectivity challenges should be highlighted with additional areas prioritised to ensure the centre city is integrated with and accessible to the surrounding neighbourhoods


-        The neighbourhood hubs or clusters concept and their role or development alongside the focus on continued growth of the centre city area requires further clarification.


2.2  The Committee at the meeting on the 22 February 2012 sought clarification of a number of issues including the definition of poverty and the approach to the proposed engagement with the Executive. In relation to the reference to ‘poverty’, as referred to in the previously circulated Party Groups Feedback paper, it was confirmed that this would follow the definition already agreed by this Committee. The Committee also highlighted the need for the Chair and Deputy Chair along with Party Leaders to lead the engagement with the Executive in respect of the Masterplan element of any ongoing consultation with the Executive or Ministers.


2.3  The suggested approach to continued engagement with the Executive and broader consultation was outlined as a two stage process designed to address the first two points in the Party Groups Feedback paper. The wider process of engagement between the Council and Departments has been initiated and the first meeting has taken place with the DoE Minister and officials at which this issue was tabled along with other issues.


2.4  The more detailed list of responses and issues raised in the briefings are captured in an appended document under the Strategic, Specific and General headings. This document seeks to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


Consultation on Queen's Quay pdf icon PDF 8 MB


The Committee considered the undernoted report and the contents of the associated Council response.


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1Queen’s Quay is located on the eastern bank of the river Lagan and is bounded by the M3 flyover to the north, the Queen’s Bridge to the south, the river Lagan to the west and the Station Street Flyover to the east.


1.2The Masterplan consultation document prepared by DSD contains an analysis of the area, the main regeneration principles and the options for its future development.


1.3Following consideration of any consultation responses, DSD have propose that the adopted Masterplan will set out guidance on the proposed range, mix and location of uses for the Queen’s Quay area. DSD may use the adopted Masterplan to formulate further development briefs to guide how parts of the site will be developed in the future.


1.4The Queens Quay area has been the subject of various proposals going back to the Laganside Concept Plan in 1987. A development brief was issued for this area in 2005, however, neither Laganside Corporation nor DSD were able to proceed with developing this area at that time. The development of Queen’s Quay is considered key to stimulating regeneration of the ‘shatter zone’ that lies to the east of the site.


2    Key Issues


2.1The Department for Social Development (DSD) is seeking to promote the regeneration plans for Queen’s Quay in recognition of the potential to build on the significant recent developments that have taken place including: Titanic Quarter; Obel; The Boat; and Victoria Square.


      Masterplan Proposals


2.2The draft Masterplan contains a number of proposals and identifies a phased approach to how the preferred development of the site could be envisaged.


2.3The mixed use proposal in the document would if fully developed result in an 18 storey (4 star) hotel; 278 Residential units; and 8,000 sq m of leisure uses.


2.4A key assumption taken in the Masterplan is that the Station Street flyover is removed. It should be noted that planning approval for removal of the flyover was granted in 2007 but is now approaching its expiry date. The removal would obviously require the rationalisation of the existing highway network in the area


2.5The draft Masterplan for the site proposes a land mark tower which would offer views across the city and incorporate the zip-line, which has been installed in this area previously as part of charity events, on a permanent basis.


2.6An upgrade to the weir crossing, public realm improvements, and an urban park beneath the motorway bridge are all included in the proposals and as part of the phased approach the sites awaiting development will be available for public use for example, parks and exhibition space.




      Key Issues for BCC


2.7The Queen’s Quay site is in a key location between the City Centre and Titanic Quarter, however, in its current physical state the area acts less as a connection and more as a barrier to movement. In this context  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Waterfront and Ulster Halls Staffing Arrangements


The Committee noted an update by the Director in respect of interim management arrangements at the Waterfront and Ulster Halls and noted that further updates would be provided in due course.



Christmas Lights and Signage pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


          The Committee deferred consideration of a report in respect of the Council’s Christmas Lights and Signage.  However, it was agreed that the management and delivery of the Christmas Lights and Signage Programme would transfer from the Development Department to the Property and Projects Department in the financial year 2013/2014, and that Committee reporting lines would be transferred also to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.



Belfast Tattoo - Request for Assistance


          The Committee deferred consideration of this item to enable further information to be obtained.



Community Support - Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 86 KB



The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1Through its Community Support programme the Department for Social Development (DSD) offers support to all of Northern Ireland’s local authorities to deliver Community Services that ‘… strengthen local communities, increase community participation and promote social inclusion through the stimulation and support of community groups, community activity and local advice services.’


1.2Under the programme DSD made £3,435,293 available to Belfast City Council for the period 2008 to 2010 and a further £1,584,286 for the period 2010 to 2011. This represents a contribution of approximately 23% to the Community Services’ total annual budget.


1.3To be eligible for funding each council must prepare a Community Support Plan (CSP) that describes how it will deliver community services in support of the programme. A Belfast City Council draft Community Support Plan for 2011 to 2014 was approved by Development Committee in April 2011. (This followed delays on the part of DSD in confirming its submission requirements and procedures). 


1.4Members should note that DSD have already issued a contract to the council for our 2011/12 CSP prior to its submission to them. The contract was subject to the submission of monitoring returns, budgets estimates, the draft plan, and a commitment to complete the twelve week public consultation.


1.5Members agreed to a twelve week public consultation on the plan to run in parallel with the consultation on the council’s draft Community Development Strategy. (A re-drafted Community Development strategy and equality screening are currently being prepared and will be presented to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in March 2012).


1.6The structure and content of the draft CSP was greatly informed by work and evidence emerging from the council’s draft Community Development strategy. In the development of both documents officers held pre-consultation workshops for Members, community development staff in the council; with thematic co-ordinators (including those with responsibility for Equality, Older People, Children and Young People, Good Relations); and with Policy Officers. 


2    Key Issues


2.1The twelve week public consultation on the draft document included the following activities:


-   All party briefings for Members

-         Workshops with officers from across the council including the thematic co-ordinators and the policy officers group;

-         Substantial analysis of the wider socio-economic and policy context;

-         Direct mailing to over 300 organisations from the community and voluntary sectors including all community grant recipients;

-         Mailing copies of the document and a questionnaire to all organisations on the Section 75 list and two briefings to the council’s Equality Consultative Forum;

-         Presentations to the Belfast Area Partnership Boards; the twelve Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships; and Youth Forum;

-         We held five public workshops in north, south, east and west Belfast, which were advertised in the media and an additional workshop for representatives of the statutory sector.

-         The document and questionnaire were also available for download from the council’s website.


2.3There was broad support for the CSP and its contents and a number of organisations identified opportunities  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Pride of Place Cities Competition 2012 pdf icon PDF 170 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Pride of Place Cities Competition provided Community Groups from the island of Ireland with an opportunity to showcase initiatives which would have a lasting and positive impact upon their communities.  Since 2004, the Council had sponsored, with considerable success, the participation of several groups in the Competition.  The 2012 Pride of Place Cities Competition permitted a maximum of six entries per Council, subject to defined categories and rules.  Accordingly, the following four groups had been identified by the Council as being suitable for entry in the competition:


·         Bridge Community Association – this organisation provided a wide range of services to the community in south and east Belfast which addressed social isolation among older persons and vulnerable adults;


·         Suffolk Community Forum – this organisation sought to promote the concept of community gardens as a method of building community relations, healthy lifestyles and work skills;


·         North Belfast Senior Citizens’ Forum – this organisation represented the interests of 30 older persons’ groups and sought to improve the physical and mental well-being of older persons; and


·         Upper Andersonstown Community Forum – this Forum aimed to develop an effective network for community groups and others working for the benefit of the area.  It aimed also to raise awareness of the needs of communities and to attract investment and resources.


            It was pointed out that the Council had been invited also to nominate a fifth organisation for a special category for previous winners. It was reported that two groups had been short-listed viz., the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group and the Greater Village Regeneration Trust.  It was suggested that, rather than choosing between the two groups, officers should seek to contact the organisers with a view to having both groups short-listed in the special category award and it was noted that the Committee would be updated in this regard at its meeting on 20th March.  It was reported that the cost of entry, per project, was £500 and the awards ceremony would be held in Co. Meath on 3rd and 4th November, at a venue as yet to be confirmed.


            After discussion, the Committee approved the entry of a maximum of six groups as outlined and approved also the attendance at the awards of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director of Development (or their nominees), together with a maximum of three persons per external project at the ceremony, and authorised the payment of the competition entrance fees, travelling, accommodation and subsistence allowances in connection therewith.