Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies were reported on behalf of Councillors Kyle, Mallon and Mac Giolla Mhín.



Declarations of Interest


In respect of item 4c, viz., ‘C.S. Lewis’, Councillor Hendron declared an interest in that she was a member of an organisation which would be involved in the delivery of the C.S. Lewis Festival in November, 2013. 



June Meeting Dates


            The Committee agreed to re-schedule the date of its second meeting in June from Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th June at 5.30 p.m.




Support for Business Growth pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


1.1      Members will be aware that the Economic Development Unit delivers a range of support initiatives to stimulate business start-up; improve business competitiveness and productivity and help companies explore new markets.  In addition, the unit is involved in supporting a range of employability activities to address challenges faced by those furthest from the labour market and to invest in skills development support particularly in areas where new employment opportunities are likely to emerge.


1.2      At present, the Council is able to drawn down up to 75% match-funding for eligible business support activities by making funding applications to Invest NI to attract a combination of Invest NI and EU support.  Not all activities are eligible for match-funding (e.g. retail support) and therefore these must be funded from Council budgets only or by seeking additional sources of match-funding. 


1.3      In general, the business support is provided through a range of tailored workshops and targeted mentoring to meet the requirements of the individual businesses.  Impact is measured by recording employee numbers and turnover before and after participation in the support activity, as well as other variables when relevant e.g. business efficiencies generated from reduced energy costs or amount of new investment in the business.


1.4      While the programme activity is endorsed as part of the annual departmental plan, there is a requirement to ensure that annual financial approval is received for many of the activities to ensure their compliance from an audit perspective.


2         Key Issues


2.1      As part of the reform of local government, there are likely to be a range of additional economic development and regeneration functions, programmes and budgets that will transfer to the Council. 


2.2      In anticipation of this, and taking account of the range of provision in the market, we have been working to focus activity on areas of greatest impact and to look at the management arrangement for our activities.  As part of this process, it is planned to rationalise some of the current support programmes into a wider programme of flexible, targeted mentoring following a baseline assessment of company needs.  An application for funding for this “Go for Growth” programme has recently been submitted to Invest NI and it is anticipated that it will be operational in the new calendar year (following appraisal of the application and commissioning of the service).  Once operational, it is likely that up to 150 companies and social enterprises a year will avail of this support.  Many additional companies will also be supported through our range of business events; workshops; seminars and networking events.  Additional targeted business support programmes will also be developed as part of the demand stimulation work for the Super-connected Belfast programme as well as the proposed creative hub project.


2.3      In the interim – and in order to ensure continuity of support to the small businesses in the city – it is planned that there are a range of business support initiatives which will continue to run.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3a


Global India Conference pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Economic Initiatives and International Development outlined the principal aspects of a report which provided an update on the arrangements, together with an overview of the speakers and the associated programme, for the hosting by the City of the Global India Business Conference from 23rd till 25th June. 


The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, expressed gratitude to the officers who had been involved in the preparation of the programme for the conference and referred specifically to the varied series of events which had been arranged. In response, the Head of Economic Initiatives and International Development outlined the steps which would be taken to build upon any relationships which might be established during the conference.


The Committee noted the information which had been provided.



European Social Fund - Match Funding Requests pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1      Relevant Background Information


1.1      ESF projects are funded through Department of Employment and Learning (DEL). Match funding must be secured on an annual basis. At the 19 March 2013 meeting of Development Committee, it was agreed that match funding for year 3 of the three projects, as well as the Council-led HARTE project, would be set aside from the 2013/2014 EDU budget.  In total, a budget of £73,485 was set aside from Council resources to match fund the four projects. 


1.2      Although the original letters of offer from DEL were issued on the basis of a three year programme, DEL recently wrote to all project promoters to confirm that they can offer funding to the approved projects for an additional year (2014-2015) should the project promoters wish to take this offer up.  Equally, they have confirmed that they are in a position to offer an uplift of 25% in the funding available to interested projects.  In both instances, these offers are based on the project being able to draw in the appropriate levels of match funding.


2         Key Issues


2.1      The offer of 25% uplift has led to some projects having difficulty in being able to get agreement from their match funder to provide the additional funding to allow them to draw down the extra money from DEL.  Many Belfast-based ESF projects are match-funded by the Belfast Regeneration Office (BRO).  The office has confirmed that, while it is in a position to commit the match-funding at the previous levels of expenditure in the original letters of offer, it is not in a position to provide the match-funding for the increased amount.


2.2      From discussions with BRO, they have received requests from nine projects based in the Belfast City Council area to provide the additional match-funding amount while they are aware of at least three other projects that have declined the offer of the additional funding from DEL as they accepted that they would not be in a position to find the additional match-funding.


2.3      The Council has now received requests from three of those projects to provide the match-funding to allow them to draw down the additional funding from DEL in the current year.  These projects have indicated to DEL that they would be keen to draw down the increased amount but that they are still actively seeking the match funding.  All projects should, by now, have confirmed with DEL whether or not they wish to avail of the funding.  All funding from DEL is subject to the agreed match funding being in place. 


2.4      The following projects are seeking support from the Council:


2.5      Lenadoon Community Forum: Neighbourhood

           Training for Employment Project


           This project aims to help local people gain accredited qualifications with a view to increasing their employment opportunities. 


2.6      The original plan for year 3 of the programme was to provide support to 340 local residents.  The additional support would allow the project promoters to increase this to 450  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3c


Renewing the Routes - Update pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


1.1      This report is provides an update and seek approval for a number of proposals linked to the ongoing programme.  The updates are in respect of progress of works under our current agreed programme in Ormeau Road and Newtownards Road; and proposed consultations re: the Oldpark and Andersonstown programme.


1.2        The support of committee is sought in relation to:


           -     acceptance of funding support from the Department for Social Development (DSD) for joint initiatives in Lower Ormeau/Cromac Street and on Newtownards Road

-     the approval of continued partnership working with DSD on future regeneration projects; and

-     approval of additional works using underspend monies to maximise Council’s investment in Sandy Row, Castlereagh Street, Antrim Road and Grosvenor Road.


2         Key Issues


2.1      Current Programme


           Since approval in August 2012, the focus has been on the engagement and the development of projects outlined in the Renewing the Routes Plans for Ormeau Road (from Ormeau Embankment to Ravenhill Road Roundabout) and Newtownards Road (from Bridge End to Witham Street).  The main emphasis of work on Ormeau Road is a commercial improvement programme targeting over 30 properties alongside environmental improvement works to some of the provincial buildings of local importance such as the Ballynafeigh Orange Hall and Ballynafeigh Community Development Association.


2.2      Similarly, on the Newtownards Road, the commercial improvement programme forms the main focus of works. Construction works on both roads will commence this month and is scheduled for completion in September 2013.  In parallel with the physical projects the unit will continue to work with local Members, statutory agencies and internal departments to build upon the impact of these schemes and their potential contribution to the wider regeneration of the areas.


2.3      2013/2014 Programme: Oldpark and Andersonstown Road


           Scoping and engagement work for Oldpark Road (Torrens Avenue to Cliftondene Crescent) and Andersonstown Road (Hillhead Crescent to Suffolk Road) is due to commence in the coming weeks.  It is proposed that an Integrated Development Plan with long and short list of projects will be presented to Committee in August 2013.


2.4      The Committee may wish to note that DSD has programmed a significant Environmental Improvement Scheme extending from the Westland Road/Alliance Avenue/Oldpark Road/ Cliftonville Road junction to the junction of Cliftonpark Avenue/Oldpark Road/Crumlin Road for 2015.  As the Renewing the Routes node would form part of this larger scheme there may be the opportunity to further extend the node in order to support other commercial improvements in the vicinity.  The potential for joint initiatives and integrated working will, if appropriate, be considered as part of the ongoing work with DSD as suggested in paragraph 2.7 below.


2.5      Joint working project with DSD


           On 21 August 2012, the Committee supported a proposal for partnership working with DSD’s Belfast Regeneration Office (BRO) to explore additional funding to complement the activity on our current programme.  BRO have now formally requested the Council to extend our current work by implementing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3d


City Dressing - Update pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 25th April, it had adopted a number of recommendations in respect of the City Dressing Campaign for 2013/2014, subject to consideration being given to providing additional banners within the Gaeltacht Quarter to mark in August, 2013, the 25th anniversary of Feile an Phobail.


            The Director reported that, subsequent to the meeting on 25th April, correspondence had been received from FáilteFeirste Thiar requesting that the Council consider the erection of a number of banners within the Gaeltacht Quarter which would celebrate the 25th anniversary of Féile an Phobail, together with the year-long celebration of the Irish Language in 2013, viz., Bliain na Gaelige.  He indicated that the cost of erecting the new banners would be £2,500.


The Committee authorised expenditure in the sum of £2,500 to enable the erection of the banners as outlined.



Glen Road Development Framework pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 26th January, 2012, it had received a presentation from representatives of the Department for Social Development, together with its consultants appointed for the project, in respect of the findings of the draft Glen Road Development Framework, known also as the ‘Glen 10’.  It was reported that work on the formulation of the initial framework had now been completed and it would be launched formally at an event to be held in the Glenowen Inn, Glen Road, on Wednesday, 5th June at 10.30 a.m. 


            The Director reported that one of the proposals suggested had been the establishment of a one year action plan which would oversee the delivery of the framework. In addition, the action plan would consider funding and governance arrangements and it was anticipated that a multi-agency delivery executive would be established to oversee the implementation of the project.


The Committee noted the information which had been provided and authorised the attendance at the aforementioned launch event of those Members representing the Upper and Lower Falls District Electoral Areas.




International Development Framework pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report, together with a draft International Development Framework, the principal aspects of which were outlined by the Director.


 During discussion, Members suggested that the scope of the proposed framework had not been as outward looking as had been anticipated and it was suggested that the document should have considered in more detail the Council’s relationship with major cities within the British Isles.  A Member stated that Belfast’s position as the primary economic driver in Northern Ireland was fundamental to the framework and, as such, the role of the City should have been more clearly defined.


A Member stated that the document, as presented, should be re-evaluated to address issues such as foreign investors’ perceptions of Belfast. He indicated that the framework should allow for the undertaking of benchmarking exercises which would identify Belfast’s main competitors and enable the City to compete for business in a targeted and co-ordinated manner.  The point was made that, in conjunction with the framework, it would be important to create an action plan which would oversee the implementation of the initiative during its first year of operation. One of the key components of such an action plan, it was proposed, would be the hosting by the Council of an economic conference in London to raise the profile of the City. In addition, it was suggested that the Council might consider the re-establishment of the ‘Friends of Belfast’ network which would identify individuals to act as ambassadors and first points of contact for the City on an international basis.


The Director acknowledged the points which had been made by the Members and reminded the Committee that the document, as presented, was a framework which set out the strategic focus for the initiative. He informed the Committee that it would be important that any work to be carried out would be within the budget allocated for international activity. In addition, he suggested that caution should be exercised in considering the scale of the framework since there was a possibility that the Council would be duplicating the work which was carried out at present by other agencies, such as Invest NI, the Northern Ireland Tourist Board and Tourism Ireland Limited. 


After discussion, the Committee agreed to defer, until its meeting scheduled for 20th June, consideration of the International Development Framework to enable briefings to be offered to those parties who so wished.



Eurocities Culture Forum pdf icon PDF 139 KB


The Director informed the Committee that an opportunity existed for the Council to bid to host, in conjunction with Derry City Council, the Eurocities Culture Forum in 2014/2015. He outlined the benefits which the City would accrue in hosting the event, which included:


·         the raising of Belfast’s profile as a cultural and tourist destination; 

·         the economic benefit of attracting international delegates; and

·         the provision of an opportunity to establish relationships and to build upon existing ones.


            The Director pointed out that it was estimated that the costs associated with the joint bid would be £10,000, of which the Council would contribute £5,000. He added that the provisional theme which had been adopted for the bid would be ‘Culture: Connecting Cities’ and he recommended that the Committee authorise expenditure in the sum of £5,000 towards the bid.


The Committee adopted the recommendation.



St Patrick's Day Events pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


            “1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    In January 2012 Council agreed to the annual programme of civic events to be delivered during the 2012/13 financial year. This included the staging of the 2013 St Patrick’s event on the Sunday 17th March 2013.  This was followed by Members approving a pilot St Patrick’s Festival for 2013, which included a direction from Members for a feedback report to be submitted on this year’s event.


1.2    In addition, the Committee agreed to host the Ullan’s Academy St Patrick’s Day Breakfast at City Hall.  The following are the key statistics generated by the events:


·         Total cost was £180,000 (£140,000 for the parade and concert and £40,000 for the festival/marketing)

·         It is estimated that 20,000 people attended the event (5,000 festival attendees and an audience of 15,000 for the parade and concert)

·         Estimated economic return of over £567,000

·         Return on investment of £3.00 for every £1.00 invested

·         9% of attendees were out-of-state, 27% outside Belfast and 63% from the Greater Belfast area

·         An average positive rating of 7.88 out of 10 overall

·         It is estimated that 51% attending were from a Catholic background and 26% from the Protestant community

·         Promotion with Féile an Earraigh and linkage to the New York based Sober St Patrick’s Day initiative


            2       Key Issues


2.1    The Committee is requested to give guidance on whether a similar family-orientated festival and programme should be delivered in 2014.  However, if approved, the Committee is also being asked that any future parade, concert and festival be held on the nearest weekend to St Patrick’s Day, rather than on the 17th March.  The format would see potential festival activities on the Friday and Saturday, with the carnival procession and concert on the Sunday.  Such a move would have support from retailers and police in the city.


2.2    The rationale behind this suggestion is based on the resources connected to events on the 17th March especially in regard to the carnival element.  In addition the moving of the event would assist in attracting visitors to the festival elements based in the City Hall and grounds given that St Patrick’s Day is not a public holiday in the city.


2.3    The shift to a weekend would also assist, if approved by Council, the St Patrick’s festival to stand out in marketing the event to both a national and domestic market – especially given that many locations promote their locations on the 17th March.


2.4    The suggested programme would include promotion of Féile an Earraigh (Féile an Phobail’s Spring festival), Ullan’s Academy St Patrick’s Day breakfast (subject approval from Strategic, Policy & Resources use of the City Hall) and links to the New York based Sober St Patrick’s Day initiative. In addition the Council would include other initiatives such the BBC Radio Ulster St Patrick’s Night concert at the Belfast Waterfront Hall.


2.5    If approved Officers would issue a tender for a carnival provider.  This would be issued over a five year period,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3i


Belfast Darts Tournament pdf icon PDF 127 KB


The Committee was advised that a request had been received on behalf of the British Darts Organisation for the Council to host a professional darts tournament in either the Ulster Hall or the Belfast Waterfront Hall. It was reported that the total cost to stage the event would be £136,500, of which the Council’s contribution would be £75,000. The Director pointed out that, whilst the event would attract a significant audience, together with media and television coverage, the overall benefit, in both economic and promotional terms, to the City had not been demonstrated by the organisers. In addition, he indicated that no financial provision existed within the City Events budget to support the tournament and, accordingly, he recommended that the Committee not accede to the request.


The Committee adopted the recommendation.



C.S. Lewis pdf icon PDF 161 KB


(Councillor Hendron left the room whilst this item was under discussion.)


            The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 3rd April, had referred a Notice of Motion seeking support to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis to the Committee for further consideration. At the meeting on 23rd April, the Director had agreed to consult with a range of groups in the east of the City with a view to formulating a report which would outline the extent of support which the Council might provide towards marking the anniversary.


            The Director reported that the East Belfast Partnership Board, in conjunction with a range of local stakeholders, intended to mark the anniversary by hosting a festival which would take place from 18th till 23rd November. He outlined the scope of the programme which had been drawn up for the festival, which included drama, film screenings, selected readings, a writers’ workshop and a ‘lamp parade’ in the grounds of Campbell College. He indicated that the total cost of the festival would be £80,000 and, accordingly, he recommended that the Committee agree to provide support towards the event in the sum of £10,000.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Belfast Community Investment Programme


The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update on the establishment of the Belfast Community Investment Programme.




Community Centre Awards pdf icon PDF 83 KB


The Director reported that, as part of its change management and business planning process, the Council’s Community Centres had been successful in an application for accreditation under the Practical Quality Assurance System for Small Organisations (PQASSO). He explained that the award had acknowledged excellence in service delivery within the Council’s twenty two community centres and it had been the first time a public authority had achieved the associated quality mark.


After discussion, during which Members commended the staff in the Community Services Section on their achievement, the Committee noted the information which had been provided.



Children and Young People pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the initiatives which had been delivered as part of the Council’s objective of delivering priority services to children and young people. The Director outlined the principal aspects of the report and, after discussion, the Committee agreed to the undernoted course of action:


·         that officers would undertake further engagement work with the Council’s Youth Champions to discuss the Corporate Outcomes Framework and a proposed programme of work;

·         to approve the use of Access NI’s revised procedures for the undertaking of checks on staff under the Disclosure and Barring Scheme and to authorise a sum of £2,000 to oversee its implementation; and

·         to support the participation of the Play Development Officer on the proposed Regional Play Forum.


