Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies were reported on behalf of Councillor Verner.  




            The minutes of the meeting of 11th December were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 5th January, subject to:


(i)        the omission of the minute of the meeting of 11th December under the heading “Amateur Boxing Strategy – Start-Up Club Funding” which, at the request of Alderman Stoker, and with the permission of the Council, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration; 


(ii)       the amendment of the minute of 11th December under the heading “Development of Land at Slievegallion Drive” to the effect that the decision had been amended to provide that the Council would proceed with the recommendations as set out within the report and, in addition, officers would arrange a further meeting with residents in order to discuss any concerns which they might have in respect of the development; and


(iii)     the omission of the minute of 11th December under the heading “Patrick Carlin – Blue Plaque” which, at the request of Councillor Reynolds, the Council agreed that the matter be taken back to the Committee for further consideration. 



Declarations of Interest


            No declarations of interest were reported.



Patrick Carlin VC - Blue Plaque pdf icon PDF 46 KB


            (Councillor Reynolds attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 11th December, which, at the request of Councillor Reynolds, and with the permission of the Council, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration:


      “The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 16th October, it had granted permission to the Ulster Covenant and Historical Society to place a marker close to the site of the grave of Private Patrick Carlin V.C., which was situated in the Friar’s Bush Cemetery.  The Council, at its meeting on 3rd November, agreed that a letter be forwarded to the Ulster History Circle requesting that consideration be given to erecting a Blue Plaque at the site of the former cemetery at Abingdon Street, off the Donegall Road, to mark the original burial place of Private Carlin.  


      The Democratic Services Officer reported that the Ulster History Circle was currently considering the Council’s request and he indicated that further updates in this regard would be submitted in due course.




            Councillor Reynolds advised the Committee that he had since discussed the minute with the Director and indicated that, with hindsight, he was satisfied that it had been correct as set out.


            The Committee reaffirmed its decision of 11th December.



Department Plan - Update pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an overview of the performance of the Parks and Leisure Department during the first nine months of the financial year 2014/15 when measured against its key targets and performance indicators as set out within the Departmental Plan.



Active Communities - Letter of Offer pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


1.1    Active Communities (AC) is a Sport Northern Ireland (SNI) programme, delivered from April 2010 to March 2015, through 11 council groups/ consortia including BCC. 

1.2    After a period of consultation Sport NI wrote to Council on 6 October 2014 advising that they were prepared to continue with an Active Communities investment from April 2015 for 12months.


         Their contribution will no longer provide support for management costs, which have been 10% of overall costs (approx £75,000 in 2014/15). They asked that Council signals its intention to proceed on this basis.


1.3    Parks and Leisure Committee in August 2014 agreed the response to Sport NI’s consultation and for officers to develop an affordable and value for money delivery model.


1.4    Committee considered 4 options at its meeting in October 2014 and asked officers to examine budgets with partners to determine a way forward.


1.5    Sport NI issued a letter of offer to Council detailing the targets to be achieved and the budget allocations. Council is required to return their Form of Acceptance to secure the offer for the 2015 – 2016.


2.      Key Issues


2.1    The AC programme has proved to be a valuable coaching and community resource, which has led to high levels of participation in the city including under-represented groups, whilst providing opportunities for partnership working. 


         The Council currently contributes up to a maximum of £50,000 per annum.  This is currently managed in one of 3 ways:


-       Sub-contract to Belfast Community Sports Development Network (BCSDN);

-       Sub-contract to Disability Sport NI (DSNI); and

-       Directly employing coaches through Leisure Services (now GLL).


         Quantifiable benefits include the delivery of 40,419 sessions, 44,500 coaching hours, involving 67,286 participants with 587,148 participations realised. 


2.2    Discussions are not fully concluded with partners and Sport NI to identify an appropriate delivery model.


         Four Referral coaches will continue to be managed by Leisure Services at no additional cost.


         Three Disability coaches will continue to work within DSNI supported by a management fee of £7,000. Discussions are ongoing with BCSDN for employment of the remaining 18 coaches and are subject to an affordable management model.


2.3    Further to the options presented to Committee in October, these have been narrowed to:


         Option 1: Continue ‘as is’ with a reduced management contribution including £7,000 to Disability Sport NI for management of three coaches; an affordable contribution to BCSDN to a maximum of £50,000; and Referral coaches managed at no cost by Leisure Services.


         Option 2: Continue to employ three coaches through DSNI with a contribution of £7,000 for management fee. All other coaches managed through Parks and Leisure.


2.4    It is proposed that Council returns Sports NI’s Form of Acceptance, indicating its intention to continue the programme in 2015-16.  However, further work is required to examine budgets with partners to determine which of options 1 or 2 the council will implement.   


2.5    An affordable and value for money delivery model will be presented to Committee for its  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Zoo Donations Report pdf icon PDF 92 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


1.1       A significant proportion of Belfast Zoo’s animal collection represents species that are endangered in the wild and managed as part of international inter-zoo collaborative breeding programmes.  Such programmes are managed under the auspices of the European (EAZA) and World (WAZA) zoo associations, of which we are members.  One of the roles of these programmes is to create conservation links between captive populations of endangered species being managed ex situ (i.e. the process of protection an endangered species outside of its natural habitat), and captive and wild populations being managed in situ (i.e. in the species natural habitat).  Such links provide educational/awareness, scientific and financial support to those working in species’ range states.


1.2       Under the terms of our zoo licence issued by NIEA, we are required to demonstrate that we undertake conservation activities.   Such activities are epitomised by the endangered species we manage in the zoo, but we are also required to evidence support for in situ endangered species conservation.


1.3       The zoo receives significant requests for in situ funding annually, and it is prudent that we develop an agreed process and identify approved projects for support, which will also enable us to provide justification for refusal of funding for projects that are not included in an annual plan.

1.4       Fundraising for such projects is achieved by a variety of methods.  Since Easter 2014, we have been receiving donations via a voluntary donation as part of entry price as per the agreed scale of charges.  Additional fund raising activities, such as collection boxes, animal birthday parties, sponsored activities and animal themed weekends with a fundraising element have proved very popular with visitors and staff, and inadvertently provides for significant and positive joined work across the various zoo departments (i.e. business support and marketing, front of house and zoo keeper teams).  Further, via the estimates process, a small annual budget is established for donations.


1.5       We have recently completed a rigorous review, which involved assessing every species, mostly those currently held in the zoo, for which there are current in situ conservation activities for which we receive funding requests. A range of personnel from across the zoo have been part of the review process. 


1.6       We critically challenged each species against a set of criteria, including:


            IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) wild status, i.e. vulnerable, rare, endangered etc.  We reasoned that our assistance should be driven towards those species most endangered in the wild;


            Were they held in the zoo?: we reasoned that fund raising activities would be somewhat easier if the species was part of the animal collection;


            Was the species part of a EAZA or WAZA breeding programme?: we considered that species that were managed at European or Global level represented those with the best long term options for zoo lead in situ conservation activities;


            Project endorsement: we chose those projects that had endorsement from a recognised conservation body (i.e.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


'Grow Wild Project' - Funding Opportunity pdf icon PDF 95 KB


            The Committee was advised an opportunity to bid for funding would be available for biodiversity projects under the Grow Wild Project. The Director reported that Grow Wild would be awarding funding of £120,000 to a Northern Ireland flagship site, one of four across the United Kingdom. He added that the project sought to bring people together to create an inspiring and exciting communal space by growing native plants.  He suggested that an expression of interest for funding a biodiversity project, which would include the development of a seed bank of native wildflowers, be submitted.


            The Committee agreed that an expression of interest be submitted.



Grow - Waterworks Park pdf icon PDF 74 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting in February, 2010, it had approved a request from the Grow organisation to create a community garden within the Waterworks Park. The Director informed the Committee that Grow wished to apply for funding from the NGO Challenge Fund 2015 to carry out a programme of basic site development which would include ground works, an access ramp, seating, together with tree surgery and an associated condition survey.


            The Committee agreed to approve the request for ‘Grow’ to, if successful, utilise the funding from the Challenge Fund to carry out the developments as outlined and, in accordance with Standing Order 60, to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it agree to the granting of a Licence Agreement for that purpose.



Fold Housing Association - Visteon Site Proposal pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


            The Assistant Director advised the Committee that the Department had received a request from the Fold Housing Association to outline to the Committee its proposals for the development and management of play facilities and open spaces at the former Visteon site in West Belfast.


            The Committee agreed to extend an invite to the Fold Housing Association to attend its meeting on 24th February and agreed also that all Members of the Council would be invited.



War Graves Commission pdf icon PDF 112 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


         Correspondence was received by the Cemeteries Office from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission regarding the marking of graves of those deemed to be casualties of war and have been buried in our facilities.


2.      Key Issues


         In 2008 Council approved of the replacement of 5 special Memorial Headstones within the City Cemetery.  The commission has reviewed this position and wishes to remove the special Memorial Headstones and erect headstones to the actual place of burial.  They have provided details of 4 sites where they wish to do this within the Glenalina section.  They will ensure that the ground where the memorial is being removed from will be fully restored.  One headstone will remain where it is as it is not possible to mark the actual grave.


         The Commission has identified two new war graves that require marking, one at Belfast City Cemetery and one at Dundonald Cemetery.  As with previous requests the memorial would be a standard war pattern headstone manufactured in Irish Limestone and should be placed at the head of the grave. They have also confirmed that the War Commission will cover all the costs of any works or future upkeep of the memorials.


         The cemeteries administration office has confirmed the details of the individuals identified as accurate. Legal Services advice was provided about the impact of any subsequent disputes and is content with the request by the War Commission.


         The Commission has also requested that any normal memorial fees would be waived in this instance.


3.      Resource Implications




         The foundation and erection fee for the grave in City Cemetery- Glenalina Extension would be approx £365 and £125; The foundation and erection fee for the grave in Dundonald Cemetery would be approx £285 and £125.  This would result in a loss of income to the Council of £900.


         Human Resources


         No additional human resources required.


         Asset and Other Implications


         All future costs of upkeep would be at the expense of the Commission and this will be confirmed in a written agreement.


4.      Equality Implications




5.      Recommendations


         Committee is asked to agree to the placing of the headstones and to waiving the normal memorial fees on the graves identified subject to further information and legal agreements.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Proposal to Develop Blanchflower Playing Fields pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 14thAugust, 2014, it had considered a report regarding an emerging proposal from the Harland and Wolff Welders Football Club to develop the Blanchflower Playing Fields as a modern multi?purpose facility. The Director reported that a request to outline the proposals had been received on behalf of the club.


            The Committee agreed to receive a presentation in this regard at its meeting on 24th February, 2015.



Ormeau Park - Request for Use pdf icon PDF 73 KB


            The Committee was informed that a request had been received from Cancer Research UK for the use of the Ormeau Park for a Race for Life event on the 30th May, 2015. 


            The Committee granted authority for the staging of the event in Ormeau Park, subject to the development of an Event Management Plan and to satisfactory terms being agreed with the Director and subject to the following terms and conditions, that:


·        the event organiser resolve all operational issues to the Council’s


·        an appropriate agreement being prepared by Legal Services;

·        the event organiser meeting with all statutory requirements; and

·        a bond payment of £5,000 be made to the Council.



City of Belfast Playing Fields pdf icon PDF 79 KB



            The Director reported that the Northern Ireland Schools’ Football Association had requested permission to host the quarter finals of the Northern Ireland Schools Cup at the City of Belfast Playing Fields on Wednesday, 25th February.


            He pointed out that it would be the fifth year in which the Council had hosted this event. He added that the event had enhanced cross-community engagement and the organisers had submitted a request for the free use of the pitches and ancillary facilities. The potential loss of revenue income to the Council for the use of the pitches would be approximately £942, the additional staffing costs had been estimated at £340. The Director reminded the Committee that it had granted free use of the facilities in previous years.


            The Committee agreed to grant the free use of the pitches and associated facilities at the City of Belfast Playing Fields to the Northern Ireland Schools’ Football Association, subject to the completion of an appropriate event management plan to the satisfaction of the Council.



County Grand Lodge of Belfast pdf icon PDF 64 KB


            The Director reported that the County Grand Lodge of Belfast had requested the use of the Barnett Demesne for its Belfast demonstration on 13th July, 2015.  He advised the Committee that the Council had granted the use of the site for that purpose in previous years and that there had been no significant difficulties or problems reported.


            The Committee granted approval, subject to the following terms and conditions:


·        the event organiser resolves all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;


·        an appropriate legal agreement being drawn-up, which would include the payment of a bond of £2,000 by the organiser; and


·        the event organiser meeting all statutory requirements to the Council’s satisfaction.



Abseil at the Belfast Castle pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Background Information


1.1    A charity event is proposed to be held at Belfast Castle to raise funds for the Meningitis Research Foundation. Belfast Castle has been chosen for its unique location and marketing potential, especially for its beautiful gardens and panoramic views over the City.


1.2    The Meningitis Research Foundation want to make this event special by promoting it as their first ever abseil at Belfast Castle, and therefore further raising the profile of the occasion. Previous abseils have been held at Belfast Castle by the Northern Ireland Hospice and the Girl Guides which were very successful.


1.3    The event is scheduled to take place in September 2015.


1.4    Consideration has and will be given to the health and safety implications and environmental issues involved with this event.


2.      Key Issues


2.1    The abseil will be organised and carried out by Bryson Lagansports who have been running charity abseil events for over 10 years. They use the highest standard of equipment and highly qualified instructors. They will provide all the necessary risk assessments, documentation and have 10 million pounds public and employee insurance policy applicable to this type of event. 


2.2    Bryson Lagansports will be required to undertake a risk assessment and to ensure that all health and safety and insurance requirements are met to the satisfaction of Belfast City Council.



3.      Resource Implications


3.1   Financial


         There are no financial costs to Belfast City Council.


3.2    Human Resources


         There are no human resource implications to Belfast City Council.


3.3    Assets


         Use of Belfast Castle for the event.


4.      Equality Implications


4.1    There are no equality implications.


5.      Recommendations


5.1    It is recommended that the committee grant authority for the charity abseiling event at Belfast Castle subject to the satisfactory terms being agreed with the Director and on the condition that:


1.     The event organisers meet the operational and health and safety issues to the council’s satisfaction.


2.     Meningitis Research Foundation enters into an appropriate legal agreement as drafted by Legal Services.


3.     The event organisers ensure that all health and safety requirements are met and to the Council’s satisfaction including risk assessments, safe systems of work, equipment, appropriate insurance and site inspection information.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


(The Committee stood adjourned for ten minutes to allow Alderman Stoker to attend.)



Amateur Boxing Strategy - Start-up Club Funding pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:


            (Alderman Stoker attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 9th September, under the heading “Amateur Boxing Strategy - Start-up Club Funding”, which, at the request of Alderman Stoker, and with the permission of the Council, at its meeting on 5th January, had been referred back to the Committee for further consideration.  A copy of the minute in that regard is set out:


“1     Background Information


1.1    In October 2012, the Committee approved the draft budget and workplan for the Amateur Boxing Strategy 2012-2022.


1.2    Members will be aware that within the Strategy, under the theme of Club support and development, an action of providing start-up funding to allow for the development of new clubs across the city was included.


1.3    At its meeting in June 2014 Committee agreed to revisions to the budget area with £10,000 per annum allocated to support and develop new clubs.  It was agreed that a further report would b brought to Committee to agree the mechanism and guidelines in providing this support.


2       Key Issues and Update


2.1    The support and development of new clubs complementing existing clubs especially in under-represented areas such as East and South Belfast will be an essential element in the successful legacy of the Amateur Boxing Strategy and key to providing a citywide service to all who may wish to enter the sport.


2.2    The programmes being delivered by our Boxing coaches and clubs citywide are increasing the demand for coaching provision and in-turn this will raise the demand for new clubs especially in areas of underrepresentation such as East and South Belfast. It is anticipated that a number of new club start-up requests for support will be received annually. The programme is actively promoting the sport through after schools activities across the city in liaison with existing clubs in each area.


2.3    Recently we have received enquiries for new club start-up support from potential clubs in Oldpark and on the Upper Ormeau Rd. A further enquiry has been received from a Castlereagh Boxing club interested in relocating to the Braniel area. More enquiries are anticipated to be received as amateur boxing develops as a mainstream sport citywide and as such an adopted start-up club fund and criteria for funding is required.  A fund of £2500 per applicant has been allocated with £10,000 for new start-up grants in the current financial year.


2.4    The application form for funding has been developed by the Steering Group for new club support funding. Funding will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The Steering Group following the support of the Sports Development Officer will assess the applications received within the specified guidelines for funding. The Director of Parks and Leisure will approve the proposed grants to new clubs under delegated authority as is currently the process for Support for Sport grants.


2.5    The table below indicates the proposed breakdown of new club funding with some examples of anticipated application requests


Item detail  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.