Browse meetings

This page lists the meetings for Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.

Information about Strategic Policy and Resources Committee

The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Council through the development of its corporate plan and other key corporate and cross cutting strategies and policies.  It will also ensure effective use of resources and value for money for ratepayers, and oversee the Council’s relationship with a number of key agencies and partners.


This includes:-


       working with partners to lead the development of the community plan

       supporting the development, implementation and monitoring of the Physical  Investment Strategy

       developing and implementing the organisation’s Good Relations and Equality Strategies

       allocating resources based on the corporate and city priorities

       managing and monitoring performance against the achievement of the council objectives and those agreed in the community plan

       developing the council’s finance strategy and all matters relating to its implementation including; all revenue and capital financing and borrowing, the annual revenue and capital budgets and the rate to be levied, monitoring of financial performance

       developing the council’s organisational development strategy and all matters relating to its implementation including; governance and organisation structures, organisational improvement initiatives, member and officer capacity building and monitoring of organisational performance

       developing the internal strategies to ensure the smooth running of the council including; asset management, procurement, grants, human resources, ,diversity, communications and accommodation

       managing and maintaining the corporate land bank and city assets, including the City Hall

       agreeing the Local Development Plan with the Planning Committee

       overseeing  the delivery of the internal council services listed below;

Human Resources; Corporate Communications; Legal Services; Democratic Services; Corporate Policy and Strategic Planning; Finance and Performance; Digital Services and Audit Governance and Risk Services.  Property and Projects will also report on Procurement; Contract Management; Programme Management; Estates Unit and Facilities Management .  Good relations will also be the responsibility of this committee.