The Licensing Committee shall be responsible for the consideration of all matters pertaining to policy and legislation in relation to licensing issues. The Licensing Committee shall have delegated authority for determining the following matters:
(i) The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 1985
Entertainment Licences
Applications for the grant of outdoor licences
Applications for the grant, renewal, transfer or variation of licences where objections are received
Suspension and revocation of licences
Applications for a waiver to permit entertainment involving striptease or nudity.
Sex Establishments
Applications for the grant of licences
Applications for the renewal, transfer or variation of licences
Revocation of licences
(ii) The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (as amended by the Betting and Gaming (Northern Ireland) Order 2004).
Applications for the grant of amusement and pleasure permits
Applications for the renewal of amusement permits where adverse representations have been made
Registration of Societies in relation to the running of lotteries.
(iii) Street Trading Act (Northern Ireland) 2001
Designation of streets or part thereof
Applications for the grant of licences
Applications for the renewal, transfer or variation of licences where objections are received
Revocation of licences
Setting of licence fees
(iv) administration of the provisions of the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 relating to entertainments and liquor licensing in licensed premises and registered clubs.
(v) Licensing of Pavement Cafes Act (Northern Ireland) 2014
Applications for the grant, renewal or variation of licences where adverse representations are received.
Compulsory variation of licences.
Revocation of licences.
Setting of licence fees.
Suspension of licences except where in the public interest the Director of Planning and Place, in consultation with the City Solicitor, considers that there are particular circumstances which make it necessary to suspend a licence immediately.
(vi) such other licensing matters as the Director of Planning and Place considers appropriate to be addressed by the Licensing Committee.
(vii) The Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Act NI 2016
The Licensing Committee assumes responsibility for determining those applications for a house in multiple occupation and should only consider objections to an application in instances where the objector would be materially affected by the existence of a House in Multiple Occupation; where variation of a licence is required, in the determination of a fit and proper person check, and in the revocation of licences, except where in the public interest the Director, in consultation with the City Solicitor, considers that there are particular circumstances which make it necessary to suspend a licence immediately.
Whilst the Committee has full delegated authority in relation to licensing decisions it may reconsider any decision referred to it by the Director of Planning and Place in consultation with the City Solicitor.
Support officer: Louise McLornan, Democratic Services Officer.
Postal address:
Democratic Services Section
Room 123B
City Hall