Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall
Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer 028 9027 0549
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: No apologies were reported.
Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the meetings of 6th, 20th and 25th January were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st February.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were reported.
Restricted Items Minutes: The Information contained in the following five reports is restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014
City Centre investment Fund Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report in relation to the next phase of the City Centre Investment Fund (CCIF) which had been set up in June 2015 to support projects which aligned with the principles and priorities set out in the City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy. The previous parameters and pilot projects, including strategy acquisitions and investment in funds to leverage more private sector money were noted.
However, in the context of the urgent need to bring Grade A Offices forward in the city centre as soon as possible the Committee, after discussion, agreed the following:
1. That a proportion of the CCIF should be used to support the development of Grade A Offices, and potentially at a later stage private residential development, where market failure was identified; 2. The due diligence and decision making process; 3. The timetable for a call for sites; and 4. That a more detailed report on criteria, risk parameters and due diligence would be submitted to the March meeting.
Capital of Culture Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report in relation to the potential of the submission of a bid to become the UK host for the 2013 European Capital of Culture.
After discussion, the Committee:
· granted approval for officers to explore the potential of submitting a bid to become the UK host for the 2023 European Capital of Culture; · approved the possibility of a joint bid with Derry City and Strabane District Council; and · noted that the funding of Belfast City Council’s contribution was included as part of the Quarter 3 Finance Report which would be considered at today’s meeting.
Financial Reporting Quarter 3 2016-17 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which presented the Quarter 3 financial position for the Council, including a forecast of the year end outturn. It included also a report pack which contained a summary of the financial indicators and an executive summary. It also provided a more detailed explanation of the each of the relevant indicators and the forecast outturn for the year.
The Departmental year end forecast was a net year end under spend of £2,152k which represented a variance of 1.6% of the annual net expenditure budget. The Committee had agreed, at its meeting on 18th November, 2016, to cap in year departmental cash limits at the Quarter 2 forecast levels to offset the rates clawback advised by Land and Property Services (LPS). The current LPS district rate clawback forecast was £2,024k which was a reduction of £130k at the Quarter 2 forecast.
After applying the rates clawback of £2,024k to the forecast departmental underspend of £2,152k, there would be a balance of £128k of the departmental underspend remaining. Given that that was a small balance based on a forecast position, it was recommended that that should not be considered for reallocation at this stage.
As previously referred to in the Quarter 2 report, the programming of the capital expenditure relating to the capital programme meant that there was a forecast underspend of £657k in the capital finance budget. That underspend would be available for reallocation as non-recurrent expenditure.
After discussion the Committee:
· noted the forecast departmental position, capital financing position and rates clawback position at Quarter 3; · agreed to ring fence the forecast departmental underspend of £2,152k to finance the forecast rates clawback of £2,024k, with any balance being allocated to general reserves; · agreed that the forecast capital financing underspend of £657k be re-allocated to specified reserves for the following purposes:
· £294k for the Community Grants shortfall for 2017/18 · £100k for the City Wide Tribunal Service for 2017/18. The payment of the £100k to the group would be subject to a further report to the Committee on the receipt and assessment of an application for funding which would detail the achievements to be delivered as well as the plans in place to attract levered funding; and · the balance of £263k to be used for a potential European Capital of Culture bid.
Leisure Transformation Programme- Assets Update Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the development and implementation of the £105m leisure assets capital programme.
After discussion, the Committee:
(1) Olympia – noted the positive feedback which had been received in relation to the new Olympia Centre and the headline figures regarding the usage of the new centre as outlined at paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of the report, which evidenced the impact of the Leisure Programme and was a testament to the ambition of Members to transform the city’s leisure estate; (2) Robinson/Clonduff - noted that, the previous month, it had agreed that “consideration be given to the possibility of providing a temporary building in the locality following the demolition of the Clonduff Community Centre” for groups who were due to be displaced following the closure of the centre.
Noted an update provided by the Director of Property and Projects which indicated that, since the time of writing the report, all of the Groups which used the Clonduff Community Centre had now been secured alternative provision within the surrounding area. It was agreed that engagement would continue with the Groups and that the arrangements would be kept under review. (3) Andersonstown – noted the proposed closure date, that is, 28th May, for the current centre, subject to planning, and that Council Officers were now working in partnership with GLL to develop a decant plan to ensure continuity of provision of existing centre users. A full communications and engagement plan was being drawn up and Members would be kept up to date on progress.
Noted that a settlement with the Ulster Bank had now been agreed in principle.
(4) Templemore – agreed the proposed management and government arrangements for Templemore as outlined at s 3.11 - 3.14 of the report; (5) Avoniel – noted that discussions were continuing with the Education Authority, local Councillors and community services staff in relation to the interim location for the play centre and that updates would be brought back to the Committee in due course.
Giant’s Park - North Foreshore Minutes: The Committee considered a report which sought approval to enter into appropriate additional legal agreements with the Council’s existing joint venture partner, Renewable Power Systems Ltd (RPS), at Giant’s Park, North Foreshore. The Committee was advised that RPS currently operated plant for the production of electricity from landfill gas at Giant’s Park. RPS had submitted a proposal to utilise additional biogas fuel, imported from alternative landfill gas/anaerobic digestion projects in order to generate additional electricity that would augment income to the Council derived from the decreasing on-site methane fuel source created by the former landfill use.
After discussion, the Committee granted approval to the Director of Property and Projects to enter into such additional legal agreements with Renewable Power Systems Ltd, subject to detailed terms to be agreed by the Estates Manager and the City Solicitor, that would maximise returns to the Council whilst protecting the longer term requirement to attract other viable Cleantech developers to the Giant’s Park, North Foreshore.
Matters referred back from Council/Notices of Motion |
Notice of Motion - Donations to Political Parties – Response Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 3rd January, had passed the following motion on Donations to Political Parties, which had been proposed by Councillor Nicholl and seconded by Councillor McDonough-Brown:
"This Council notes a motion passed in March, 2016, regarding the transparency of donations made to political parties, recognises the importance which the citizens of Belfast place on being able to trust their Elected Representatives to work for the common good, further recognises the corrupting influence which money can have on the political decision- making process and considers it unacceptable that donations to political parties continue to remain secret in Northern Ireland.
The Council notes correspondence which was received from the previous Secretary of State, dated 5th April, 2016, stating that the time was not appropriate to move to full transparency, however, given current low levels of public confidence in transparency of Government, it calls on the new Secretary of State to immediately lift the exemption to reveal all declared donations to political parties since January 2014 and calls also on all political parties to voluntarily publish donations from this time."
It was reported that a response had now been received on behalf of the Secretary of State. The response welcomed the Council’s motion and confirmed that the Secretary of State had written to the Northern Ireland political parties earlier in January inviting their views on moving to full transparency and stating his desire to progress the matter.
The Committee noted the response from the Secretary of State.
Notice of Motion - Renewal Heat Incentive Scheme - Response Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 3rd January, had passed the following motion on the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, which had been proposed by Alderman Ruth Patterson and seconded by Councillor Heading:
“This Council notes the serious public concern amongst our constituents in relation to financial squander around the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.
The Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State, as public representatives, highlighting the huge public interest in relation to this matter and, accordingly, requests that he initiates a full public inquiry, pursuant to his discretion contained within Section 1 of the Inquiries Act 2005.
The Council agrees also to write to the Joint First Minister, Arlene Foster, expressing our belief, as a Council, that she should step aside pending a full public inquiry into this extraordinarily serious matter and the allegations of corruption which have been made by a former Government Minister from her own Party.”
The Council had agreed also “to write to the Joint First Minister, Arlene Foster, expressing its belief, as a Council, that she should step aside pending a full public inquiry into this extraordinary serious matter and the allegations of corruptions which have been made by a former Government Minister from her own Party.”
A response had now been received on behalf of the Secretary of State. The response affirmed the Secretary of State’s view that the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme was a devolved matter and that it should be the subject of an independent inquiry established by the devolved institutions. The Secretary of State had welcomed the establishment of such an enquiry and considered it to be an important step in building confidence in the institutions.
The response stated also that the Secretary of State was encouraging full co-operation with the inquiry and hoped that it would quickly and effectively establish the facts around the Scheme. It added that the UK Government would do everything in its power to support the inquiry.
Notice of Motion - Concessionary Travel Pass Response Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 3rd January, the Council had passed the following motion on the Concessionary Travel Pass, which had been proposed by Councillor Heading and seconded by Councillor McCusker:
"This Council notes the recent establishment of the Smart Pass Equality Campaign, endorses its call for the full fare concessionary travel pass to be issued to all people who are unable to drive for medical reasons and agrees to write to the Minister for Infrastructure and the Minister for Finance urging them to implement this extension as soon as possible."
The Democratic Services Manager reported that responses had now been received by both Ministers. Minister Hazzard stated that, currently, anyone who had a driving licence refused or revoked on medical grounds could avail of a half fare travel concession and pointed out that everyone in Northern Ireland could avail of full fare concessionary travel once they reach age of 60. The Minister added that, whilst he was sympathetic towards extending the Concessionary Fares Scheme to provide fare concessionary travel for those people who are under the age of 60 and are unable to drive on medical grounds, there were already numerous competing priorities for resources across his Department. As such, an extension to the concessionary fares scheme could not be considered at this time.
Minister Ó Muilleoir had reiterated the comments which had been made by the Minister for Infrastructure, that a person who had a driving licence refused or revoked on medical grounds could avail of a half fare travel concession and that everyone in Northern Ireland could avail full fare concessionary travel once they reached the age of 60. He concluded by recommending that the Council should, in future, liaise with the Minister for Infrastructure around the concessionary fare scheme, as that issue fell within his area of responsibility.
Governance |
Consultation on a Revision of the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee was advised that the Department for Communities had issued a consultation document in relation to some limited revisions to the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors. Responses to the consultation were to be submitted by the 28th February, 2017.
The Democratic Services Manager reported that, essentially, the proposed revisions fell into two categories:
Amendments to Part 3 – The Principles
1. It is proposed that the Principle of Conduct should be amended to better reflect the content and working of the MLA code. 2. The current principle of “Public Duty” has been removed and has been added as an additional rule under Part 4 of the code. 3. Paragraph 3.2 of the code is amended to clarify that the Principles are now considered to be aspirational not enforceable on their own, in line with the MLA code.
Amendments to Part 8 – Decision Making
Part 8 of the code has been amended to clarify that Rules 8.1 (a) to (h) will apply to all Council decisions and that, in addition, Rules 8.1 (i) to (l) will apply only to quasi-judicial decisions (for example planning and licensing) and to decisions on making appointments and the awarding of contracts.
He reported that the draft Council response, as set out below, welcomed those amendments to the code:
Appendix 3
Draft Response to the Review of the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors
Question 1
Belfast City Council agrees that all public representatives in Northern Ireland should be held to the same level of ethics with regard to behaviour in public office and therefore supports the changes to the proposed Principles contained in the Councillors’ Code, to bring them into line with those contained in the MLA Code.
Question 2
Belfast City Council supports the recommendation to make the current Principle of “Public Duty” an enforceable rule under the Councillors’ Code.
Question 3
Belfast City Council agrees that all public representatives in Northern Ireland should be held to the same level of ethics with regard to behaviour in public office and therefore supports the changes to the Councillors’ Code, to make the Principles aspirational rather than enforceable, in line with those contained in the MLA Code.
Question 4
Belfast City Council supports this recommendation in that it these rules relating to decision-making should apply to all decisions taken by Councillors in meetings or when reaching decisions regarding the business of the Council.
Question 5
Belfast City Council supports this recommendation in that it these rules relating to decision-making should only apply to quasi-judicial decisions, decisions in making appointments and decisions on awarding contracts. The Council believes that the proposed changes will assist Councillors in being clear when the more onerous rules regarding lobbying or advocating for a certain position should apply.
The Committee approved the draft response to the Review of the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors.
Physical Programme and Asset Management |
Capital Programme Update Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The Council’s Capital Programme is a rolling programme of investment which either improves existing Council facilities or provides new Council facilities. This report outlines highlights of current status of projects under the Programme; projects recommended to be moved/added to the Capital Programme and a number of project updates.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to;
· Note the update in relation to the Capital Programme as outlined in 3.1 and that the Property & Projects Department is happy to arrange site visits for Members/ Party Groups to any capital project (see 3.1)
Proposed movements on/additions to the Capital Programme
· Agree that the City Cemetery – Permanent Memorial to mark Plot Z1 project is moved to Stage 3- Committed on the Capital Programme with a maximum budget of £50,000 to be allocated (see 3.3). The Director of Finance & Resources has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council. Members are also asked to agree that the necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated as required with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver. · Agree that the following projects are moved to Stage 2 - Uncommitted on the Capital Programme – in addition to the ongoing works to create a new exhibition space on the ground floor of the City Hall these projects will help to provide a seamless experience for visitors both inside and outside the City Hall
· City Hall West Wing - Outdoor Space including the Cenotaph – Upgrade and Enhancements – OBC to be worked up and brought back to the Diversity Group and Committee for further consideration (see 3.6) · City Hall – Additional toilet provision, Changing Places Facility and Family Room - OBC to be worked up and brought back to Committee for further consideration (see 3.7)
· Agree that the following project is added to the Capital Programme as Stage 1 – Emerging Project - Berlin Wall Installation - SOC to be worked up and brought back to Committee for further consideration (see 3.8)
3.0 Main report
Key Issues
3.1 The Council’s rolling Capital Programme is a significant programme with over £185m of projects recently completed or currently underway. Members are asked to note the updates under the Capital Programme since the last update report in June.
Projects recently completed/in final stages of completion
· the new £21.7m leisure facility at Olympia which opened in January 2017
Projects currently on the ground
· Phase 2 of the £40million Connswater Community Greenway · the £3.7million upgrade of the Tropical Ravine – it is anticipated that works will be completed early in 2017 · 2nd phase of the works at Olympia which will include the demolition of the existing centre which is well underway and the creation of the new Boulevard and playground and works to the pitches · City Hall Works to create ... view the full minutes text for item 5a |
Area Working Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Property and Projects submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 To update Members on a number of area related issues for Members’ consideration.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 Members are asked to:
AWG minutes
· Approve and adopt the most recent round of Area Working Group (AWG) Minutes (South – 23rd January; West – 26th January; North – 26th January; and East – 2nd ebruary)as attached at Appendix 1.
Local Investment Fund
· agree the recommended proposals as set out in 3.2 below from the South, North and East AWG in relation to the Local Investment Fund 1 and 2. · note the LIF project (Section 3.3) which was previously been approved in principle which has been scored and has met the minimum threshold. Members are asked to agree that this is progressed to due-diligence.
3.0 Main report
3.1 Members agreed in June 2016 that the Area Working Group minutes would be taken into the SP&R Committee for approval going forward in line with the Council’s commitment to openness and transparency and to ensure a consistent approach with other Member-led Working Groups. Members are asked to approve the most recent round of AWG Minutes (South – 23rd January; West – 26th January; North – 26th January; and East – 2nd February).
3.2 SOUTH AWG – Members have been previously advised that the South AWG at its special meeting on the 25th May in relation to the discussion on Alleygating Phase 4 had proposed that ‘once South Belfast’s allocation of £140,000 under Phase IV had been reached, the remaining cost be met from the Local Investment Fund, subject to officers confirming that the installation of alley gates complied with the requirements of that Fund’. Officers subsequently advised the South AWG that alleygates are Council assets. As such they could not be funded under LIF and could only be taken forward under the Capital Programme and that the South AWG could consider de-committing the amount required to fund the additional gates from their LIF monies and that the gates could then be taken forward under the Capital Programme (funded by the decommitted LIF monies). This was proposed by the South AWG and agreed by Committee in August 2016.
The South AWG was presented with an update on Alleygates Phase 4 at its meeting on 23 January and agreed to de-commit its remaining LIF1 and LIF2 budget (£47,900 in total) to fund the additional alleygates.
EAST AWG – The East AWG at its meeting on 2 February agreed to allocate an additional £20,000 towards Towell House (ELIF2-03), giving it a total allocation of £95,000.
NORTH AWG – The North AWG, at its meeting on 26th January, made the following recommendations for the consideration of the ... view the full minutes text for item 5b |
Additional documents: Minutes: Belfast Bike Scheme
The Committee granted approval for the Council to enter into the appropriate land access, licenses or similar legal arrangements in respect of the bike docking stations previously agreed by the Council and any future docking stations, subjects to any reports, as required, being brought to the Committee in respect of the funding arrangements.
River Terrace – Surrender of Licence
The Committee approved a decision by the People and Communities Committee, at its meeting on 13th September, 2016, to surrender a plot of land at River Terrace to the Department of Communities (DFC) by way of a 3 month written notice.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an overview of Phase 1 of the Belfast Wi-Fi project (Public Buildings) and an update on the implementation of Phase 2 (City Centre Wi-Fi).
Finance, Procurement and Performance |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee:
(i) approved the public advertisement and acceptance of tenders as listed in Appendix 1, table 1 below, through the Council’s electronic procurement system; and (ii) granted delegated authority to the appropriate Director, using pre-agreed criteria, to accept the most economically advantageous tender, and allow extensions were contracts were under review as per table 2.
Appendix 1 - Schedule of tenders for consideration
Table 1 – New tenders
Table 2 – Contracts for extension of contract period
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report
1.1 To seek approval for amendments to the Council’s Discretionary Pension Policies as required the Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016.
1.2 This report makes recommendations for Belfast City Councilpolicies on discretions to be exercised:
· under the LGPS Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 from 1 April 2015 in respect of members of the Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) scheme, · under earlier LGPS Regulations (Northern Ireland) in respect of members of the LGPS who left prior to 1 April 2015, and · under the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 and earlier compensation regulations.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· to approve the policies on the discretions to be exercised under the LGPS Regulations in relation to those employees who are active scheme members after 31March 2015 and members who cease active membership after 31 March 2015, as set out in the table and · to approve the policies on the discretions to be exercised under the LGPS Regulations in relation to those scheme members who left prior to 1 April 2015 and · to approve the policies on the discretions to be exercised under the Discretionary Compensation Regulations.
3.0 Main report
3.1 On 16 November 2007 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed the discretionary policies Belfast City Councilwould operate under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007.
3.2 On the 19 June 2015 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed the discretionary policies Belfast City Council would operate in relation to the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations applicable at that time.
3.3 In March 2011, the Independent Public Service Pensions Commission, chaired by Lord Hutton, published its final report of the review of public service pensions. The report made clear that change was needed to ‘make public service pension schemes simpler and more transparent, fairer to those on low and moderate earnings’.
3.4 As a result, it was decided that the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in Northern Ireland should be reformed so that, from 1 April 2015, benefits accrue on a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) basis rather than on a final salary basis.
3.5 The provisions of the CARE scheme, together with the protections for members’ accrued pre 1 April 2015 final salary pension rights, are contained in the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 and the Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment and Transitional Provisions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014.
3.6 As a result of the changes, Belfast City Council is required to formulate, publish and send to the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee by no later than 31 July 2015 a written Statement of Policy on certain discretions under the LGPS which Belfast City Councilhas the power to exercise on and from 1 April 2015 in relation to members of the CARE scheme.
3.7 Belfast City Council is also required to ... view the full minutes text for item 6b |
Equality and Good Relations |
Minutes of Meeting of Shared City Partnership Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Shared City Partnership of 13th February and specifically the recommendations as follows:
Good Relations Action Plan 2017/18
The decision of the Partnership to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it approves the Good Relations Action Plan 2017/2017 for submission to the Executive Office (TEO). The Partnership also noted that the Action Plan submission would be subject to alteration and amendment during the assessing and scoring process which would be undertaken by TEO and that the Partnership would be notified of any changes in the final approved Action Plan at a later date.
Good Relations Grants 2017/18
The Partnership’s recommendation to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to approve the use of delegated authority for grants administered by the Good Relations Unit and also to issue Letters of Officer to successful applicants at risk if necessary.
Update on the Mural Transformation Programme
The decision to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that funding of up to £5,000 be awarded to the following groups:
· St. Patricks F.C. to erect a mural at 43 Newlodge Road on a wall which was currently used for anti-community and negative political graffiti; and · North Belfast Alternatives to support a reimaging project in the Ballysillan Road area that aim to address issues of demarcation in the local community.
Update on the Bonfire Programme
The decision of the Partnership to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that the options as outlined in the report be approved for 2017 programme.
The Partnership recommended also that the 3 suggested additions be included as follows:
1. The review panel should be comprised of Members of the Shared City Partnership and include representation from the Independent Members and Elected Members. It was suggested that the review panel membership would be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and an independent member of the Shared City Partnership. 2. A process would be created to recognise best practice in cultural programmes and events amongst participating groups; and 3. A complimentary process would be developed for hard to reach groups that were not currently in a position to sign up to the aims of the programme. This approach would operate through an expression of interest and would provide an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills particularly among young people.
The Committee agreed that the three suggested additions agreed at the Partnership be amended as follows:
1. The review panel should include also an independent assessor, the role of which would be considered in the first instance by the Partnership and subsequently the Committee, and that the review panel would be able to receive additional information from the key statutory agencies; 2. No change to part two; 3. That the expression of interest approach be removed from the complimentary process to be developed for hard to reach groups that were not currently in a position to sign up to the aims of the programme; and, in addition to that complementary ... view the full minutes text for item 7a |
Review and purpose of the Diversity Working Group Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 For Members to agree the future and purpose of the Diversity Working Group.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· Consider the background to the Working Group, as set out in this report, consider the options regarding its future and purpose, and decide on which option meets the current needs of the Council.
3.0 Main report
Key Issues
3.1 Members will know that at an earlier meeting of the Diversity Working Group, some Members sought some clarification on the role of the group and its current purpose. Officers undertook to report back on this issue with options for the future and purpose of the Working Group.
3.2 Members will be aware that in 2011 the Historic Centenaries Working Group (HCWG) was established to support Members in considering how to navigate our way through the impending Decade of Centenaries that was about to begin. The Membership consisted of the Elected Members on the Good Relations Partnership (GRP) as well as an additional party nominee. The purpose of the group was to provide a space to discuss potentially sensitive and divisive issues in relation to the Decade of Centenaries, within a small group setting. It was to be separate to the GRP so as to be for elected Members only. The GRP has 16 external members and it was felt that space was needed for the political parties to have their own space to explore the issues that were coming down the line in relation to the Decade of Centenaries.
3.3 Throughout 2011, the HCWG considered numerous items in relation to the Decade of Centenaries, agreed a series of Principles under which the Decade would operate and also agreed on an outline chronology of events to be commemorated.
3.4 The group reported into the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee and any resource allocation for events and activities was agreed at the SP+R stage.
3.5 In January 2012, it was agreed that the Party Group Leaders would meet with the HCWG over a defined period of time to undertake a wider exploration on the development of a more comprehensive Council Diversity Strategy. This Group was called the Joint Diversity Working Group. At that stage, the purpose of this was to undertake an intensive series of workshops to generate maximum consensus on a range of sensitive impending issues such as:
- The Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations - The Equality Impact Assessment on the flying of the Union Flag over City Hall - The Equality Impact Assessment on memorabilia and displays within City Hall - Further work around the Decade of Centenaries - The marking of Operation Banner - Language issues
3.6 This group again reported up to SP&R and considered much of what has now been agreed in relation to the Decade of Centenaries programme and the City Hall Memorabilia project, both of which are now under way.
3.7 During most of 2014, the group did ... view the full minutes text for item 7b |
Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Gala and Awards 2017 Minutes: The Committee was advised that the inaugural Legal-Island Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Gala and Awards were due to be held in the City Hall on Friday, 31st March, 2017. The Council had submitted an application for the ethnicity award, which would be presented to the outstanding organisations which were pioneering new standards of equality and diversity practices and driving the diversity agenda in Northern Ireland. This year the focus of the award competition would be on ethnicity, nationality and race. The three award categories were the private sector (SMEs and large employers); charity/not-for-profit; and the public sector.
The Council had been short-listed for the public sector award, following the successful submission of the application form.
The Committee agreed to the purchase of a table at the Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Gala and Awards 2017 and approved the attendance of:
· Councillor John Hussey, Chairperson of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee · Councillor Matt Garrett, Chairperson of People and Communities Committee (Community Services and Community Safety) · Councillor Aileen Graham, Chairperson of City Growth Committee (Tourism, Culture and Arts) · Councillor John Kyle, Chairperson of Shared City Partnership (Good Relations) or their nominees. · A representative from each of the SDLP, Alliance Party and UUP; and · Three Council Officers.
Operational Issues |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to present for Members approval the attached Corporate Volunteer Policy (Appendix 1) which, alongside our previously agreed Volunteer Charter, strengthens our recognition of volunteers and volunteering within Council and sets out the strategic direction with regard to volunteering for the organisation.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· Formally adopt the Corporate Volunteer Policy attached at Appendix 1. · Note the approach and time-frame for the development of corporate procedures to support corporate implementation of the policy
3.0 Main report
Key Issues
3.1 The Council currently offers volunteering opportunities across a range of services, the majority of which are now located in the City and Neighbourhood Services Department. Involving volunteers brings many benefits to both the individual involved and to Council. The Volunteering Strategy for Northern Ireland describes volunteering as ‘the commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of society and the community, the environment or individuals outside (or in addition to) one’s immediate family. It is undertaken freely and by choice, without concern or financial gain.’
3.2 Community Services currently has a Volunteering Framework that outlines its intentions towards its own directly recruited and managed volunteers. Given the involvement of volunteers by other services and sections, and as part of the process to embed the principles in the Volunteering Charter, a cross-departmental working group has drafted the Volunteering Policy which sets out Council’s commitment to volunteering for the organisation. The policy will be supported and implemented by the development of robust procedures which will be developed as part of a cross service task and finish group action plan. To ensure best practice, this work will be supported by Volunteer Now.
Volunteer Charter
3.3 Following the agreement by Members to the Volunteer Charter a cross-departmental task and finish group (lead by Community Services in partnership with Volunteer Now) was established to develop an implementation plan in order to embed the Charter principles in the practice of those services involving volunteers.
3.4 In September 2015, the group undertook a scoping exercise to identify the extent of volunteer involvement across Council departments and the type of volunteer roles being provided. The recommendation from this exercise highlighted the need for Council to develop a Council policy on Volunteering which will give strategic direction and enable consistency in our approach to managing and recruiting volunteers.
3.5 It was agreed by the officer working group that the current Community Services Volunteering Procedures and Practice manual should form a base-line from which to develop the corporate policy. An initial review of this framework has been completed, and alongside a robust Health check by Volunteer Now, this has informed the development.
The draft policy covers:
· Vision and Values for volunteering within council · Volunteer Roles · Recruitment and Selection of volunteers · Management of Volunteers · Record-Keeping · Insurance · Expenses, and · Training
3.7 Following approval, an implementation plan will be rolled out by the task and finish group on ... view the full minutes text for item 8a |
IT Equipment Package Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the following report on a revised IT Equipment package for members and adopted the recommendations:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 This report revisits the IT Equipment package currently on offer to Members in the context of the Council’s recent acquisition of Office 365.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to agree to the following:
Recommendation 1: To provide a HP Elite x2 (or equivalent) as the hybrid device of choice for members.
Recommendation 2: To standardise the models of smartphones supported. Members will be provided with the option of choosing an iPhone 7 (128 Gb) or a Samsung Galaxy S7 in April 2017.
Recommendation 3: Removal of a separate camera from the IT equipment package as it is included with the Smartphone provided.
Recommendation 4: Removal of an external hard drive from the IT Equipment package as Office 365 will provide 1Tb of personal storage when OneDrive for Business is implemented.
Recommendation 5: To provide a wireless printer for home use.
3.0 Main report
3.1 The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 15 April 2011, agreed to the standardisation of the IT equipment provided to Members. At the time, this delivered an annual efficiency of £13,000 and for a period resulted in a decrease in the resources required to support the varied IT estate.
3.2 The current IT equipment package for members includes:
· Desktop PC & Monitor or Laptop, Monitor, Docking station, Laptop case & lock; · All-in-one printer, scanner and fax machine; · 500GB External hard drive; · Blackberry; · Digital Camera (for those Members who do not require a Blackberry); · Members were also supplied with iPads in October 2012
3.3 However, since 2011 the range of IT equipment supplied to Members has become increasingly more diverse as we aim to ensure Members can access information flexibly and from any location.
3.4 To ensure the Council continues to remain at the forefront of advances in technology, Digital Services entered into a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. This provides access to the rich features of Office 365 which have the potential to deliver a more social, mobile, accessible and information-driven work environment.
3.5 Use of the BCC Office 365 account will provide access to all of the productivity features and benefits of Office 365. Some of the benefits include:
· The ability to install Office on 5 devices and phones, · Exchange Online including provision of a 50 GB mailbox per user, 500 times the current limit, · Skype for Business to connect with other Skype for Business users via instant message (IM), voice calls, and video calls, and letting people know your availability with your online status. · OneDrive for Business providing each user with 1 TB of personal cloud storage (4000 times the current limit for ‘My Documents’) that can be accessed from anywhere and syncs with a PC/Laptop for offline access.
3.6 Digital Services is recommending the provision of HP Elite x2s (or equivalent) as a powerful lightweight portable device that can be used as either ... view the full minutes text for item 8b |
Minutes of Active Belfast Limited Board 16.01.17 Minutes: The Committee noted the minutes of the meeting of the Active Belfast Board of 16th January, 2017.
Minutes of Meeting of Budget and Transformation Panel February 2017 Minutes:
The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Budget and Transformation Panel of 10th February, 2017.
Minutes of Elected Members Development Working Group Minutes: The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting Elected Members Development Working Group of 7th February, 2017.
Request for the Use of the Council Chamber Minutes: The Committee was advised that a request had been received from the President of the Queens’s University Belfast Students’ Union (QUBSU) to hold a meeting of the Student Council in the Council Chamber, City Hall on Thursday, 6th April at 6.00pm.
The Students’ Union Council was the governing body of Queen’s Students’ Union. It met seven times per year and its membership consisted of 112 students (Councillors), elected from across the student population in Queen’s University. The Council debated and approved Students’ Union policies, approved changes to the Rules of the Union, received reports from Union committees and was responsible for the democratic accountability of elected student officers.
It was expected that approximately 55 Councillors would be in attendance at the meeting scheduled for 6th April. The meetings usually commenced at 6.00pm and lasted for a maximum of three hours. The duration of the meeting could be flexible to meet scheduling requirements. The meetings were open to Queen’s students to attend and speak. The media and members of the general public might only attend with the consent of the Students’ Union Council. The Students’ Union Marketing Team “live Tweet” the events.
If there were any members of Belfast City Council, or staff members of the Council who wished to attend and observe any of the meeting, the Students’ Union would gladly offer an invitation.
The Committee approved the request from the President of the Queen’s University Belfast Students’ Union to hold a meeting of the Students’ Council in the Council Chamber, City Hall on Thursday, 6th April at 6.00pm.
Request for the Use of City Hall Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee adopted the recommendations in relation to the requests for the use of the City Hall as set out below:
Appendix 1