Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies were reported on behalf of Councillors Mallon, Mac Giolla Mhín and A. Newton.





The minutes of the meeting of 6th December were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 7th January.




Declarations of Interest


In respect of item 3 viz., ‘Stadia Developments’, Councillor Mullan declared an interest in this matter in that she was related to an individual associated with the contractors appointed by the Irish Football Association for the Windsor Park re?development.



Financial Estimates and District Rate 2013/2014


(The Director of Finance and Resources attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered a report in respect of the Committee’s estimates of revenue expenditure for the financial year 2013/2014.  A copy of that section of the report, in so far as it applied specifically to the Parks and Leisure Committee, is set out hereunder:


“Parks & Leisure Committee


         A spending limit of £23,631,235 is recommended for the Department in respect of the financial year 2013/14. This represents an increase of £465k or 2% on the 2012-13 estimates.The main budgetary intentions of the Department for next year are set out below:





Leisure Services



Parks and Cemetery Services









Total Net Expenditure





         As part of the implementation of the investment programme support for the development of participation, community engagement and community events around many of the newly created assets is required. Resources to manage these programmes and to develop further assets and events have also been included for a number of posts; specifically around outreach and commercial development at a cost of £130k.


         Active Belfast was previously provided through thematic budgets however from 2013/14 these are no longer available and the department has streamlined the existing £70k into the leisure development budget to support local communities to identify solutions to the problems which they face around life inequalities. To support this approach the Active Belfast Partnership launched a grants programme. The programme has been well received by the community and by key partners, with the PHA confirming the same level of funding available for the grant scheme in 2013/14.


         Increased costs


         Additional costs of £166,615 must be borne by the Department in respect of superannuation increased provision. Increased electricity, gas and water charges have been provided based on current projections of costs which have added £244,882 to the budget.




         The leisure centres as a whole are not likely to experience any growth in income for 2013/14 due to some closures for maintenance and due to the current economic climate and the reduction in leisure centre memberships.


         Belfast Castle and Malone House have both reflected a loss of income through fees and charges and the franchise fee for each site has also been reduced as the contracts are being terminated due to poor performance. Consequently a reduction of income of £55,000 and £36,000 respectively has been shown for each site.


         Income for the Zoo has decreased by 1% or £18k from £1,811k in 2012/13 to£1,793k in 2013/14. It is felt that throughput will not grow and it is proposed that charges are held around inflationary levels.  The Cemeteries and Crematorium income is up by £330kor 18% to reflect increases in charges as per committee decisions in February 2011 and October 2012.  The crematorium income has also increased significantly due to the availability of extra slots each week as a result of the new opening hours.


         The Department will make a contribution of £156,752 to the efficiency programme in 2013/14.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Stadia Update pdf icon PDF 66 KB


(Councillor Mullan left the room whilst this matter was under consideration.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.     Relevant Background Information


         Reports were presented to both the Parks and Leisure Committee and the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the Stadia upgrades at their June 2012 committee meetings.  Members were also updated on the Deloitte Report which considered the potential added value and the regeneration potential of the proposed Stadia Development.


         The Council’s Investment Programme 2012-2015 committed the Council to working with Government, sporting bodies and local communities to maximise the benefit of the Stadia investment.


         The Investment Programme also committed the Council to a Review of Leisure Provision and to create proposals for the redevelopment of the Leisure Estate.


         The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its’ June meeting agreed that the Directors of Parks and Leisure and Property and Projects’ progress discussions with the IFA and Linfield on the wider regeneration potential of the stadium development and agreed a feasibility study being commissioned in relation to the options for the Stadium, Midgely Park and Olympia in the context of the wider review of leisure.


         At a special meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee to which all members of Council were invited on 12 November 2012 the IFA provided a presentation on the Windsor Park Development.


         Officers met with the GAA in December 2012 regarding the Casement Park development and the potential to work with the Council on wider community benefits and regenerative potential particularly with regard to Andersonstown Leisure Centre.


         The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 14 December 2012 agreed that a further report and timetable would be submitted to the Committee in line with the Deloitte Leisure Estate Report which is due in January 2013 and that officers continue to work with the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, the IFA and the GAA to ensure the greatest mutual benefit in terms of community gain from these projects.


2.      Key Issues


         The IFA architects who are working on the Windsor Park project have been appointed to undertake the feasibility study into options for the Windsor, Midgely Park and Olympia sites.  They are due to report in early February 2013.


         Initial discussions have been held with the GAA design consultants regarding the potential for an integrated leisure solution being developed to include Andersonstown Leisure Centre as well as the wider regenerative projects in the area.


         Members will be aware that Deloitte have been commissioned by the Council to provide an expert view on the city’s leisure needs and on the development of the framework within which the Council can take decisions on the renewal of the Leisure Estate.  This work is nearing completion and will be reported on to both SP&R and Parks and Leisure Committees in January 2013.  Clearly the realisation of the benefits of strategic opportunities such as the Stadia Developments to provide better integration of services and provide value for money should form a significant part of any decision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Sport N.I. - Boxing Investment Programme pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report and endorsed the associated appended response to the above-mentioned consultation.


“1.0   Relevant Background Information


         In November 2012 Sport NI (SNI) commenced a public consultation on its Boxing Investment Programme.  The Boxing Investment Programme is a lottery funded programme supporting the purchase of boxing equipment and upgrading of facilities for boxing clubs in Northern Ireland.


         SNI, through the Boxing Investment Programme, will award approximately £3.27 million for the purchase of boxing equipment and a range of building works based on the needs of individual boxing clubs. SNI will seek to allocate funding for equipment in the financial year (2012/13) with funding for building works being made available in 2013/14 and 2014/15.


         To augment a survey carried out by the Ulster Provisional Boxing Council as part of the development of their Implementation Plan and to gather intelligence to assist with further programme development, SNI carried out an expression of interest exercise. An expression of interest form was sent to all clubs that had been, or are presently affiliated to the Irish Amateur Boxing Association in the following years:


·      2009/10

·      2010/11

·      2011/12

·      2012/13


         99 expressions of interest have been received (from across NI) to date with the following summary outcomes:


·         All clubs have identified a need for equipment based on a closed list of equipment provided by the IABA.

·         In total 58 clubs have identified a need for a capital project (either repairs or major capital works.


         Expressions of interest have identified a clear need for funding equipment and capital works.


         The funding will be available in three tranches:


Tranche 1 - Boxing Equipment


         SNI will make up to £232,000 available for the supply of boxing equipment to individual clubs. The IABA will be asked to submit an application based on the information gathered through the expression of interest exercise. The Central Procurement Directorate (CPD) will assist the IABA and SNI with the procurement of this sporting equipment.


Tranche 2 - Minor Repairs


         SNI will seek applications from individual clubs to assist with premises repairs to their club facilities. These will include:


·         toilets;

·         showers;

·         changing Rooms;

·         roofing;

·         heating systems; and

·         other identified repair works.


Tranche 3 – Major Works


         SNI will seek applications from individual clubs to assist with major refurbishment projects or new capital build projects.


         As Members will be aware the Council recently agreed a Draft Amateur Boxing Strategy for Belfast and we are currently undertaking public consultation on it.  A representative from Sport NI is on the steering group which oversaw the development of this strategy.   


2.0     Key Issues


         In summary, the consultation asks for responses to six questions:


·      Do you agree with the proposal to invest in boxing?

·      Do you agree there should be a focus on deprived communities in terms of boxing investment?

·      Do you agree that the results of the Expression of Interest exercise identify a clear need for funding both equipment and capital works with boxing?

·      Do you agree with SNI’s proposal to fund a range of initiatives as follows:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Parks Operative Posts


Parks Operative Posts


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.     Relevant Background Information


         As part of the ongoing Parks and Leisure Improvement Programme, it has been identified that the Parks Service has experienced operational difficulties due to a shortfall of posts with driving responsibilities within their job description.  This has resulted in a reliance on the post holders within the pool of Gardener 3’s carrying out driving duties on a goodwill basis.  Withdrawal of this flexibility poses a substantial risk to the department as the ability to provide the required operational services and business continuity would be greatly diminished.


         The Parks Service also has employed four agency workers to provide additional driving capacity.


         Following the re evaluation of the operational designations of Driver Gardeners and Tractor Drivers in June 2012 the post of Parks Operative was created to give a high degree of flexibility with regards to both driving and gardening duties. By increasing the number of Parks Operative posts the service anticipates that there will be a reduction in overtime and agency costs.


2.      Key Issues


         Number of Parks Operative posts and driving requirements


         Parks and Leisure Services have an establishment of 25 Parks Operative posts (Scale 4). The Parks Operatives work as members of static or mobile gardening teams throughout the city and are responsible for transporting staff and equipment around the sites. To determine where the current gaps in driving provision exist a consultation exercise and an analysis of the driving requirements was undertaken by the Organisational Development (OD) Unit.


         To cover driving responsibilities in areas where there are no Parks Operative posts, Gardener (Scale 3) postholders have been driving on a voluntary basis. The Parks Service also has employed four agency workers to provide additional driving capacity at a cost of £82,960 per annum.  (These costs have been included in revenue estimates for at least the past four years). 


         The analysis of the driving requirements across the Parks Service showed that up to a further 22 Parks Operative posts are required to provide the service with the correct driving capacity and operational flexibility. It is proposed that the 22 Parks Operative posts replace the same number of Gardener (Scale 3) posts (of which there are currently 41 established posts), thus ensuring that the establishment figures remain unchanged.  This would remove the need to employ agency drivers.


         It is therefore proposed that up to 22 Parks Operative posts would be filled via an internal ring fenced trawl to posts at Scale 3 and above throughout the Council to provide some protection to the 22 Gardener (Scale 3) posts that will be deleted from the structure.


3.      Resource Implications




         The cost of deleting up to 22 Gardener (Scale 3) posts and replacing these with 22 Parks Operative posts (Scale 4) is £43,230.  However ceasing to engage four agency drivers will save £82,960.


         Implementing these recommendations will therefore result in a net saving of £39,730 for the department. It is envisaged that these funds will be redirected to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


New Attraction at Belfast Zoo


The Assistant Director informed the Committee that the Department had received a request to locate a traditional fairground carousel within the grounds of the Belfast Zoo, close to the Floral Hall, from the Easter period until the end of September, 2013.


            The Assistant Director provided an overview of the attraction, which had been built in 1895 and which contained thirty-six double-seated individually hand-carved horses. She outlined the benefits which the operator had indicated might be accrued in agreeing to permit the attraction to be located at the Zoo.  She indicated that the Council would receive 25% of the gross income generated, which she estimated would be between £12,500 and £15,000.  She indicated that there were a number of operational and business issues which would need to be considered and recommended that a feasibility study should be undertaken to assess the potential of the proposal and that a further report would be brought to the Committee in February.


            The Committee agreed that a feasibility study be undertaken in this regard and noted that a further report would be submitted for its consideration in February.




Future Crematorium Provision - Feasibility Study pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The Committee agreed that a special meeting be held, on Monday, 18th February at 5:30 p.m., at which a presentation in respect of the future crematorium requirements for the City would be provided by the Council’s consultants in this matter.




Waterworks Community Garden pdf icon PDF 134 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“2      Key Issues


2.1     Following success in its application to Big Lottery Fund, Grow wrote to the Council in November 2012 requesting use of the existing Waterworks site for a three year period to deliver activities under the new project.  These would include –


-       Training of volunteers;

-              Ongoing maintenance and development of the present Waterworks site;

-              Recruitment of community participants to the project;

-              Regular community gardening sessions;

-              Regular garden cooking session;

-              Community engagement workshop;

-              Mentoring of participants;

-              Community days;

-              Exchange visits; and

-              Celebration and dissemination events.


         The project is due to run for 3 years.


2.2     The current funding agreement with Grow was established with the clear understanding and intent that, following expiry of the agreement, management of the Waterworks site would return to the Council for ongoing use in line with the newly developed Growing Communities Strategy.


2.3     Should the request for the use of the site by Grow be approved, it is proposed that it would be an “Agreement for Use” of the current Community Garden space, for the period of the “Reaching Out: Connecting Older People” project and that management and maintenance of the garden would revert back to the Council on completion of the project. It would further be proposed that the Council and Grow would work in partnership in order to use the site for other community growing programmes and activities as long as they are feasible and do not compromise Grow’s delivery of the Big Lottery project


2.4     To this end, it is proposed that a formal Agreement for Use would be prepared by Legal Services affording Grow the use of the Waterworks community garden for the duration of the project funded by the Big Lottery (exact duration to be confirmed) .


3       Resource Implications


3.1     Financial


         Grow have been successful in attracting £200,000 for a programme relating to the use of this space and are not seeking any other Council contribution at this time.


3.2     Asset and Other Implications


         Grow’s request and the ongoing use of the community garden space within the Waterworks Park represent a use of the space as well as delivering on key Council outcomes such as helping people become more healthy, active, and more involved in their local communities and neighbourhoods.


4       Recommendation


4.1     Committee is asked to consider this request from Grow and grant approval for use of the current Waterworks community garden for the duration of the Big Lottery funded application, subject to an ‘Agreement for Use’ being prepared by Legal Services.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Summer Scheme Review pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1      Relevant Background Information


         Each year, summer schemes are organised in leisure centres providing aprogramme of sporting and play activities to young people over the months of July and August.  The summer schemes are extremely popular with almost all places across all centres being filled.  All summer scheme users benefit from a subsidised service, funded through the rates.


         A full evaluation of the summer schemes has been undertaken by a working group led by the Leisure Improvement Manager.  The issues which the group have addressed include:


·         Staffing

·         Registration

·         Publication and Communications

·         Operational Issues


2       Key Issues




         In the past summer scheme staff has been made up from a combination of existing centre staff plus agency staff providing a number of coordinators and support workers.   To provide better services and improved staff development it is proposed for the 2013 summer schemes, and for future holiday schemes (including Halloween, Easter and Christmas), that the recruitment of the staff is brought in house through a casual recruitment initiative.  There will be an initial recruitment cost for this exercise which can be covered by the department and will realise a saving in staff costs of £15,000 per annum.  The recruitment exercise will support the objectives of the investment programme by creating Council posts.  The recruitment process will start in February 2013 with a target completion date of mid April 2013 to allow for training and Access NI checks. 




         Recent years have shown that the Grove wellbeing centre is a particularly popular summer scheme.  Parents have queued for places overnight and places have been allocated within hours of registration opening.  This is the only centre with such popularity therefore a proposal for a pilot pre-registration scheme has been developed for the Grove only at this stage.  The purpose of this exercise is to avoid the potential long overnight for queues.  It will also allow staff to allocate as many places as possible to families.  A pre-registration form will be available online and in the centre.  Parents can then request a place for up to four children at the scheme.  The pre-registration form can be posted in a box in the centre or submitted online on a specific date.  This is not a first come first served service.  On closure of the pre-registration, staff will then allocate places to the children. 


         The criteria for allocation of places will include allocating places firstly to BT15 residents, this is the immediate surrounding area of the Grove wellbeing Centre If places are still available they will be allocated to other ratepayers of Belfast. In the unlikely event that after this stage places still remain they will be allocated to residents of other Council areas. 


         On applying these new geographical criteria and depending on demand, it may mean limiting the number of weeks per child to three or four weeks out of five to accommodate all the BT15 applicants.  Consideration is also being given to bringing in more leaders and therefore  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Avoniel Swimming Pool pdf icon PDF 60 KB


The Committee considered a report which provided an overview of the work which was ongoing to address the leak which had necessitated the closing of the swimming pool at the Avoniel Leisure Centre.


            The Committee agreed that the Elected Members from the Victoria and Pottinger District Electoral Areas be invited to undertake a site visit to the leisure centre to view the extent of the work which was being undertaken to resolve the issue.




John Hewitt Park - Alloa Street pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1      Relevant Background Information


         The Committee is asked to note that the Council has received an approach from URS consultants on behalf of their clients, the Department for Social Development, (DSD) regarding proposed works within the John Hewitt Park in Alloa Street.


         This is part of a series of public realm improvements being undertaken throughout Belfast.  In essence, the local community wish to create a themed garden area within the playground.  As members will be aware John Hewitt was born on Clifton Park Avenue and the Committee recently agreed to rename the park.  The conceptual design for the garden is based around John Hewitt’s poem ‘Hedgehog’ (1952), the first five lines of the poem will be engraved into the paving as indicated.  


         Before the work can be progressed the Council’s approval is required on a number of issues as outlined in the key issues section below.


2       Key Issues


         The Committee is asked to note the following issues:


1.      In the first instance the approval of the Council is sought to permit the work to be undertaken on its land.  DSD will appoint its own contractors to undertake the work which is not included within the Council’s Capital Programme;


2.      The work will take approximately six weeks to complete.  As the Department will require access to Council land to undertake the works, a licence is required, which will set out the regulatory framework within which the works will be carried out and will include a requirement to be completed to the Council’s satisfaction;


3.             Members will be mindful that these works will be undertaken immediately adjacent to an active playground. It is our desire to keep the playground open during the works and will require the contractor to take appropriate precautions to secure the site.


4.      Whilst there are no terms and conditions attached to the funding, the Department has asked that the Council agree to undertake the maintenance and management of the garden and to include it within the Council’s public liability schedule.  Discussions with the parks manager indicate that the work can be absorbed within the existing resources and should be minimal outside of officer time.


5.             Members are asked to note that the sculpture of the hedgehog will be 5m by 3m high (approximately 10 ft).  Officers have expressed concern regarding its proximity to the playground, the landscape architect has incorporated a hedged buffer between the play area and the garden in an attempt to separate the two.  Staff from Landscape Development Unit had proposed a railing around the playground, however, the cost of this would be prohibitive and would increase the Council’s maintenance liability plus potential capital replacement in the future.


6.      It is our understanding that the development of the scheme has been undertaken in consultation with the local community and that it does not conflict with a current proposal currently under consideration as part of the Local Investment Fund initiative.


3       Resource Implications




         The cost of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Bridge at Clement Wilson Park pdf icon PDF 62 KB


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update on the arrangements for the replacement of the bridge over the River Lagan at the Clement Wilson Park.  Members noted also that the bridge had been closed to the public in December 2012 following an engineering survey which found evidence of corrosion and which had concluded that the structural integrity of the bridge had been compromised and had recommended that it be closed to all traffic pending construction of the replacement bridge.



Stewart Street Playground pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee was reminded that the Council leased the Stewart Street Playground from Power Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. It was reported that the Clanmil Housing Association had purchased land adjoining the site and was due to commence construction of a new boundary fence between its land and the playground. Accordingly, a request had been received from Clanmil seeking permission for its contractors, viz., Geda Construction Company Limited, to erect a temporary fence within the playground which would protect its new boundary fence during construction and enable the work to be carried out more efficiently. The portion of land which had been requested comprised initially of a 4.2 metre strip along the boundary, which would decrease to 2 metres after initial work had been carried out. It was pointed out that the site manager had considered the impact of the fence on the playground to be minimal and it was anticipated that the work would last for approximately twelve weeks.


            The Committee acceded to the request and agreed that a licence agreement be drawn-up to oversee the work and that a charge of £75 per week be levied on the contractor for the use of the property.



Commemorative Floral Bedding Displays pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The Committee was advised that two organisations, viz., the Girls’ Brigade Northern Ireland and Tiny Life, had submitted requests to locate commemorate floral displays within the flower beds within Council parks. The Director reported that 2013 marked the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Girls’ Brigade and indicated that Tiny Life, which had been established in 1988, was a charity dedicated to reducing the number of premature births in Northern Ireland, as well as providing support to families. He added that the Council would incur no additional costs in acceding to the requests.


            The Director pointed out that the content of the floral displays would not be controversial and further discussion would be undertaken with both organisations in order to agree the designs and to determine specific locations to optimise visibility.


            The Committee acceded to the requests and agreed to grant delegated authority to the Director to consider all future requests in this regard which were considered to be non-contentious in nature.




Belfast Taste and Music Festival pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.     Relevant Background Information


         The Committee is asked to note that the Council has received a request from Wonderland Productions (NI) Ltd, promoter Eamonn McCann for the use of Botanic Gardens to hold ‘a Belfast Taste and Music Festival 2013’.  Similar events have taken place in the Gardens since 1991, except for 2012.


2.      Key Issues


·          The event would take place on in Botanic Gardens offering food and music entertainment with the public being charged fees to gain admission.


·          The proposed event dates are Friday 24  –  Monday 27 May 2013  with hours of operation 12.00 noon to 10.30pm daily. The total proposed duration of the event to include set up and take down would be seven days on site, two days to set up and one to take down.


·          The admission fees proposed are:


O   £5.00 before 5pm

O       £10.00 after 5pm

O       Children under 5 Free

O       Children 5-15 half price


·          The music will range from jazz to blues, to tribute bands and will appeal to a broad age range.


O        Four performances each day on the stage

O        12.30 - 2.00pm                3.00 - 4.30pm

O        6.00 - 7.30pm                  8.30 - 10.30pm


·          If the weather is good it would be hoped that attendance may reach 4,000 people each day.


·               The event would be subject to the preparation of an event management plan which would cover all aspects of management including health and safety and access.


·               Bar facilities are to be provided at the event, including beers and ciders from Northern Ireland.


·               The event will permit access via Stranmillis Road and Botanic Avenue and access would be maintained to the Ulster Museum.


·          The event promoter shall consult with all local communities and adjacent organisations. Residents living in close proximity to Botanic Gardens have raised objections in the past to musical events in the Park.


·               The event organiser is aware of the need for the payment of a Bond of Intent and Bond of Reinstatement which must be completed prior to written confirmation that the venue shall be available.


·          Due to the costs involved in holding the event the promoter has asked that fees for the use of the site be waived.


·          The promoter has raised concerns about realising the event in 2013 in such a short time scale and has asked to book similar dates in May 2014.


3.      Resource Implications




         Fees for the use of the facility would be £5,400 which the promoter has asked to be waived due to the costs involved in running the event.


         For a similar event held in 2011 Committee agreed to accede to a similar request but on condition that, should a profit be made from the holding of the event, an appropriate claw back be recouped from the organisers.


         A Bond of Intent of £600 and Bond of Reinstatement of £3000 will be required.


         Human Resources


         Due to the nature of the event and the importance of the site it is anticipated that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Mary Peters Track pdf icon PDF 62 KB


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 15th September, 2011, it had requested that progress reports be submitted in relation to the refurbishment of the Mary Peters Track.  Accordingly, the Director submitted the undernoted update report for the Committee’s notation:


·         The completion of the project remains on schedule and the facility should be available for use in April 2013. Members are asked to note that correspondence has been received expressing dissatisfaction with the continued closure of the track and with proposals to keep the track closed until March / April 2013.  This correspondence has been circulated to several local councillors.  Members are asked to note that whilst the track area is ready for use, the field area needs time to settle and any unauthorised use of it at this time could damage it and necessitate further remedial works which would impact on its use for the World Police and Fire Games. 


·         In addition to this there are several other factors to be taken into account: the construction of the stand is still underway; following the completion of the stand it will be necessary to undertake some finishing works to the paths, floodlighting and car park etc to ensure that the site is handed over in a satisfactory condition and complies with health and safety requirements.  The new track and associated areas need to accredited for use, at present the facility is not accredited and the necessary inspection will not take place until following completion of the spectator stand.  Whilst it is our intention to open the track as soon as possible it is important that the contract be completed and the proper documentation is in place.


·         The existing management agreement between the Council and Northern Ireland Athletics is currently renewed on a monthly basis.  An advertisement was placed in November 2012 and the closing date is 15 January 2013.  An evaluation of the tenders will be will be undertaken before the end of January with the aim of making an appointment in February 2013. 


·         Work on the statue of Dame Mary Peters is continuing and a procurement process is underway.  It is anticipated that the statue will be ready March / April 2013, subject to approval from Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.






Dunville Park / Woodvale Park pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The Committee agreed to note the contents of a report in relation to the progress achieved in respect of the refurbishment of the Dunville and Woodvale Parks; completion of both projects remaining on target for June, 2013, and noted further that discussions were ongoing with local communities regarding the management arrangements for the sites post completion.



Film Event at Ormeau Park pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.      Relevant Background Information


1.1     The department has received a request from organisers of the ‘Belfast Film Festival’ for permission to hold a proposed screening of a film outdoors  in Ormeau Park as part of their 13th Festival in April 2013 (festival dates 10 – 21 April).


1.2     Over the past 12 festivals organisers have been keen to screen films in unusual or site specific locations throughout Belfast and feel that these types of events engage new audiences and also present films in an exciting and dynamic context.


1.3     In the past they have screened films in St. Anne’s Cathedral, Sinclair Seaman's Church, The High Court’s, as a drive in movie in Titanic Quarter, in the grounds of Belfast Castle overlooking Cave Hill, on the Lagan Boat and last April 2012 had a special outdoor screening of the Titanic film 'A Night to Remember' at the Thompson Dry dock where the ship was launched. This event was attended by over 500 people including the First Minister and Deputy First Minister. 


1.4     Event organisers have identified a possible location in the Ormeau park and would propose a small scale event for a potential audience of 250 people. The event would take place on one night between 10 - 21 April 2013 from 8pm to 11pm approximately.  The exact date to be agreed with the organisers.


1.5     Given the location and the atmosphere of the park at night they would like to show a horror film. The film is however uncontroversial in nature and certified for an audience of over 15 year olds, made in 1987. The film is set in a wooded area and is a horror comedy called 'Evil dead 2'.


2.      Key Issues


2.1     Belfast Film festival would provide audio visual equipment, generators, seating, lighting equipment, St. John Ambulance, Portaloos, two projectmanagers, volunteer staff and technical staff on the site. They would also hire security staff.


2.2     The event organisers wish to locate a portable film screen (20ft wide x 12ft high) within an enclosed grassland area surrounded by woodland. This area was preferred by the organisers to prevent or minimise the effects of wind on the film screen.


2.3     It is anticipated that this area would also minimise the effects of noise to surrounding areas.


2.4     There is a house located within Ormeau Park (Old Foreman’s Lodge) which is now occupied by a family under arrangement with Hearth Housing Association (leased from the council). This is approximately 100 metres from the proposed location of the film event.


2.5     It is proposed that the film event starts at 8pm and is over by 11pm. It is not anticipated that any noise be generated after 11pm; however noise levels throughout the event will need to be carefully monitored.


2.6     Since it is not unreasonable to anticipate that residents living close to a park or open space used for an open air event of this nature will experience some degree of noise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.