Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


          The following declarations of interest were declared:


·        In respect of item 5b, viz., New York / New Belfast and One City conferences, Councillor Ó Muilleoir indicated that he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Belfast Media Group, which was hosting the aforementioned conferences; and


·        Regarding item 6a, viz., Advice Allocation Review, Alderman Stoker and Councillors Austin and Keenan indicated that they were associated with groups which were members of the various consortia in receipt of funding under the programme.





Requests for Deputations


          It was reported that no requests had been received.



Staffing Arrangements at the Waterfront and Ulster Halls


          In the absence of the Director, the Committee agreed to defer, to its meeting on 6th March, consideration of the above-mentioned matter.



Departmental Plan - Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


          The Committee considered the quarterly update on the Departmental Plan for the period ending 31st December, 2011.  The Head of Economic Initiatives clarified a number of issues in respect of the Plan and undertook to update individual Members on various matters which had been raised.





Quarterly Finance Report - Quarter 3 2011/2012 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


          The Committee considered the Department’s quarterly finance report for the period from 30th September till 31st December, 2011. The Head of Economic Initiatives answered a range of Members’ questions in respect of the Department’s financial position and in particular the extent of, and factors contributing to, a projected year-end under spend.




Outstanding Accounts pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


          In accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations, the Head of Economic Initiatives sought the Committee’s authority to have a number of outstanding accounts amounting to £8,561.13 written off, a schedule of which had been submitted for the Committee’s information together with a report which outlined the Council’s debt management procedures. She pointed out that all reasonable measures had been taken to recover the debts.


          After discussion, Committee granted the authority sought.



Departmental Scale of Charges - 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 110 KB


            The Committee agreed that there be no increase in charges applied for the hire of the Waterfront and Ulster Halls, St. George’s Market and for the Council’s community centres. It was noted that a report would be submitted for the Committee’s consideration in due course in respect of future pricing policy at St. George’s Market.



Belfast City Masterplan pdf icon PDF 2 MB



After discussion, the Committee noted the comments of the Political Parties in respect of the Masterplan and agreed to the following course of action:

·         that consultation on the Masterplan be carried out over two phases, with initial discussions being held with representatives of the various departments within the Northern Ireland Executive; and


·         that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, together with the Political Party Leaders, would represent the Council at such discussions.



Renewing the Routes Initiative 2012/2016 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:



The Committee agreed to the following:


1.      considered the proposed target areas as set out in Table 1 and if appropriate endorsed the suggested priorities and phasing as the basis for a four year programme;


2.      noted the ongoing work in relation to the identification of local neighbourhood regeneration and the integration with wider Council; and


3.     endorsed the proposed review of the routes classified in the longer-term category to assess the opportunities for their inclusion within the proposed neighbourhood areas or as a separate initiative.”


            The Head of Economic Initiatives undertook to examine the feasibility of extending the Ormeau Road 2 initiative from Haywood Avenue to the roundabout at the junction of the Ormeau and Ravenhill Roads, the Committee adopted the recommendations.


Belfast City Centre Management - Funding Allocation 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:



            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Alderman Humphrey,

            Seconded by Alderman Ekin and


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations within the report and provide funding in the sum of £190,000 to Belfast City Centre Management for the financial year 2012/2013 and agrees also that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee, together with one Member from each of the remaining Parties, convenes a series of meetings with representatives from the both the Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau and Belfast City Centre Management to examine the future role of both bodies in the promotion of the City.



European Social Fund - Match Funding Requests pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:



            After discussion, the Committee agreed to award the match funding as requested to the ‘HARTE Project’ and the ‘Learn to Earn Programme’ and agreed further that, in future, quarterly monitoring reports would be submitted for the Committee’s consideration in respect of all programmes supported by the European Social Fund in receipt of match funding from the Council.



INTERREG Funding - Update pdf icon PDF 80 KB


            The Committee agreed to endorse the submission of the above mentioned Belfast City Council led and COMET Interreg IVA submissions.”





Nashville Sister City Initiative - Update pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee agreed:



1.    To review and realign Sister City Nashville objectives to Belfast City Council’s Investment Programme.


2.    To review the current Belfast Nashville Steering Group.


3.    To approve an inward Civic Visit from Mayor Dean and delegation in April 2012 and to host a reception to include Chair, Deputy Chair and Development Committee, at a cost of no more than £1,500 which has been provided within the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit budget.


4.    To accept the invitation from QUB to participate in the

                              Autumn visit to Nashville and agree the attendance of the Chair and Deputy Chair, or their nominees, and one member of staff.





New York-New Belfast - One City Conferences pdf icon PDF 90 KB



            After discussion, the Committee agreed to authorise the attendance at both events by the Director of Development, or his nominee, to deliver a speech on the Council’s Investment Programme and authorised the payment of the associated travel and accommodation costs in connection therewith. 



State of the City Debate pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:



            After discussion, the Committee authorised expenditure in the sum of £5,000 for the holding of the State of the City debate as outlined.



Irish Technology Leadership Group - Memorandum of Understanding pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:




            After discussion, the Committee agreed to endorse the Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and the Irish Technology Leadership Group, together with the associated expenditure, subject to the proviso that the Council would, commencing in 2012, undertake bi-annual outward trade missions. In addition, it was noted that the Council would not be represented at the 5th Annual Innovation Summit in San Jose from 12th till 13th March.



Conference Subventions pdf icon PDF 80 KB




            The Committee agreed to support the two conferences as outlined.




Waterfront Hall - Confex 2012 Press Launch pdf icon PDF 62 KB


The Committee authorised the attendance at the event of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, together with the Director of Development, or their nominees, the cost of which, including travel and accommodation, would be in the region of £600.00 per delegate.




Northern Ireland Assembly - Inquiry into Research and Development



The Committee agreed that it be represented at the inquiry by the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director of Development, or their nominees. 



Advice Allocation Review pdf icon PDF 167 KB


The Committee agreed:  


(i)            To Endorse the findings of the Deloitte review and choose the recommended Option 10: ‘Local focus’ model (adjusted).


(ii)        Agreed that Option 10 be applied for 3 years (with a review of the option in 2015). Agree that additional funding for the years 2013-2016 would to be allocated from within the Council budget.


            (iii)       Agreed that the option be screened out for equality

      impact assessment.”





Titanic Engagement - Community Chest Grant-Aid Fund pdf icon PDF 117 KB


            The Committee agreed to support the use of a further tranche of the Community Chest grant stream to subsidize specifically themed local community activity aligned to the Titanic Engagement Programme during March and April 2012.


(i)        Agree an upper allocation limit of £20,000 based on a maximum individual grant of £200.


(ii)       Note that application approvals and related payments will be authorised by the Director of Development in accordance with the authority delegated to him.”





Support for Sport Funding pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:



            The Committee considered a schedule of applications received under the Council’s Support for Sport Initiative and, after discussion, adopted the recommendations for funding in respect of events which had met the pre-agreed criteria.



Consultation Response - Building an Active Travel future for Northern Ireland pdf icon PDF 163 KB


            (Mr. K. Sutherland, Policy and Transport Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee was advised that the Department for Regional Development had published for consultation an Active Travel Strategy for Northern Ireland entitled ‘Building an Active Travel Future for Northern Ireland’. It was reported that the principal aim of the Strategy was to support and encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transport, such as walking and cycling. The Strategy sought to build upon programmes which had been established such as the ‘Safer Routes to Schools Programme’ and car-sharing schemes.


            After discussion, during which the Committee noted that a report in respect of future funding opportunities available under the Active Travel Demonstration project would be submitted in due course, and agreed to receive a presentation  in respect of the  ‘Belfast on the Move’ proposals, the Members endorsed the undernoted Council response to the consultation, subject to the following amendments:


·         that it be strengthened to emphasise the Council’s view that the Department for Regional Development must address the issue of vehicle speed limits to enhance the safety of cyclists;


·         that planners should be mindful of the requirements of cyclists and pedestrians in all developments;


·         that significant funding must be allocated towards the establishment of dedicated cycle lanes and specialised routes for cyclists; and


·         that workplaces should be encouraged to provide facilities for cyclists, such as showers and parking bays.