Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies were reported from Alderman Ekin and Councillor Hendron.





            The minutes of the meeting of 21st August were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 3rd September.




Declarations of Interest


            In respect of item 2 viz., George Best Belfast City Airport – Economic Impact, Councillor Ó Muilleoir indicated that he was Managing Director of the Belfast Media Group which was in receipt of sponsorship from the Airport.



George Best Belfast City Airport - Economic Impact

(Presentation by Mr B Ambrose, Chief Executive of George Best Belfast City Airport.)


            (Mrs. S. Wylie, Director of Health and Environmental Services, Mr. B. Ambrose, Chief Executive, and Ms. K. Best, Commercial and Marketing Director, George Best Belfast City Airport, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Director of Development tabled a report for the information of the Members.  He reminded the Committee that, on 30th September 2011, the Minister for the Department of the Environment had announced that he had initiated a public process to modify the existing planning agreement between that Department and the George Best Belfast City Airport (GBBCA).  On 21st March, the GBBCA had submitted a request to the Department of the Environment to vary the terms of its 1997 Planning Agreement, which had been modified in 2008, under Article 40A(1)(a) of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.  The Airport had requested that the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction be

removed from the Agreement and replaced with a noise contour control cap and other noise control measures and, as that would be a significant modification to the existing agreement, the Minister had invited representations from the local community and other interested parties.


            The Director advised the Committee that Officers from the Development Department had previously assisted colleagues in the Health and Environmental Services Department with regard to the appraisal of the economic and environmental information, which had consisted of three future growth scenarios for the airport, together with a draft Article 40 Agreement, which had been provided with the application for the removal of the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction.  A response to the consultation had subsequently been submitted by the Health and Environmental Services Committee to the Department of the Environment.  Within that response it had been recognised that the removal of the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction and the introduction of a noise contour had potential economic advantages and, if introduced properly, would provide some protection to local residents.  However, the proposed contour was considered to extend over a large area and there was uncertainty regarding the methodology employed to determine the three growth scenarios.  The Council response had reflected those concerns and had requested that the air traffic forecasts and the growth scenarios should be reviewed with consideration given to a smaller contour which would be better placed to achieve the balance between the environmental and economic considerations that the Minister was seeking.


            The Committee was advised that the Planning Appeals Commission had set a date of 26th November for the Public Local Inquiry to consider the request for the removal of the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction from the existing agreement and that, in advance of the inquiry, the Council would be requested to submit a Statement of Case in respect of the proposed revision.  In that regard, a special meeting of the Health and Environmental Services Committee, to which all Members of the Council would be invited to attend, would be held on 20th September, 2012 to consider the Statement of Case in advance of it being submitted.


            The Director of Development reported that the Chief Executive of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Belfast's Economy Consultation - Lagan Canal Trust pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that, as part of a public consultation exercise, the Council had been invited to respond to a draft Strategic Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Engineering Report in connection with the Lagan Canal and locks of the Lagan Corridor from Belfast to Lough Neagh, which had been considered to be fundamental to the possible future capital development of the project and which were to be completed by 2012.


            The draft Strategic Environmental Assessment had been prepared following previous work which had determined that the plan to reopen the Lagan Canal from Belfast to Lough Neagh would be likely to have a significant environmental impact, and the Preliminary Engineering Report (copies of which were provided on the system) consisted of a review of the existing documentation, updated drawings, surveys and cost planning which would inform the potential to re-open the Lagan Navigation from Belfast Harbour to Lough Neagh.


            The Committee considered the undernoted response to the consultation exercise:


2.1        The Strategic Environmental Assessment


            Council are content that the SEA references a number of key City Plans and Strategies including; Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015 (Draft); Belfast City Council: Corporate Plans; Belfast City Council: Local Economic Development Plan; Belfast City Council: Open Space Strategy – ‘Your City, Your Space’, Belfast City Council: Cultural Tourism Strategy, Developing Belfast’s Opportunity; Belfast City Council: Integrated Strategic Framework for Belfast Tourism 2010-2014; These documents set the economic development and recreational framework for the area and there is consistent reference to the aims to improve the amenity of the canal and its corridor.


2.2        The environmental report is compatible with the Council’s priorities, however it would benefit from reference to Belfast City Council Investment Programme 2012-2015 Draft and the development of a more comprehensive list of open spaces within the 1.5 mile economic corridor of Belfast; Page 56 Table 4.9 Parks Gardens and Demesnes.


2.3        Our Environmental Protection Unit of the Health and Environmental Services Department have stated that they are fully supportive of the intentions of the Lagan Canal Trust to achieve the restoration and revitalisation of the Lagan Canal and its corridor and would be particularly involved once the plan is live in terms of noise, air quality and contaminated land.  Furthermore those areas detailed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive that would potentially involve the Environmental Protection Unit are those relating to:


1.     The risks to human health or the environment, and


2.     The exceeding of environmental quality standards or limit values.


2.4        The Environmental Protection Unit would therefore request that they are consulted at each stage of the project where noise, air quality and contaminated land are potential issues.


2.5        Re-opening the Lagan Navigation from Belfast Harbour to Lough Neagh (Preliminary Engineering Report)


            The Preliminary Engineering Report accurately reflects the Lagan Canal Scoping Report that was conducted by Scott Wilson Consultants on behalf of Belfast City Council in 2008. This Engineering Report is therefore consistent with the Council’s previous study.”


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the draft response and requested  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3a


Procurement Update pdf icon PDF 148 KB


            The Committee noted that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 24th August, had authorised the attendance of the Chairmen of that Committee and the Development Committee and Party Group Leaders, or their nominees, to participate in a future visit to Manchester to focus upon its construction scheme and the work which was being undertaken to engage with existing suppliers.


            Arising from the discussion, the Director undertook to submit, to a future meeting of the Committee, an update on the roll-out of the scheme including information as to how the Council would ensure that companies were aware of the opportunities which would be coming on-stream; the introduction of a portal for information and communication purposes; and training for companies on how to apply and compete for opportunities.





Northern Ireland Parliamentary Group on the United States of America pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from the Northern Ireland Assembly inviting it to provide its views on the newly-established Northern Ireland Parliamentary Group on the United States of America.


            The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission had agreed that, due to Northern Ireland’s strong relationship with North America, there was merit in forming a Northern Ireland Assembly Parliamentary Group on the USA, which was a similar approach to that taken at Westminster where there was a British-American Parliamentary Group.


            The Committee was informed that the Northern Ireland Assembly Parliamentary Group on the USA would focus on producing a report to consider its role and value to justify its long-term future, including the level of interest amongst its members; appointing an Executive Committee, its aims and priorities and potential activities to be undertaken; and an assessment of the resources required for the Group’s work and any external funding which may be available to it.  The initial focus of the Group appeared to be the engagement with USA delegations visiting the Assembly; the development of links with USA legislators on mutual areas of interest; and the exploration of economic and cultural opportunities which would be of benefit to Northern Ireland.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that the Council had been selected to be a respondent due to its historic relationships with the USA dating back over fifteen years.  She reminded the Committee that the Council was currently reviewing its international relationships in general and that that project had included a review of international relations activity between the Council and its key stakeholders; the agreement of key priority areas; and the building of a collaborative approach to international relations and marketing across the City.  Key Belfast/USA relationships over the past fifteen years had included Friends of Belfast, World Trade Centre, Nashville, New York/Boston/Washington, and Silicon Valley/Hollywood.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives had recommended that the Committee endorse the undernoted response:


         “The Council is currently developing an International Relations Framework and an International City Marketing plan. The focus is on internationalisation, connections, partnerships and investment and we think the establishment of this Assembly Group is timely for both sides.


            As part of this process we have engaged with a number of key stakeholders in the City (who are also active on a regional level) to gather their views and find out about their international work. From our previous and current experiences, we think that the critical parts to the success of this group are:


            - Find out what is currently happening in the


                  - Develop a set of priorities

                  - Create an agreed local narrative

                  -  Develop criteria for success


            At first instance it is proposed that the Assembly Group conducts a NI audit on the existing relations with the USA.  It seems from the Council’s own audit that many Councils, Colleges, and Universities have formal and informal links with the USA.


            We believe it is important to set down criteria on where and why the group  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3c


Cities of the Isles, Glasgow, October 2012 pdf icon PDF 120 KB



            The Director reminded the Committee that the City of the Isles Partnership was a small network of six City Councils in the United Kingdom and Ireland, namely Belfast, Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Liverpool.  Since 2000, these Cities had met annually to share urban regeneration experiences, develop joint projects and establish a co-ordinated approach to issues of strategic importance.  It was reported that the next scheduled meeting of the organisation would take place in Glasgow on 24th and 25th October at a cost of £250 per delegate.


            The Director then provided an overview of the programme of events which Glasgow had formulated and reported that the discussion would focus on two key themes, viz., youth employment, including apprenticeships and training; and using sport as a tool to engage with young people.  He pointed out that Glasgow had seen significant investment and regeneration in the last two decades.  However, despite that growth, the city had a major problem with economic inactivity, particular to a number of its neighbourhoods.  It had been chosen as one of the pilot ‘city strategies’ that had been supported under the previous government and much of the learning from that experience was being utilised by those partners working on Belfast’s employability and skills strategy.   It was reported further that Glasgow would host the Commonwealth Games in 2014 and that the discussion in relation to young people and sport would offer an opportunity to consider the potential legacy of investment in sport and its role in engaging young people.


            The Committee authorised the attendance at the event of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, or their nominees, together with a maximum of two officers, at a cost of £250 per person.





Global India Business Meeting 2013 Update pdf icon PDF 116 KB


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reminded the Committee that it had previously agreed to support the hosting of the Global India International meeting in 2013.  Following Committee approval, work had been ongoing to progress the contractual negotiations and secure arrangements.  The proposed dates for the Global India meeting were 24th and 25th June, 2013, with the opening taking place in the City Hall, the main event in the Waterfront Hall and the closing dinner in Titanic Belfast.  Delegates would select from a variety of accommodation but it was likely that a city centre hotel would be used as the main venue for guests.


            The Committee was reminded that the total cost for hosting the event was in the region of £160,000.  The Council had previously agreed to provide support to a maximum of £100,000 and Invest NI had agreed to provide up to £40,000.  Additional finance was being sought from the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Tourism Ireland and the university sector.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that the programme would include contributions from a series of international and local speakers examining global economic issues of particular interest to the Indian Sub-Continent.  There would be a dedicated session on ‘Doing Business in Belfast’ which would be delivered in conjunction with Invest NI.  The Council would also have the opportunity to influence the programme content to showcase Belfast’s competitive edge and contemporary and forthcoming business opportunities.  Local delegates would have the opportunity to interface with Chief Executives of leading Indian firms and business to business meetings would be arranged in parallel with the Conference.


            The Committee noted the progress of the Global India Business Meeting 2013 and noted also that officers would pursue vigorously the additional finance required to ensure a satisfactory outcome to the existing shortfall.


(Councillor Ó Muilleoir, Deputy Chairman, in the Chair.)



Shaping Belfast


Belfast Tourism Forum pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       Belfast City Council, Northern Ireland tourist Board (NITB) and Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau (BVCB) agreed a tourism framework for the city, the Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010–2014, which was launched in March 2011. The Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework (BISTF) 2010-2014 identifies a range of tourism priorities and projects for the city, many of which are now being realised including the extension to the Belfast Waterfront Hall, the relocation of the Belfast Welcome Centre and the development of local tourism destinations.

1.2       One of the recommendations within the BISTF 2010–2014 was to ensure better integration between the delivery bodies for tourism across the city. The Framework identified the need for a Belfast Tourism Forum which would have representation from the main public sector agencies and statutory bodies that impact on tourism development as well as main industry bodies such as Pubs of Ulster, Northern Ireland Hotel Federation, Northern Ireland Tour Guides Association.


1.3       At an operational level, the Forum is supported by an officers group, representing Belfast City Council’s Tourism and Events teams, Belfast City Centre Management, Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau and NITB.  This ensures better integration and efficiency at an operational level.


1.4       The current representation on the Belfast Tourism Forum and the Terms of Reference is attached as Appendix 1.


1.5       The first meeting of the Belfast Forum was in March 2011 and launched the start of implementing the BISTF 2010–2014.  A 12 month action plan was prepared to identify the key actions to be undertaken in 2011/2012 and reports were made at quarterly meetings on progress. Subsequent meetings also identified key topics for discussion, for example;


Meeting 1, March 2011; Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework;

      Meeting 2, June 2011; GB Market and barriers to growth;

Meeting 3, Sept 2011; City Events and 2012 Our Time, Our Place Campaign;

Meeting 4, Dec 2011, Industry engagement and communications;

Meeting 5, March 2012, Research Trends and Visitor Satisfaction;

Meeting 6, June 2012, Review Workshop on the impact of the Tourism Forum


1.6       Some of the key outputs from the Belfast Tourism Forum have included a meeting with the Minister for Tourism to discuss tourism priorities for the city, whereby both Members of Development Committee and the industry representatives presented a joint approach; the development of a new programme of industry support ‘Destination Belfast’ funded by BCC and Invest NI and the roll out of a programme of support for local tourism destinations.


1.7       Overall a number of additional workshops and industry sessions have been held due to the work of the Tourism Forum and in summary a minimum of 200 businesses/organisations have participated in these.


2    Key Issues


2.1       In June 2012, representatives of the Belfast Tourism Forum attended a facilitated workshop to review progress and identify the best way forward for the Forum. 


2.2       In general there is support for a Belfast Tourism Forum and recognition that Belfast City Council is best to lead on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Visual Arts Feasibility Study pdf icon PDF 124 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the new draft Cultural Framework for 2012 until 2015 noted that the Council would take a leadership role on the strategic alignment and co-ordination of the cultural and arts sector and would provide opportunities for organisations to develop and diversify their income streams and promote partnership working and collaboration.


            The Director informed the Committee that the Council had been approached by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland requesting support for a needs analysis and feasibility study for visual arts in Belfast.  Following comparative analysis with United Kingdom cities, it had been identified that Belfast needed to examine future provision of visual culture in order to compete nationally and internationally, including options for a hub, collaborations and mergers.  The Director reported that the needs analysis and feasibility study would examine the potential for four or more arts venues to be co-located within one place or combined to form a new arts institute and hub for contemporary art, the aim of which would be to provide both a world class visitor destination and also to represent the artists, creative industries’ practitioners and craftspeople living and working within Belfast.


            The Director reported that the feasibility study would cost a total of £25,000. The Arts Council would provide 75% (£18,750) and the Committee was requested to consider providing support in the sum of £6,250.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to provide support in the sum of £6,250 for a needs analysis for visual arts in Belfast and a feasibility study for arts venues to re-locate and combine to form an arts institute.



Marketing Belfast


Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau Monitoring Report


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


 “1Relevant Background Information


1.1       Members at Development Committee agreed to contribute £1,842,465 towards Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau’s (BVCB) marketing and visitor servicing plans in 2012/2013.  BVCB was established in 1999 by Belfast City Council and has continued to receive financial support on an annual basis, using this support to lever funds from Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) and the private sector.  Financial support goes towards the following activities:


            Marketing and Communications         £1,313,000

            Visitor Servicing                                 £529,465


1.2       In summary, BVCB are responsible for:


-       Attracting conferences to the city;

-       Delivering co-operative campaigns in key markets e.g. working with the retailers to target the ROI market and working with air and sea carriers to target the GB market ;

-       Attracting cruise visits;

-       Servicing visitor enquiries;

-       Booking facility for accommodation providers, venues, festivals and events;

-       Producing a range of marketing materials including destination guides and the website;

-       Advising members on opportunities;

-       Promoting Belfast as a day trip destination via above the line and tactical advertising


1.3       The key activities above are grouped under Marketing and Communications, Conference Bureau/Business Tourism and Visitor Servicing.


1.4       The BVCB Board is representative of the sector and includes both private sector and 8 elected representatives from Belfast City Council.  NITB sits as an observer, as do a range of interests including retail sector representatives.


1.5       The Development Committee on 24 January 2012 received a presentation from BVCB on their proposed targets for 2012/2013.  After a significant period of review using international expertise of John Heeley, the Chair of European Cities Marketing, BVCB has identified 20 key performance indicators which will be monitored during the period 2012–2013.  Committee endorsed this approach and Council’s funding is dependent on satisfactory performance against these targets.  Quarterly reports are provided to both the Board of BVCB and Belfast City Council; Quarter 1 (April–June 2012) is attached as appendix 1.


2    Key Issues


2.1       Quarter 1 Monitoring Report


            Officers have reviewed performance at Quarter 1 and completed a monitoring review with BVCB’s senior meeting.


2.2       Overall, BVCB’s performance is on target as shown in Appendix 1.


2.3       Business Tourism and Cruise Visits


            In summary, after a restructuring exercise, the conference team is now in place and BVCB are confident that they will exceed the number of conference wins in 2012/13 period.  The number of cruises secured for 2013 has already exceeded targets and work continues to secure cruise ships beyond 2013/14 period.


2.4       Visitor Servicing


            Between January and June 2012 Belfast Welcome Centre (BWC) welcomed 141,000 visitors through its doors, up 32% compared to the same period in 2011.  BWC has handled 201,433 enquiries, up 41% compared to same period 2011 reflecting on-going strong interest in Belfast through positive media coverage and the Titanic effect.  Visitor and enquiry figures for March and April were at a level that surpassed previous monthly highs recorded in 2007/08.


2.5       Marketing & Communications


            There have been 2 campaigns in Quarter 1 and remaining  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a


Tall Ships 2015 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:



            (Mr. G. Copeland attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1        The purpose of this report is to highlight to Members proposed plans for the delivery of the 2015 Tall Ships event in Belfast.


            The Council meeting of October 2011 agreed that it would stage and contribute £1.3 million to the delivery of a Tall Ships Race event in 2015.  The overall race, owned by Sail Training International (STI), will start in Belfast on the 2 July and finish on the 4 August.  The ports taking part in this nautical escapade are:


      -  Belfast - (Thu 2 – Sun 5 July 2015) Race 1;

-  Ålesund - (Norway, 15 – 18 July) Cruise-in-Company

   non race;

      -  Kristiansand - (Norway, 25 – 28 July) Race 2;

      -  Aalborg - (Denmark, 1 – 4 August)


            As stated above the Council will contribute £1.3 million to the 2015 event.  In 2009 the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge produced the following key outputs:


- Almost 750,000 people witnessed the event first hand,

  500,000 attended the Belfast event;

      - Visitors rated the event at an average 8.6 out of 10;

      - Numerous port visits across Northern Ireland;

      - 27 local trainees spent three weeks crossing the

       Atlantic Ocean;

      - Many other local trainees, including those with

  disabilities, placed on other vessels travelling to and

   from Belfast;

      - £1m of new quayside infrastructure;

      - Creation of 90 jobs and hundreds of other employment /

         volunteering opportunities;

      - £16m economic impact;

      - Several industry awards;


1.2        2009 Tall Ships Audit Reports


            Audits and analysis of the 2009 project were conducted.  The first was a GATE review, which was undertaken by the Council’s Property and Projects Department.  The outcome gave the project highest scores possible under each of the GATE criteria. In addition to the Council’s Audit, Governance and Risk Services (AGRS) completed a ‘Lessons Learned’ document and gave the event, including delivery and governance, a glowing endorsement.”


“2         Key Issues


2.1        Management and Delivery for 2015


            The ‘Belfast Tall Ships 2009’ Company, which was the special purpose vehicle created to deliver the event is still in operation, but its in a dormant state with zero business activity and only four registered Board members (Mr Trevor Anderson, Director of Port Operations at Belfast Harbour), Dr Gerard O’Hare (Chair of Tall Ships 2009 and Board Member of Belfast Harbour Commissioners) and two City Councillors. The latter will be replaced on the new board and given the experience in 2009 it is proposed that the structural format of the company is replicated. The overall delivery format, based on the 2009 system, will include a number of key operational work groups and the re-establishment of a Tall Ships Assurance Board.


2.2        Board Representatives


            The 2015 company would be tasked with the delivery of the 2015 event. As with the previous 2009 event, the Board of the Company would have Council representation in the form of two members, which would be proposed to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


World Chamber Federation Biennial Congress 2015 pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Additional documents:


            The Director submitted, for the Committee’s consideration, the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       Belfast City Council has received correspondence from the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce (NICC) who is currently competing to host the World Chamber Federation’s Biennial Congress in 2015.


1.2       Hosting the event represents huge opportunities, including the economic impact of potentially 2000 delegates from 40 countries over 4 days, to increase the profile of Belfast and Northern Ireland on the world stage with the potential to establish further trade links.


1.3       Previous host cities have included, Marseille; Seoul; Quebec City; Durban; Istanbul; Kuala Lumpur; Mexico City; and Doha, Qatar which is scheduled to host the 2013 World Chamber Congress.


1.4       Following an initial expression of interest in March, Belfast has now been shortlisted alongside Biarritz, Geneva, Gothenburg, Liverpool, Lyon, Manchester and Torino as potential hosts.

1.5       Given the Waterfront extension, the Odyssey is the main proposed conference venue.


2    Key Issues


2.1       NICC is already being supported by Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau (BVCB) and will be eligible for the conference subvention scheme.


2.2       In NICC’s correspondence they have outlined a range of ways in which organisations can support their bid including a simple statement of letter of support, being involved in the advisory committee, participating on the site inspection, contributing to the business or hospitality programme or sponsorship.


2.3       Given Belfast City Council is already supporting the NICC via BVCB, officers recommend that a letter of support is sent along with details on use of the City Hall for an event reception.


2.4       This is a landmark bid for Belfast and the level of political and business support could be a key differentiator for the city against other competitors.


4    Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1       There are no specific equality or good relations considerations attached to this report.


5    Recommendations


5.1       Members agree to write a letter of support for NICC to host the World Chamber Federation’s biennial Congress in 2015.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Expo Real 2012 Event - Munich pdf icon PDF 128 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Expo Real event takes place each year in Munich, Germany.  It is Europe’s largest business-to-business trade fair for commercial property and investment.  The 2012 event will take place from 8-10 October 2012.


1.2       Expo Real comprises an exhibition (involving over 1600 exhibitors from 72 countries) as well as an extensive conference programme involving 400 speakers on a range of topics within the real estate, investment and financial markets.


1.3       The event is expected to attract 37,000 participants to include exhibitors showcasing their property and investment portfolios and representatives from the property sector including developers, investors and architects as well as representatives from economic regions and cities.


2    Key Issues


2.1       Members will be aware that there is a significant volume of work under way to develop an international marketing and promotional strategy for the city.  This has been included as a priority within the Council’s Investment Programme 2012-2015.  It is expected the future strategy will consider how Belfast can position itself as an international destination in order to attract talent and investment and grow visitor numbers.


2.2       Showcasing Belfast on an international platform is expected to be a key focus of the future strategy.  Events such as Expo Real offer the Council a platform to target and promote the city’s investment potential to international companies.


2.3       A number of priority investment and promotion activities/events have been identified in the course of the research for this work.  These include Expo Real and MIPIM.  Members will recall that Belfast City Council was involved in MIPIM in the past but did not attend in 2012.  A report on the way forward on this – as part of the wider international marketing work – will be presented to Committee next month.


2.4       It is understood that representatives from Belfast Harbour are planning to attend Expo Real to explore the potential of this event to identify and target potential investors for their development sites. It may be appropriate to consider attending the event with them in order to look at the potential wider interest for the city.


2.5       Given that the scale of the opportunity is unclear at this stage, it would be recommended that Belfast City Council attends in an observer capacity only, and therefore there would be no requirement to have a stand at the event, at this stage.  However, if it was considered that the event was a viable proposition for attracting potential inward investors to the city, it may be appropriate to consider having a stand – along with other partners from the city – in future years.


3    Resource Implications


3.1       Financial


            The cost of attending EXPO REAL 2012 in Munich is approximately £1,500 per person.  This is inclusive of delegate fees, flights and accommodation costs.


4          Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.1       There are no specific equality or good relations implications attached to this report.


5          Recommendations


5.1       It is recommended that that the Chair and Deputy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5d