Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Haire, Hendron, Mac Giolla Mhín and Thompson.





            The minutes of the meeting of 15th March were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 2nd April.



Declarations of Interest


          No declarations of interest were reported.


Support for Sport pdf icon PDF 121 KB


            (Ms. C. Moraghan, Sports Development Officer, attended in connection with these items.)



Review of Support for Sport Scheme


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


          The purpose of this report is to present to Members the revised Support for Sport grant scheme for their approval with a view to implementation from May 2012.



          At the Parks and Leisure Committee meeting on 12th January, 2012, Members requested party briefings on the proposed revision of Support for Sport before approving the scheme.


          The Party briefings took place throughout February and March and the table below summarises the final version of the revised Support for Sport Scheme which takes onboard feedback from Members with regard to the hospitality fund, contingency fund and proposed fund for individuals.


2        Key Issues


          A summary of the present scheme and the key proposed revisions are presented in the following table:



Current Support for Sport Scheme

Proposed revised Support for Sport Scheme


Revised Allocation of Funds

Payment process

Small grants - funding is retrospective on submission of final report and receipts

Funding is 50% up front and 50% on submission of final report and receipts

No change


Funding covers coach education, Kick Start/Try-it events, development competitions and equipment.

Categories will remain the same, however the allocation will be prioritised with the highest percentage going towards coach  education and lowest owards medals/

certificates etc

No change

Support provided

Officers work with clubs to assist with applications

Officers will continue to provide this service

No change


Individuals are not supported

15 high level athletes to be supported by £1000 each



Current Support for Sport Scheme

Proposed revised Support for Sport Scheme


Revised Allocation of Funds


Requests only supported if visitors from outside NI travel to Belfast for event.

Level of support to be staggered. Minimum number of visitors funded: 50

No change


Current allocation £31,000

Reduced to £25,000 and targeted at larger sporting events. £6,000 redirected to Individuals


Application process

Applications submitted hard copy or electronically

Application to be developed for online use.

No change

Reward scheme

No incentive for clubs to develop and provide a quality service. 

Provide a grant for clubs achieving ClubMark Quality standard

No change – to be allocated from overall S4S scheme


Currently £14,000

£9,000 redirected to individuals



Associated with the above proposals are a number of revisions to the allocation of the budget.  There is no increase in total budget proposed, simply a re-distribution of the existing budget as follows (key areas of change are in italics);-


Current Support for Sport Scheme


Revised Support for Sport Scheme

Large Grants


Large Grants


Small Grants


Small Grants


Individual Grants


Individual Grants
















The review has mainly impacted on the following aspects of the scheme:-


§            On-line application/evaluation

§            Advanced payment

§            Hospitality

§            Individuals

§            Clubmark


It is proposed that a management plan will be implemented by the Leisure Development Unit to ensure effective implementation of all changes to the scheme.  It  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Support for Sport Development Grants and Hospitality Applications


            The Committee noted a schedule of Support for Sport applications in relation to small-scale development grants and hospitality applications which had been approved by the Director of Parks and Leisure in accordance with the authority delegated to him.



Active Belfast pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


          At the meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee on 6th December, 2011, the Committee noted the progress the department had made in developing the Active Belfast approach, working alongside the Belfast Health Development Unit (BHDU) and senior officers from the Public Health Agency (PHA), Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT) and Belfast Healthy Cities (BHC).


          The Active Belfast approach is a key strand of the council’s developing Active Belfast and Open Space Strategy.  The work undertaken by Strategic Leisure Limited in 2009 to support the development of the strategic approach identified the need for better partnership working to get more people active more often.


          The establishment of the Active Belfast Partnership as part of the framework for action of the Belfast Strategic Partnership which is chaired by the Director of Parks and Leisure provides a real opportunity to work with key partners in the city to develop joint initiatives and projects to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for people in the city.


          This report summaries the key actions taken between December 2011 and March 2012 and highlights for Members several priority areas for the development of Active Belfast.


2        Key Issues


          Active Belfast Workshop (Stakeholders)


          On Thursday, 16th December, 2011 an Active Belfast workshop was held in Grove Wellbeing Centre. Stakeholders from a range of statutory, community and voluntary organisations were invited to attend.


          The purpose of the workshop was threefold:


·       to bring together key stakeholders in the city involved in the delivery of an Active Belfast

·       to explore strengths and improved ways of working for the future of an Active city

·       to influence the development of an Active Belfast Partnership


          In total 73 delegates attended the workshop representing over 40 different organisations. The key messages fed back from those attending the workshop were:


·       positivity about the commitment shown by the lead partner organisations;

·       a commitment to partnership and joined up working;

·       the need for co-ordination of delivery and promotion of opportunities;

·       a focus on community led change; and

·       the need to pool resources across organisations.


          Partners of Active Belfast


          Following the December workshop senior representatives from a range of organisations linked to the thematic areas of Active Belfast (Active Living, Active Leisure and Active Sport) met to discuss and agree a way forward in improving the co-ordination, promotion and provision of physical activity across the City.


          At this meeting it was agreed that:


·       a partnership would be established to build on the commitment shown by the lead organisations and workshop participants;



·       the partnership would provide a ‘direction of travel’ for physical activity across the City, by identifying key priorities and actions required to increase participation; and

·       the partnership would direct the development and implementation of a citywide physical activity plan.


          Community representatives have also been identified and approached to become partners of Active Belfast.


          Active Belfast planning workshop


          On Thursday, 8th March, 2012 the partners of Active Belfast met to discuss and agree immediate actions, both  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Proposed Nursery School at Cliftonville Playing Fields pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


          At its meeting on 6th February, 2007 the former Parks and Cemeteries Sub-Committee approved the disposal of a total of approximately 1.54 acres of frontage land at Cliftonville Playing Fields to the Bunscoil Bheann Mhadagain for the development of an Irish Medium School.  This included an area of 0.54 acres which was to be jointly used by the school and the Council for vehicle parking and turning.  The scheme at that time also provided for the potential development of a grass Gaelic games pitch on the remainder of the site.  The map shows the proposed site utilisation approved by Committee in 2007.


          The Bunscoil subsequently obtained Outline Planning Approval in February 2009 for development of a primary school, nursery unit and playing field on the Cliftonville Playing Fields site. This replaced a previous similar Outline Permission obtained in 2004.


          The matter however went into abeyance because the Department of Education (DENI) could not commit to the arrangements until their own appraisal processes had been completed and was subject to the availability of funds.  DENI have however continued to consider the original Bunscoil proposal, which includes a nursery unit, and the Council were recently approached by them in relation to disposal of land (by way of a lease and option to purchase) to facilitate


          the nursery unit only at this stage.  The current nursery unit is co-located with the Bunscoil Bheann Mhadagain school at Wyndham Drive/Torrens Crescent, close to Cliftonville Playing Fields.  The aspiration is to have the unit constructed and ready for use by the start of the autumn term in September 2012. DENI also wish to keep alive the prospect of developing a Bunscoil on the site in addition to the nursery unit and whilst they are currently unable to confirm whether the Bunscoil will be able to proceed, they would hope to be able to clarify the position later this year. 


          The current grass pitch at Cliftonville Playing Fields is used by two local Gaelic Clubs. In 2010 the Council installed temporary modular changing accommodation at the south eastern end of the site, fronting the Cliftonville Road.  The approximate position of the modular changing accommodation is shown shaded blue on the map. 


          The development of a 3G Gaelic Games pitch and associated changing accommodation at Cliftonville Playing Fields now forms part of the Council’s Pitches Strategy and following the more recent contact from DENI, Council officers have primarily sought to ensure that use of the existing modular changing accommodation and grass pitch is preserved until the commencement of any site works associated with the 3G pitch development.  In addition officers have sought to ensure that the 3G pitch development is not in any way prejudiced by any short or longer term proposals being made by DENI. 


          The current proposals by DENI are based on a phased Masterplan approach with the initial phase being the nursery unit only with access and parking; but with a Phase 2 envisaging the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Tropical Ravine - Award of Heritage Lottery Grant pdf icon PDF 99 KB


            The Committee considered a report in relation to the progress achieved in connection with the award of a Heritage Lottery Grant which had been submitted in relation to capital works to the Tropical Ravine at the Botanic Gardens site.  The Director informed the Committee that the application, which was for a grant of £2,231,900 towards a total project cost of £3,761,900, had been successful in getting through the first stage process when considered by the Heritage Lottery Fund’s National Board on 27th March, 2012.  In addition, the Committee noted that the Heritage Lottery Fund had awarded the Council a development grant of £115,000 in order to progress the development phase of the Council’s application which would be completed within a six to nine month period for submission to the Heritage Lottery Fund for final consideration.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the contents of the report and agreed that a letter be forwarded to staff within the Department expressing the Committee’s appreciation for their efforts to secure funding in this regard.



St Patrick's Day Operations in Parks pdf icon PDF 96 KB


            The Committee noted a report in relation to the actions and activities which had been undertaken over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend and Bank Holiday in order to keep the Council’s Parks and Leisure spaces safe and free of anti-social behaviour.  In addition, the Committee agreed that those staff and partners associated with the operations be forwarded letters of thanks and congratulations for their efforts thereon.



Summer Schemes 2012 pdf icon PDF 91 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Relevant Background Information


          Each year, summer schemes are organised in leisure centres providing a programme of sporting and play activities to young people over the months of July and August.


          The Council’s Community Services offer grant funding in support of summer activity programmes, to the voluntary community sector, subject to established qualifying criteria.


2.       Key issues/events


          Leisure Services provide quality play, recreation and sporting opportunities for the children of Belfast over the summer holiday period.


          Free use of swimming pools has been offered in recent years to those community groups which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding from Community Services, subject to availability.


          Free entrance to the zoo has also been offered to children participating in Leisure Services Summer Schemes and concessionary entrance fees are offered to community groups which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding from Community Services, subject to availability.


          Free entrance to the Adventurous playground has also been offered to children participating in Belfast City Council Leisure Centre summer schemes, and free entrance before noon for community group schemes which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding from Community Services, subject to availability.


          During 2012 it is intended to pilot a “breakfast club” scheme within four centres, Avoniel, Olympia, Whiterock and Shankill in order to further enhance our service provision. If approved this pilot will make schemes within the designated centres available from 08.30 a.m. and will aim to facilitate parents / guardians wishing to book children in at earlier times. It is proposed that a fee of £2 is levied for this additional provision. £2 is proportionate to the overall charge associated with the scheme.


          Since opening in 2008 the summer scheme at GWBC has sold all allocated spaces within three hours of tickets being made available.


          Feedback from customers has resulted in a number of minor procedural adjustments being implemented relating to the booking process. To help address this issue it is recommended that for 2012 parents / guardians booking for the scheme at GWBC are permitted to book a child for a maximum of any four weeks out of the five which the scheme


          is in operation for. This will, based upon analysis undertaken in 2010, make an additional 100 days immediately available for re-allocation and should assist in addressing concerns raised by a number of customers regarding availability.


          All users of Belfast City Council leisure centres benefit from a subsidised service, funded through the rates.  To support accessibility to holiday schemes it is recommended that the first day of holiday scheme enrolment is prioritised for Belfast residents only, and the second day onwards is targeted towards both Belfast and non Belfast residents.


          Parks and Leisure Department are also currently working with other council departments to better align all summer intervention schemes.


3.       Resource Implications




          An allowance of £86,287 is allocated within revenue budgets to support holiday schemes in leisure centres with an anticipated £40,000 projected to be received in income from summer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Connswater Community Greenway - Revised Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report in relation to the revised structure which had been approved by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 23rd March, in relation to the governance arrangements for the Connswater Community Greenway.





Development Plan for Falls Park and City Cemetery pdf icon PDF 82 KB


            The Committee noted a report in relation to the development plan for the improvement of the Falls Park, the City Cemetery and surrounding area which was being progressed in association with the Friends of Falls Park.



Revisions to the Boost Membership Scheme pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


          At the meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee in December 2011 Members agreed the principles for a revision of the Boost Leisure Centre membership scheme. 


          At the December meeting the Assistant Director informed the Committee that the Council did not currently provide any Member or staff membership unlike a number of other councils.  It was agreed that Members and staff should be encouraged to participate in healthy active living and to use the Council’s leisure facilities.   It was also noted that this membership would provide an additional income stream for the Council.


2        Key Issues


          Member / Officer tariff


          Officers have benchmarked across more than 10 other Councils in N Ireland, Scotland where a range of reduced rates are in operation.  Based on the information available and the desire to promote an active and healthy lifestyle to staff and Members, it is proposed that the existing concessionary rate of £12.00 be extended to Members and Belfast City Council officers.


          It is proposed that this reduced rate will apply to permanent and fixed term council staff both on a full and part time basis. It is also intended that the offer will apply to full and part time agency employees who have been in their council role for 12 successive weeks.


          Re-validation of the status of staff will be required on a six monthly basis. This will ensure that the integrity of the offer is maintained and that any issues arising can be addressed.


          Tennis and Table Tennis tariff


          The scale of charges for indoor leisure agreed by Council at its March Meeting had indicated that Tennis and Table Tennis were to be charged at £4.00 per 30 minutes for full paying customers. This was an oversight. The rate is intended to be £4 per 60 minutes.


          Ozone Climbing Course Charges


          During the process of reassessing pricing for 2012-13 it was decided to recommend an activity price of £5 per 90 minutes of coached activity in relation to climbing lessons. Following reflection and customer feedback it is proposed to reduce this price to £4 per 90 minutes of coached climbing activity. This amendment will result in an increased income of 20% based upon 2011-12 pricing and will assist the centre in promoting and developing  this popular activity.


          School Swimming, Price Banding


          An amendment was introduced in order to assist schools with budgeting in relation to the cost of children’s lessons. The intention was to create a suite of standard price bands that schools would be aware of in advance of lessons therefore a small increase / decrease in children attending lessons would result in the levy not being altered.  Feedback from schools has indicated that this approach will not suit all users.


          Therefore, while it is proposed that the school swimming banding is retained in order that further awareness sessions can be conducted with appropriate teachers and that developments to this option can be considered. However, it is also proposed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Tenders for the Procurement of Supplies and Services pdf icon PDF 102 KB


            The Director of Parks and Leisure sought and was granted authority to instigate tendering exercises in relation to the undernoted items:



Potential Annual Cost/Revenue


Repair and Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Plant and Equipment



Demand led, call off contract



Hire of Miscellaneous Grounds Maintenance Services


Demand led, call off contract


Supply of Pitch Drainage works


Demand led, call off contract

Supply and Delivery of Print Service for Parks and Leisure


£25,000 per annum - for a period of three years, with the option to renew for a further year


Provision of a Window Cleaning Service  (Belfast Castle, Malone House, Belfast  Zoo, Crematorium and Leisure Centres)


£20,000 per annum - for a period of three years, with the option to renew for a further year






Potential Annual Cost/Revenue


Architectural and associated design services to Royal Institute of British Architects Design Development



£69,960 per annum - for a period of three years, with the option to renew for a further year


Professional Fees Integrated Conservation Management planning


£30,900 per annum - for a period of three years, with the option to renew for a further year


Professional Fees Audience Development and Interpretive planning


£15,000 per annum - for a period of three years, with the option to renew for a further year

Professional Fees Botanical expertise


£12,000 per annum - for a period of three years, with the option to renew for a further year


            The Committee noted that all tenders would be evaluated on both cost and quality and that contracts would be awarded to the most economically advantageous tenders submitted.




Commonwealth War Graves Request pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


            (Ms. J. Wilson, Business Support Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Business Support Manager reported that correspondence had been received by the Cemeteries Office from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission indicating that twenty-four graves within the Council’s facilities had been afforded war grave status.  Ten of those graves were located within the City Cemetery and fourteen within the Glenalina plot, some of which were unmarked or contained family memorials.


            She stated that the Commission was seeking permission to lay or erect standard war pattern type headstones at the head of those identified graves and had undertaken to cover any future costs in connection with upkeep or removal.  In addition, the Commission had submitted proposals to replace or refurbish the existing Memorial Screen Wall at the City Cemetery and had requested that a memorial be erected in relation to three servicemen at the Shankill Memorial Gardens.  The organisation would cover the costs of any associated works or future upkeep of those memorials.


            The Business Support Manager stated that the Comission had requested also that the Council waive its fees in relation to those works, which would result in a loss of income of £4,068.  Accordingly, she recommended that the Committee agree:


(i)          to authorise the War Commission to place headstones at graves identified within the City Cemetery, including the Glenalina section;


(ii)         to waive memorial fees in connection with those graves identified;


(iii)       subject to further information and the completion of legal agreements, authorise the refurbishment or replacement of the Memorial Screen Wall at the City Cemetery; and


(iv)       subject to the Council’s agreement regarding location, the erection of a memorial at the Shankill Memorial Gardens.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Sculpture at Botanic Gardens pdf icon PDF 94 KB


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of a report in relation to the erection of a sculpture at the Botanic Gardens to enable further information and costs to be obtained.



Glasgow Rose Trials 2012 pdf icon PDF 85 KB


            The Director reported that the Glasgow Rose Trials would be held during the period from 23rd till 24th August and that the event was acknowledged as an integral part of the international rose trial circuit.  The Council had been invited to participate by Glasgow City Council in trial judging and participation at the event would enable joint learning and the discussion of future developments.  He reported that costs associated with attendance at the event would be £370 per person and he recommended that the Committee authorise the attendance of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director of Parks and Leisure (or their nominees).


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation and authorised the payment of the appropriate travel and subsistence allowances in connection therewith.



Blue Peters Big Olympic Tour - Filming of BBC Drama pdf icon PDF 96 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.   Relevant Background Information


      Blue Peter Olympic LIVE Tour


      The Blue Peter Olympic LIVE tour is an exciting opportunity for BBC Children’s TV (CBBC) fans to get up close and personal with one of their favourite programmes. Blue Peter and BBC Learning will produce a live outdoor broadcast event opening up a bespoke Blue Peter set at nine locations near the Olympic torch relay route. Ormeau Park is the proposed Belfast location for one of the Blue Peter events.



      It is proposed that on the morning of the event there will be a Blue Peter live outdoor broadcast with an invited audience. After the programme is broadcast the set will then open up to host up to 5,000 children and their families. Audiences attending will get the opportunity to see presenters and learn more about the programme. They will also get the chance to take part in shows and participate in hands on activities designed to inspire interest in the upcoming Olympics games.


      The event set up will take place on the 2nd of June from approximately 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. Set up will begin on 1st June and take down will take place immediately after the event. It is anticipated that there will be no disruption to the Ozone Recreation Centre during the setup for the event.  This is a free event open to the public. 


      BBC Drama Series


      BBC requested use of Victoria Park in the filming of a new five part thriller ‘The Fall’ set in Belfast. The filming took place on Wednesday 4th April with delegated authority granted by the Director of Parks and Leisure.


2.   Key Issues


·        This provides opportunities to raise the profile of Belfast City Councils Parks and Leisure Department and showcase Ormeau Park and Victoria to a wide audience.


·        The Blue Peter event requires the overnight use of the area around the Ozone to house staging and production equipment.


·        As with all events but particularly because of the overnight element to this event, it is essential that Health and Safety and security issues are addressed through the preparation of an event management plan by the event organiser to the satisfaction of Council Officers and the PSNI.


·        The organisers of the event may require the use of the facilities within the Ozone Recreation Centre during the event which may have cost implications and impact on regular users of the centre.


·        There may be potential need to reinstate grass areas used for the setting up of staging and production equipment.


3.   Resource Implications




      Organisers will cover the following costs:


·        Fees for the use of the sites and Leisure Centre

·        Costs to cover Leisure and Parks staff hours including overtime

·        Additional utility costs

·        Cost of ground reinstatement

·        Potential loss of revenue from other bookings


      Human Resources


      Additional staffing costs may be incurred




      Any damage to the assets during use will be reinstated to the Council’s satisfaction by the organisers.


4.   Equality and good relations implications


      Potential  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Refurbishment of the Dunville and Woodvale Parks pdf icon PDF 89 KB


            The Committee noted a report in relation to the progress which had been achieved in respect of the refurbishment of the Dunville and Woodvale Parks.



Mary Peters' Track pdf icon PDF 91 KB


            The Committee noted the contents of a report on the current progress in relation to the refurbishment of the Mary Peters’ Track and noted also planning approval had now been received.  In addition, six tenders had been received and evaluated and preliminary meetings had been held with the successful contractor.  It was anticipated that the track would be ready to use by March 2013, with a practical completion date of 16th January, 2013 for the works.



Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland - Centenary Celebrations pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted that correspondence had been received from the County Grand Lodge of Ireland indicating that it wished to withdraw its request for the use of Council’s parks sites for a planned event on 29th September.